Lurking Noahs

690px-Noah's_Ark_003“Yahweh saw that human wickedness was great on earth and that human hearts contrived nothing but wicked schemes all day long.”  Genesis 6:5

     In Genesis, chapter 6, we learn that God was very disillusioned with mankind.  He regretted making us!  He planned to rid the earth of all living creatures.  The evils of those days cannot be any more evil than those of today!  So what must God be thinking now?

     We are here today because of one righteous man, Noah.  Noah found favor with God.  Noah walked in faith with God, and also raised his family to do so.  Because God was pleased with Noah, He commanded him to build the Ark for his family and other living creatures.  Noah faithfully carried out God’s wishes even at great hardship and cost to him and his family.  Can’t you just imagine the ridicule that Noah’s family must have suffered from the community.  That Ark wasn’t something that could be easily hidden or kept secret!  People must have thought Noah was a lunatic, and probably kept a safe distance between him and them.  Don’t you wonder what they thought when the flood came?

     In today’s world it is somehow easy to see evil and do nothing about it, to see evil and think it doesn’t affect us.  We have become a people of complacency.  Little by little we are exposed to things which we know to be wrong.  We slowly begin to accept them as a normal part of lives.  If we aren’t doing it ourselves, it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t touch us personally.  We become desensitized.  Then, before we realize it, the boundaries have stretched.  What once was too far out there has now become mainstream.  And now seems impossible to corral, to reign in, to put a stop to.

     We wonder what one person can do?  The answer is Noah.  We can be Noah.  Be that righteous, faithful one who walks with God.  Set example for others to follow.  Because God was pleased with Noah, He used him to save mankind from extinction; one righteous man!  As we find favor with God, He will strengthen us, He will embolden us to fight against the evils of today, whether they be on a large scale, such as abortion, world poverty, and tyranny, or on a smaller scale, such as cheating in our places of employment, prejudices within our communities, or lying within our own social circles.  Maybe our field of operations is to be within our own family.  Evil is lurking everywhere, but so are Noahs! 

     Each of us has an inner Noah that needs to be awakened, rekindled, or fired up.  God has to be sickened by the human wickedness of today, and so should we.  Build an Ark of righteousness around your family and friends, and set sail out into the world as an example for all.

     Find your inner Noah, and find favor with God.

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Food For Thought

St Peter's Basilica, 2011

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy, 2011

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”  Galatians 5:22-24 

     Today, as food for thought, I am going to share an entry from one of my favorite daily devotionals, God Calling, A Devotional Diary edited by A.J. Russell.  I have read daily in this beautiful book for well over ten years now.  The book is very dear to me because it is written by two women, suffering illness and financial burden, who prayed together daily and were led to write what they considered to be messages from Our Lord.  The messages have helped to shape my personal, joyful spiritual outlook and desire to be all that I can be for Him.

April 29 – Disharmony

     Seek and ye shall find.  Shall find that inner knowledge that makes the problems of life plain. 

     The difficulties of life are caused by disharmony in the individual.  There is no discord in My Kingdom, only a something unconquered in My disciples.  The rule of My Kingdom is perfect order, perfect harmony, perfect supply, perfect love, perfect honest, perfect obedience–all power, all conquest, all success.

     But so often My servants lack power, conquest, success, supply, harmony, and think I fail in My promises because these are not manifested in their lives.

     These are but the outward manifestations that result from the obedience, honesty, order, love–and they come, not in answer to urgent prayer, but naturally as light results from a lighted candle.

     It is very hard for us to to hear that we live in disharmony, even chaos, as a direct result of our own actions or inactions.  We like to think that these things, these problems, are totally out of our control.  We do not like to take ownership of our actions and inactions, because it naturally follows that we could change our circumstances.

     Jesus tells us that in His Kingdom the natural order, the Divine Order of things is one of perfect harmony and, that when we are aligned with Divine Order, we are in perfect harmony also.  And, just as a lighted candle produces light, faithfulness and obedience naturally produce order in our lives.

     Do not blame your lack, your chaos, on God.  Examine your life and see where you are not in alignment with Him.  Correct that and you will begin to see the fruits of His Divine Order.  You will begin to live in perfect harmony, and perfect love.

     As I said at the beginning, food for thought.  Seek and ye shall find.

