No Place To Hide

“The word of God is something alive and active: it cuts more incisively than any two-edged sword: it can seek out the place where soul is divided from spirit, or joints from marrow; it can pass judgement on secret emotions and thoughts.  No created thing is hidden from him; everything is uncovered and stretched fully open to the eyes of the one to whom we must give account of ourselves.”  Hebrews 4:12-13

     The first thing that comes to mind when I read the above Bible verse is, “Who do we think we are fooling!”  Certainly not G0d; who knows all, sees all, and rules all.  As disconcerting as this can be, it is also comforting.  It tells me there is someone who really knows me, knows all there is to know about me, even my deepest, darkest secrets.  You know, the ones we can never speak of out loud, or the ones we can never tell another living soul.  He knows.

     We don’t like to think about these things. It makes us feel uncomfortable.  We squirm in our seats.  We quickly change the thoughts in our mind.  We shove it to the very back corner, close and lock the door.  But, even after doing all of this, a small part of us, a little twinge in our heart, tells us it is not completely hidden.  He knows.

       A little further on in that same Hebrews quote we read verse 15, “For the high priest we have is not incapable of feeling our weaknesses with us, but has been put to the test exactly the same way as ourselves, apart from sin.”  This falls under the category of ‘good to know’ information.  We can be friends, Him and I.  After all, He has lived it.  We have common ground to commiserate!  We all love to share our experiences with friends who can relate to us; and with others who have been through similar experiences, especially the bad experiences.  We need and appreciate their support.  We share, and that is the basis of a good friendship.  He knows.

     We should see our relationship with God, not just as Supreme Being, Creator, Father, King, and Lord of All,  but also as our best friend.  When we view Him as our friend we unlock the door to the hidden vault, the door to our heart.  We no longer need to hide anything.  Remember, it isn’t really hidden anyway.  He already knows.  However, now, we can openly share it with Him in the trusted relationship of friendship.  We can seek His advice and receive His support.  I love the next line of the above Hebrews quote, verse 16, “Let us, then, have no fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help.”

         No, we aren’t fooling anyone!  But, doesn’t He make it easy for us to receive all that we need, to be the all that we can be?  Gotta love Him!  He knows.

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Resolution Stalled?

“… and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills -to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts.”  Exodus 35:31-33

     We are two weeks into the New Year.  How are our resolutions going?  Are they gone?  Personally I am not a resolution person.  I am a person with a plan instead.  Maybe you set out to lose weight, to quit smoking, to change jobs, or totally reinvent yourself.  Whatever it was, you had every intention of accomplishing it.

     Success may depend on the reasons why we want to accomplish something.  In choosing our goal, did we weigh it against its higher purpose for our lives?  Does it serve only us?  Does it serve God?  If it serves only us, we are doomed to fail.  Hopefully and preferably it serves both God and us.  If it does, there is great news.  Success is highly achievable.

     We live with ourselves.  Think about that for a moment; we live with ourselves.  If we are self-defeated by our attitude of self-criticism and pessimism, we must recreate ourselves in our own eyes.  We are free to change; we are free to become the new person we want to be.  Think about that for a moment also.  We are free to become all that we want to be, all that we can be.  The question is how?

     In deciding who that person we want to become is, we must do a little research.  Look at others.  What qualities and characteristics do we see in others that we would like to have?  What do we see in them that we don’t want?  After all, no one is perfect, and we shouldn’t want to be somebody else, just a better version of ourselves.  If we admire a certain attribute in someone, it is usually because we have that same tendency within ourselves.  We just may not be fostering or nurturing it.  Also, what do we recognize in others that we may need to eradicate from within ourselves?  Write these answers down; own them.  Make sure self-acceptance, self-confidence and joy are among the desirable traits!  We need a good foundation. 

     Next, practice!  Watch, learn, and try.  Mistakes will be made, but that is how we will learn.  We must not beat ourselves up when we make mistakes.  We must move on, and try again.  Perseverance is a great quality to have!

     The best person we can watch and strive to be like is Jesus.  Spend time watching Him.  Look for those qualities we wrote down in Him.  Do this by spending time in His Word.  See Him in action and try to imitate Him in our own everyday activities and interactions with others.  It may not come easily.  Change is often difficult.  However, with perseverance, soon we will become more like Him.  Soon we will begin to see in ourselves those qualities and physical attributes we desire to attain.  Soon we will succeed.

