Chicken Or The Egg?

 “Through Him all things came into being, and apart from Him nothing came to be.  Whatever came to be in Him, found life, life for the light of men.”  John 1:3-4

     As promised, I am going to try to prove the answer to the age old question; Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 

     One day, as I was reading in my devotional and inspirational materials, I happened upon a scripture verse.  I don’t know why it made me think of the chicken and the egg, but I stopped and read it again.  I read it over and over again.  I thought this is so simple!  Does it really answer the question that has plagued man for so long? 

     The debate always seems to live on.  Did the chicken come first and lay the egg, thereby hatching more chickens?  Or, was there an egg that hatched the first chicken?  Most believe there is no real answer to the question.  I do believe I stumbled onto the truth that day in my readings.  The following Bible verse leaves no doubt in my mind.  “So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animial  of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. – Genesis 2:19

     To go a step farther, let us look at the story of Noah and the Ark.  Still, in Genesis 7:3, we see the birds Noah was asked to bring onto the Ark, “likewise, of every clean bird of the air, seven pairs, a male and a female, and of all the unclean birds, one pair, a male and a female.  Thus you will keep their issue alive over all the earth.”  We also learn, in Genesis 7:21, what happened to those not taken on the Ark, “All creatures that stirred on earth perished: birds, cattle, wild animals, and all that swarmed on the earth, as well as all mankind.”

     With all living things not on the Ark wiped off the earth, we know that the birds on the ark were the new beginning.  They weren’t eggs, they were birds!  To recap all of this in my own words, in the beginning God created every animal and bird, not eggs.  He then wiped out all and began again with the real deal, the bird, not the egg.  In my book that makes twice!  The chicken came first, twice!

     This is all just for fun.  I just wanted to lighten up the mood to start out our New Year!  Even so, I do believe all of the above!  Isn’t it amazing what we discover in the Bible when we open our hearts and minds?  Happy New Year everyone!   


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A Resolution, Or A Plan?

“You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will search for me.  And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!”  Jeremiah 29:12-13

     To seek Him; do we really know what it means to seek Him?  Webster’s Dictionary defines seek as to look for; to try to get.  Seems simple enough, and it is.  The key phrase here is ‘with all your heart’.  There are certain characteristics, or attributes, which are essential to search with all your heart. 

  • First, is to be open to –  This involves both the senses and the mind.  To be open to something, one must first believe it possible.  Believe.  Pray:  “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”  Mark 9:24
  • Second, is to be aware of –  This means to be alert, to be attentive; to pay attention to details.  How often do we miss something important because we weren’t paying close enough attention?  “From this time forward I make you hear new things, hidden things that you have not known.”  Isaiah 48:6,  and also, “Incline your ear, and come unto Me; hear and your soul shall live.”  Isaiah 55:3       
  • Third is to anticipate –  Anticipate means to expect, to regard as probable, to hope.  It also means to trust in the outcome, to have faith in.  We continue to seek because we expect good results.  Anticipate; await in trust.  “Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness.”  2 Corinthians 3:12 
  • Fourth is to greet –  When we greet, we go forward to welcome with a smile.  We relish the idea of what is to come.  We eagerly seek Him.  “Taste and see the goodness of The Lord.”  Psalm 34:8 
  • Last, is to question –  We ask when, where, what, why, and how?  We ask in order to discover, to understand, to know.  Knowledge is power.  “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you.”  James 1:5

     Each of the above attributes is an actual quality innate in all of us.  We must, however, cultivate and nourish them with use!  We must actually set out to seek Him with all our heart.  

     We don’t need a resolution; we need a plan.  Personally I have found it helps to have a plan.  I create a personal mission statement for the year, and check in on it from time to time to see how I am doing; if I am accomplishing my goals.  The first mission statement was for 2010: “To add stillness to my prayer time becoming more infused with God, that I may heed His voice to live according to His plan within my financial means; to share His love for all through my joyful spirit; and to use my creative talents to reflect His Glory.” 

     I can’t begin to describe all the changes and accomplishments that came about as a result.  I have grown, and been stretched by Him, in wonderful, exciting, and a little bit scary, ways.  My public, personal spiritual journal entitled “Journey Through The Stillness” and shared on facebook, and my new website and blog at  are just two of the major happenings.  I have decided to tweak the statement for the coming year …

My 2011 Personal Mission Statement:  To continue time in prayer and stillness before God, discerning what is mine to do, that I may live within His plan for my life spiritually, physically, and financially; to discover and develop fully my creative talents, that I may share His love joyfully and reflect His Glory to all.

   Do you have a plan?  Do you seek Him with all your heart?  When you do, you will find Him. 