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Prayer Routine

Melozzo's Angels on display in Vatican. Taken by Martha McDuff Wiggins, 2012

Melozzo’s Angels on display in Vatican. Taken by Martha McDuff Wiggins, 2012


Today I am sharing a prayer I often begin my morning prayer routine with.  I hope you enjoy, and use it too. (Author Unknown)


Dear Lord Jesus,  I need You.  I can’t live the Christian life by myself.  When I try to do that, my struggle ends in failure and defeat.  I need You to take over my life and live Your life through me.  I believe that You died on the cross for my sins, and You rose from the dead to bring me new life.  I am sorry for all my sins.  Please forgive me.  I forgive anyone who has ever offended me.  I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord.  I turn over my whole life, every detail of my life to You.  Take control of my life.  Help me to be the kind of person You want me to be.

Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.  Please send Your Holy Spirit upon me to fill me with love for the Father and for You and to guide and direct me in everything I do and say.  I ask this in Your name.  Jesus Christ my Lord.  Amen.

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The Power Of Prayer

Statue of Mary at Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken 2011

Statue of Mary at Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken 2011

“Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and my plea, O Lord my God.  Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you today.”  1 Kings 8:28

Prayer is powerful.  Prayer has the ability to transform any situation.  When in prayer, our hearts and minds are linked with God.  One with God, we are empowered mentally, physically, and spiritually.

When we feel sad, depressed, or lonely, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to renew us.

When we feel frightened, or insecure, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to calm our fears.

When we feel empty, or drained of our power, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to energize us.

When we feel lost, or without direction in life, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to enlighten us.

When we suffer great loss, pain, or injury, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to heal us.

When  we feel peace, love, or joy in our life, it is time to pray.  Prayer has the power to endear us to God.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7

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Commit Me To Thy Ends

Ruins at Corinth, Greece, 2012, taken by Martha Wiggins

Ruins at Corinth, Greece, 2012, taken by Martha Wiggins

“Then Moses said to the Israelites, ‘See, the LORD has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills– to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts.  And he has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.  He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers– all of them skilled workers and designers.”  Exodus 35:30-35

     Not knowing what is expected of us, or how we can accomplish His work, can at times be unsettling.  We begin to doubt we have what it takes, or wonder why He would ask us to do a particular thing when it would never have occurred to us in the first place.  It is in these instances we often turn and walk away.  Instead of just walking away, try this prayer asking Him for the wisdom, confidence, and talent to accomplish His work…

Mar 23, 2010 -(Journey Through The Stillness) O, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus within me, lead me in what is mine to do.  Let the beat within be strong and the longing ache ever constant, lest I forget.  Grant me the wisdom, confidence, and talent to accomplish your work through whatever means You request.  O, Most Holy Savior, grant that those souls, who for whatever reason might not otherwise receive it, may receive your saving grace through your most merciful and loving Sacred Heart.  O, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus beating within me, commit me to thy ends and ask of me all that thy wish.  Your mercy and grace shall be my salvation.  Amen.  (As I am writing this prayer my heart has been physically aching, serving as a reminder that He is within.)

     Commit yourself to Him allowing Him to work His wonders in and through you.  He will not disappoint.

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Prayer Of Faith

St Peter's Basilica Statuary, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

St Peter’s Basilica Statuary, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

I love this prayer written by Hannah More Kohaus (1745-1833).  It is a great prayer to hang on the refrigerator or in your office cubicle to help maintain a positive outlook.  I also think this would be fantastic to stick on the inside cover of your child’s notebook.  If you read one of my previous posts entitled, “The Black and White Horse Behind Those Trees,”  you will understand when I say this would have worked wonderful in the car with my children on the way to school each morning!  If you haven’t read it, it can be viewed in the archives and was posted 02/07/2011.

Prayer of Faith by Hannah More Kohaus

God is my help in every need;
God does my every hunger feed;
God walks beside me, guides my way
Through every moment of this day.

I now am wise, I now am true,
Patient and kind, and loving, too;
All things I am, can do, and be,
Through Christ the Truth, that is in me.

God is my health, I can’t be sick;
God is my strength, unfailing, quick;
God is my all, I know no fear,
Since God and Love and Truth are here.

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Lord, You Are The Source

Saint Paul Outside the Walls, Italy, 2011

Saint Paul Outside the Walls, Italy, 2011

“for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”  Philippians 2:13

Lord, You are The Source.

     Forgive me, Lord, when I turn away from all that You offer because it seems too hard.  Forgive me when I ignore You because it is easier, or simpler not to act than to act.

