Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38
Selfishness is a learned trait usually beginning at a very young age when we have something we want taken from us. While selfishness is learned, giving is actually an innate quality. Most of us enjoy giving. We enjoy the personal rewards reaped from making someone else happy. We are prepared to give, but are we prepared to receive?
If we have a selfish, self-centered nature we claw and grab for what we can get. Our goal is the gift itself. If we have a giving, selfless nature we wait quietly, patiently for our rewards. There is a certain art to receiving graciously. When we receive a gift graciously, our focus is on the giver, not the gift. Our goal is to make the giver feel good, to feel as if they have greatly pleased us.
A selfish giver seeks to make him or herself look good for the act of giving, or for the actual gift given. A selfless giver seeks to bring genuine joy to the recipient. When selfless givers and receivers get together there is true celebrating for they are actually celebrating each other. Peace, Love, and Joy abound! And that is the true spirit of Christmas!
In Jesus we have the most perfect gift of all. God Our Father sends His only Son that we might live forever in Eternity with Him. He sends His Son to be Light to the whole world. He gives His Son to each of us selflessly. Are we prepared to receive Him selflessly? Are we prepared to give ourselves to Him selflessly in return?
This Christmas let us each seek to be both a selfless giver and a selfless receiver. Peace, Love, and Joy to each of you!
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