Tag Archives: Spirit

The Visitation

Imagine if we were filled with the Holy Spirit to prompt us when we were in His presence, in the body of someone else! Continue reading

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Do We Know Each Other?

May God bless us all as we work together for His greater glory and to make Him KNOWN to all. Continue reading

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Send Your Spirit, Lord

Send your Spirit upon me that I may speak your words and lead all souls to You. Continue reading

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Advent JOY

We check off our lists and take care of last minute details. It is a perfect time to check our spiritual preparation list also. Continue reading

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Prayer: Jesus, Send Your Spirit

Guardian Angel, serve to protect this lowly servant from the evils that would prevail. Continue reading

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Partnership For Life

In partnership with God and His Holy Spirit, we step forward in confidence to be creative and live our life with passion. Continue reading

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Reflected Glory

“All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory.”  2 Corinthians 3:18 … Continue reading

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Relentless Pursuit

When God seeks us, we can run but we can’t hide. Continue reading

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The Spirit Of Freedom

Let us pray that the Lord’s Spirit remains strong in each of us, and thereby in our nation.
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Spirit Hot-line

The Holy Spirit is a direct hot-line to heaven. Continue reading

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