     Thank You, Lord, for all that You are in my life, for all that you continue to offer.  Grant me courage and strength to act. 

I ask this in your loving name, Lord, The Source from whom all blessings flow.

     Sometimes we do more harm by our inactions than by our actions.  Sometimes it is a greater sin not to act.  Is He calling you, leading you to something that is hard for you?  Are you ignoring Him?  If you ask, He will give you courage and strength.  He is The Source.

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Lord, You Are The Guardian Of Time

Lord, You are the Guardian of Time.

Forgive me, Lord, for time wasted, for time spent in frivolous pursuits, or sinful actions.  Forgive me for time wasted in nothingness.

Thank you, Lord, for being my destiny who will stand firm even at the end of time.

   We all waste time.  A little time wasting is necessary, especially when it involves much needed rest and relaxation, but then it is not really wasted.  It is time wasted at the expense of fruitful pursuits that is sinful, such as time spent in unholy activities, or time that could otherwise be spent in spiritual growth. 

     Time is a gift from God.  Time is life, and God is our timekeeper.  Wasting our gift of time is not a good option.

Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)

Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)

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The Sum Of The Moments

Ephesus, Turkey taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Ephesus, Turkey taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

“And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11

Today’s post is an entry from my Journey Through The Stillness. (My personal spiritual journal.) It is from 2011 and the first entry just after my first trip to Rome, Greece, and Turkey.  The most important message I came away with? We are here now, in this moment in history. It is our time to live… moment by moment.

June 14, 2011 – I enter The Stillness not quite sure of what to expect after being away. I ask if He is there, prefacing it with, “Lord, I really need to know for sure. Are You there?” Once in The Stillness, Jesus tilts my face up to Him and says, “Child, child. I have given you many seeds of knowledge while you traveled. Though you were unaware, many will come to light as you go forward. The seeds are planted, the wisdom will come with time, and as needed. The first one you have already discerned is about the moments. Do not fret or worry about the rest. Live IN Me, in each moment, in Peace, Love, and Joy. Remember, the moments are Life. It is the sum of the moments that add up to Eternal Life. It is only necessary to live each moment one at a time, regardless of the moment before, regardless of the moment to come. The present moment is the One you have.  I, and The Father, are present in each.  So Live, So Love.”

(Personal thoughts- On my trip to Rome, Greece, and Turkey, my prayer life and routine were totally thrown off balance. While I was not aware of an imparting of any wisdom to me at the time, I did have a continual inner hunger to see, to know, to understand many of the very moving, faith-filled, holy places I visited. I came away with a sense of connection in Spirit to all that has gone before me; a connection to the continuation of all that is God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. I await with excited anticipation the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that is to come. I await to serve Him as only He knows I can.)

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Repeated Lesson

Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 2011, taken by Martha Wiggins

Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 2011, taken by Martha Wiggins

“Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying: ‘This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Go and tell the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘Will you not learn a lesson and obey my words?” … “But I have spoken to you again and again, yet you have not obeyed me.”  Jeremiah 35:12-13, 14 

     Today I am sharing an entry from Journey Through The Stillness. (My personal spiritual journal shared publicly on facebook.)

March 23, 2011 – Today I come to you, Lord, broken.  I am mentally and physically worn out.  It seems that I am destined, that you are determined, to repeat a lesson for me over and over again.  I learn once again that there is NO ONE to whom I can turn, NO ONE to whom I can run, other than You.  Only You know my inner most parts.  Only You know my heart.  Only You know my fear.  Only You know me as I truly am.  Take me into Your loving arms, Lord.  Wipe away my tears and cast out all my doubt and fears.  Make me whole, complete in Your sight.  Leave me never, for I will fail miserably.  I am Thine, and Thine I wish to be.

     This was a time period with many doctors appointments and disappointments.  Sometimes our difficulties serve to bring us to our knees, and in doing so, deepen our relationship with our Lord.  There is no one else who knows us as He does.  Hopefully, we learn our lessons quickly so as not to repeat them over and over again.

     If you are continually repeating mistakes, or going through the same difficulties again and again, ask Him what He is trying to tell you.  It might simply be that He wants you to turn to Him for the help you need.  To let go and let God!  Often, it is when we give up and lay it at His feet, that the difficulty resolves itself or goes away.  If not, He at least gives us strength to endure.

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