    If you are interested in creating a mission statement for yourself, here is the link that got me started:

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The Christmas Message

  “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”   Psalm 133:1

     I am hoping everyone had a joyful and blessed Christmas.  As I write this particular post it is Thursday evening, December 23rd.  My Christmas awaits, a beautiful gift as yet unwrapped.  I am with my husband and son.  We are awaiting the arrival of my daughter and her husband tonight, and then my other son in the morning.  For me, this is Christmas, this is my gift.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love, both given and received. 

     The gift giving celebration of Christmas morning is only a small part of our time spent together.  While that will be fun and filled with love, the meals and conversations we share will be even more rewarding.  We will attend Christmas Eve Mass as a family, my 92 year old Dad included, where we will relive the Christmas Story; where we will  pray together for one another and for all on earth.  Afterwards, we will share a very special meal together.  Christmas Day our gathering with family and friends will bring even more love and a warm glow into our home.  This is Christmas for me.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love shared.

     The presents are all wrapped, but there is still much food preparation to be done.  My daughter will help me.  We enjoy each other and we make a good team!  My sons will banter with each other and with their Dad.  They will one up each other as much as possible!  They will fuss when I ask them to help, but will do so.  They will tease me relentlessly and I will laughingly protest!  I will feel extra tugs at my heart watching my husband enjoy our children.  This is Christmas for me.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love cherished. 

     I believe this IS the message of Christmas.  It is a message of love, love freely given and received.   I also believe He has called upon me to put His message forth in a simple way.  Because I have a simple Faith I share a simple Faith.  It is so simple all can understand it and relate it to their own lives.  It is so simple it is hard to ignore, hard to miss the message.  Sometimes we make it all more complicated than it is.

     The true message of Christmas is simple.  It is the message of Love: to be Loved and share Love.  My Christmas awaits me.  It will be filled with simple Love,  it will be filled with His Love.

     An aside just before publication:  My Christmas was all I hoped it would be.  Jesus came into my heart and allowed me to feel and share His love with my own loved ones.  I couldn’t have asked for more!

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Because There Was No Room For Them

“She gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the place where travelers lodged.”  Luke 2:7

     Today’s post is an entry from “Journey Through The Stillness”, my personal spiritual journal that I have been sharing on facebook since the start of 2010.  I am sharing it now because I know most will get quite busy over the next few days and probably won’t be checking in as often.  I hope it touches your heart and brings you a little closer to Him.  God bless, and Merry Christmas to all!

June 18, 2010 – We are going for a walk again today.  I find myself walking alongside Jesus down dusty, dirty, crowded streets in the town of Bethlehem.  As we go along I begin to smell the stench of animal feces mixed with the scent of hay, and an earthy odor that makes my nose burn.  At the end of the street we are facing a crude stable area up against a rocky formation.  Now the stench is almost overwhelming.  We walk up to one of the stables.  It is mostly under the overhang of the rocks, but a small thatched roof extends out beyond, supported by two cut tree limbs.  There are limbs and branches forming a makeshift fence from the rock wall out to the support limbs and across the front.  There is an opening in the middle, and there is a rope across the opening.  Inside the stable are a couple of very old milking cows, a goat, and a couple of sheep.  Looking along the row of stables I can see that each one is pretty much the same.  There are dogs running around and barking loudly.  Jesus looks at me and says, “I wanted you to see where I had my start into the human journey I was sent to traverse.”  It is hard to look my Risen Lord in the eye at this moment so I just stare into the filthy little stable.  He says, “Mary wanted some clean hay to birth and then set me upon.  There wasn’t any.  Joseph tried to dig through for the cleanest, but in the end, they had to make do with hay that had been soiled with animal saliva and excrement.  At times Mary was overwhelmed by the stench and was want to faint, but Joseph pressed her to his robe that she might breathe a familiar smell.  There wasn’t any clean water, either, Martha.  Only the trough water, which Joseph wanted to heat over a fire, but things were happening too fast.  There wasn’t time.  Joseph could see and feel Mary’s pain.  He knew her wishes for their newborn son and he could not provide.  He prayed to The Father for all to be over quickly.  It was, but then there were new concerns.  I needed to be kept safe and warm.  Warm he could handle; safe was an entirely different issue.”  I still do not want to look at Him, but I do.  He is looking lovingly at me.  He says, “Everyone wants the nice, sweet story of my birth.  It was far from sweet, Martha, but filled with LOVE.”

