Jesus, My Lord, My Shepherd, never let me say or do anything to lead your sheep astray. Never let me betray this trust you have so lovingly placed in me. By the love of your Sacred Heart within me help me to be a force of love and praise, a force of mercy and forgiveness in your army of eternal salvation. Never let me forsake you in what is mine to do, ever leading souls home to our God and Father. Amen. (Journey Through The Stillness, July 11, 2010)
It is my greatest desire to lead lost souls to Jesus, My Lord, My Shepherd. I ever pray that I will never lead anyone astray or presume that I deserve any credit for what Jesus does through me.
I remain humbled and in awe. I remain one of His sheep. I invite you to be also. I am no priest, minister, nun, or saint. I am a lay person entrusted with a message of Truth, a message of Life. I have been commanded to share His Love that others might know Him fully; that others might know and understand His sacrifice for them. His arms are open wide. His mercy and forgiveness are endless. You cannot escape Him unless you make a conscious choice to do so. Look in your heart, He is there… waiting.