     And here is the entry from yesterday that completes the story:

December 20, 2010- A star is shining so brightly above me that I can barely open my eyes to see.  I am there, at the stable.  Jesus is cradled in the hay.  My Lord says, “See my child, my Son, whom I love with a love no human being can even begin to fathom. I would shower Him with all that is good at His birth, but it would not serve mankind for Him to be in Kingly circumstances.  For the sake of the world this is how it must be.  My Son, my child.  Watch over Him.  Love Him.  He is my gift to you and all men.  Remember, daughter, you are my child also.  Seek to learn ALL that this means. Seek to do ALL that I ask, and ALL will be yours.”

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The Visitation

“Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb.”  Luke 1:42

     In Luke, Chapter 1, verses 42-45, we hear Elizabeth’s words to Mary.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy upon hearing Mary’s greeting, causing Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to cry out in a loud voice, “Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb”.  This story, known as The Visitation, is also part of the beautiful set of prayers known as The Rosary.  It is one of the Joyful Mysteries to be meditated on while saying the Hail Marys.

     At this point Mary had already been through a lot.  She had been visited by an Angel, become pregnant, suffered through Joseph’s questioning and eventual acceptance of her pregnancy, and traveled far to see her cousin.  How relieved and comforted she must have been to find that Elizabeth knew the truth; no explanations necessary!  At last she could let her guard down and rest in comfort.

     Imagine if we could be as Elizabeth and recognize Jesus within others.  Imagine if we were filled with the Holy Spirit to prompt us when we were in His presence, in the body of someone else!  Our hearts would leap for joy, causing us to cry out blest is that person.  Imagine their response!  They would feel as if someone finally saw them for who they truly were, a child of God, worthy of consideration, worthy of respect. 

     With Christmas looming on the near horizon, it is not that hard to imagine that exact scenario.  As He draws nearer are our hearts leaping for joy?  Do we recognize Him?  He is all around us in the love, peace, and joy of the season being shared by all.  His Spirit is already among us.  If we look, we will surely see, and then our hearts will be filled with joy at the knowledge of His presence.

     When we look for and see Him in others, we will treat others in a way that validates them, that makes them whole.  Like Mary, they may have already been through a lot.  And like Elizabeth, we will greet them with kindness and respect.  Can you imagine?

     Ask God to send His Spirit upon you that you may recognize Him in all.  Have a Blessed Christmas.

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Make It Personal

“I tell you that her many sins are forgiven, so she showed great love.  But the person who is forgiven only a little will love only a little.”  Luke 7:47

     In Luke 7:36-50 we are told the story of a woman, the story of a wretched, sinful woman.  Included in the story is a high and mighty, better than thou, Pharisee, Simon.  While Simon might not have been a horrible sinner, from his elevated position in society he looked down on those who were known as sinful.  We see in the story that he would never consider allowing a sinner such as the woman into his home, especially not as his guest!

     Ah, but somehow, in her determination to be near Jesus, she gets in.  At first she stands behind Him, waiting.  She has with her an expensive alabaster jar of perfume, the type she probably used in her ‘profession’.  She is crying.  She is waiting.  When she sees her opportunity she goes down before Him, her tears of remorse falling onto His feet.  With loving tenderness she wipes them with her hair and then rubs the expensive perfume onto His feet. 

     Simon is insulted at her audacity, Jesus is not.  Simon has given Jesus a feast.  The woman has nothing to give but remorseful tears and perfume; perfume which costs her dearly both financially and physically; perfume which endangers her very soul.

     Jesus does not belittle Simon for his way of hospitality, nor does He condemn Simon for his attitude.  Instead, He teaches Simon and all present.  He teaches about forgiveness and love.  He makes it personal without naming names, knowing Simon will get the point.

     Let us make it personal also.  Let us look into our own hearts this Christmas and see where our own attitudes need correcting.  Let us not judge or look down on someone for how much or what they give.  It may be all they have to give; it may be the one gift He wants.  Instead, let us give to each other the gifts of forgiveness and love, that we may be worthy to receive those same gifts from Him.

     May God bless all of you this Christmas with His gifts of forgivenss and love!

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Earthly Reminders of Heavenly Things

 “He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit; Seen by the angels; preached among the Gentiles; Believed in throughout the world, taken up into glory.”  1 Timothy 3:16

     Most of us fill our houses with the things we like, whether functional or just pleasant to look at.  In doing so we make our home a haven, a place where we feel good.  When we surround ourselves with things that make us feel good we create an atmosphere that nourishes our senses, an atmosphere that reminds us of who were, who we are now, or who we want to become in the future.

     In this same way, many Catholics and Christians surround themselves with images of their faith.  Some even go so far as to say that Catholics actually ‘worship’ statues, which is completely false.  In reality, religious art, figurines, and symbols serve to remind us of our all important relationship with our heavenly creator and His love for us.  I call them ‘earthly reminders of heavenly things’. 

     Saints were real people who lived and died in faithfully great service to God.  They serve as role models for our lives and can even intercede for us if we call upon them in earnest faithful prayer.  For instance, an image of Jesus The Shepherd with sheep reminds us that we are all part of His flock and should seek to follow Him and His example for our lives.  A statue of Mary can serve to remind us, that as His mother, she is also our spiritual mother to whom we can turn in our time of need asking her to intercede on our behalf with her Son.  A prayer card with an image of Saint Frances can help us remember to be kind to all of God’s creatures, and we can ask for His help in doing so.  Each image, in its own way, causes us to reflect on what is the most important thing, our relationship with God.  When we surround ourselves with these reminders we create a spiritual atmosphere that is more conducive to living life as we should.

     In a similar way, a Creche or Manger scene is often the focal point of our decorations for the Christmas season.  Let’s say it is ‘Christmas Central’ in our home.  Through its figurines of Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus, it tells the Christmas Story of the babe in a manger who came into the World, and was the Light for all mankind.  It serves as a reminder of who we were, who we are, and who we are to become!  All of this in one small setting of figurines; it is our earthly reminder of the One heavenly thing most important in our lives, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we have seen His glory; The glory of an only Son coming from the Father, filled with enduring love.”  John 1:14

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Making a List and Checking It Twice


“All things should be done decently and in order.”  1 Corinthians 14:40

What to do; what to do … so many lists and not enough time!  Does it seem as if your lists keep growing and the time keeps shrinking?  How do you decide what to do and what to let go of?

We know about making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and who is nice.  What if we make our list and use a different criteria when checking it twice?  What if we look at the items to be accomplished within the time we have at hand, and discard those which serve no “higher purpose”?  What does that which we are about to buy accomplish?  Does the gift to be purchased bring someone true love and lasting joy, or is it just a trinket given in some sense of obligation.  Will the recipient feel our real love?  Does that which we are about to do foster the true meaning and Spirit of Christmas in the hearts of others; or, is it just something to make us look good in the eyes of others.

When we evaluate our Christmas lists this Advent using these simple questions, we will find it much easier to weed out items on the lists.  We will suddenly find there is more time to accomplish all that is needed, all that is good.  Go ahead, make a list and check it twice!

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If A Little Is Good

 “Let all that you do be done in love.”  1 Corinthians 16: 14

     While Advent is the season of Peace, Love, and Joy, it is also the season where, just as a fever rises on a thermometer, stress levels can go up and up, and up.  We become overwhelmed with multiple ‘to do’ lists:  gifts to buy, cards to send, food to prepare, people to see.  Before we know it we are looking for a place to hide, for an escape route.  We don’t know whether we are coming or going.  When we lose our way the true meaning of Christmas, the reason for the season also gets lost in the fray.

     Two popular sayings come to mind.  “Less is more”, and, “If a little is good, a lot is better!”  If we are speaking of dieting, where the less you eat the more you lose, then less IS more.  If you like whip cream, well then, a little is good, but a lot IS better, and less is NOT more! 

     Keep these two sayings in mind while preparing for the coming of Jesus this Advent.  More decorations will not fill a heart lacking love, and more gifts will not prove our love for someone.  A heartfelt gift of our self will.  A little time spent sharing ourselves by making a simple phone call, or assisting someone in need, will fill not only the heart of the recipient, but ours as well.  Less IS more.   

     Taking time to refuel our spirit is essential to being able to accomplish all we need to do.  Spending a little time in prayer with Jesus will prepare our hearts to give.  We become filled with His love and then desire to share it with all we come in contact with … If a little is good; a lot IS better.

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An Advent Experiment

 “Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace, and follow after it.”  Psalm 34: 15

          In the bustling season of Advent we often get in such a hurry to get things accomplished we don’t really see the other person.  They are part of the crowd that is in our way, slowing us down, trying our patience.  When we slow down to look at them, are they in a hurry, impatient with others, even with us?  When we look at them do we see ourselves?  Do we look at them and wish they would hurry up out of our way?

     Advent is a season of Peace.  Jesus comes to bring Peace to the world, peace to our heart.  To become a people of peace, we must first find peace within our own hearts.  It has to begin in and with our self. 

     An Advent experiment:  Be the person you want others to be.  Pay close attention though, because it is hard to live up to the standards we often wish to hold others to.  But also see, when we do, others respond accordingly.  Can you smile at EVERY person you come in contact with?  Can you make the others in the cash register line laugh and smile, or make the cashier glad you came through their line?  Be the person you want others to be.

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