     If your resolutions are stalled, or already gone, reignite them with a plan, a plan for success.  Watch, learn, and try.  Practice and pray for God’s help.  Inflame those resolutions with the love of Jesus, and you cannot fail.  Good luck, and God Bless.

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Divine Providence

“If the smallest things are beyond your power, why be anxious about the rest?”  Luke 12:26

     In Luke, Chapter 12, verses 22-31, Jesus warns us not to get too concerned about the things we need in this life, such as the food we eat, or the clothes we wear.  For most of us that is quite a tall order!  He knows this about us, otherwise He would not have found it necessary to preach about it. 

     He uses the ravens and lilies as His examples.  He tells us to look and see how they are fed, and how beautifully they are adorned, yet they do nothing on their own to accomplish it.  They simply exist by the Grace of God.  They live in His plan for their life, growing and using the talents and skills He has given them.  Because they are His, He takes care of them; He sees to their individual needs.  They live in His Divine Providence.  I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.  I live, I get fed and clothed!  You know me, I like simple.  Yep, a good deal! 

     Before we get all excited about the possibilities, and yes, while it is simple, there is a catch.  Let us look a little closer at those ravens and lilies.  They don’t really have much choice in the matter, do they?  They cannot deviate from God’s plan for them because they have no free will.  God gave each one of us a free will.  We can choose to live according to His plan for us, or we can opt out.  Jesus even tries to entice us by telling us how much more important we are to God than the ravens and lilies.  He points out if God cares for, and adorns them so, then think how much more He will do for us, who are worth so much more in His sight! 

     Jesus knows us too well.  He says, in Luke 12:30, “The unbelievers of this world are always running after these things.  Your Father knows that you need such things.”  He goes on to say, in verse 31, “Seek out instead his kingship over you, and the rest will follow in turn.”  He knows, because of our free will, many of us will be tempted by the trappings of the so called ‘good life’.  In His wisdom, He provides us the answer.  We are to seek Him first, above all things, and then the rest will take care of itself.  All will be well with us.

     Easier said than done, I know.  But, we can’t say He doesn’t provide for His followers.  There may be trials and tribulations, but if we follow His plan for our life, our basic needs will be met.  Divine Providence is there for the taking!  I still think that is a pretty good deal.

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Journey Through The Stillness

 “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.”  Psalm 23:1

     I am going to share a little differently today, by posting a page from my very personal spiritual journal, Journey Through The Stillness.  If you have never seen any of my journal before, please know that it may not always be the most polished writing.  It is raw, written as it occurs, so please excuse any mistakes.  It is not mine to change what He communicates!

     Entry from June 21, 2010:  Today it is Jesus, The Shepherd.  When I ask, “Are you there, Lord?” he answers, “Yes, Martha, I am here.  You are one of my sheep.”  I am asking forgiveness, again, for my many faults and transgressions, and He says, “I know that together, you and I, are bringing home lost sheep, but, Martha, you are also one of my sheep.  Sometimes I need to bring you home.  Faults can help serve to make one a better person.  Not that we should feed, or help to perpetuate them, (Here he says to me, “Go ahead and write while we talk.”) but we should try to learn from them.  Examine them.  Seek out why we have them and then work on eradicating them.  If they are serious enough, one may need to bring them to the altar, to reconciliation.  But, always, we need to move forward, away from them.  Living in sin and guilt only serves to keep one from coming to Me, and living in forgiveness and light.  I am ever waiting to shower mercy and love on all who come to Me in true spirit of reconciliation.  Do not dwell in darkness when the Light of Life is right here.  One must reach through the darkness, and I will grab on and pull with all my might.  I wait; they reach; I grab hold.  Tell ALL, it can really be that simple.”

     The entry continues on, now in my words:  Throughout the weekend, even though there was no Stillness, there still seemed to be direct communication.  I was continually prompted to say the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is My Shepherd…”  I had memorized this years ago and often prayed it, but with all that has been going on in my prayer life, I sort of set it aside.  As often as I prayed it over the weekend, I felt His pull.  He was not letting go of me.  I also felt as if He was saying to me that through Lent we lived ON the Cross, and since Easter we have lived IN our Risen Lord.  Now, He is saying it is time to live WITH Jesus, Our Shepherd.  We cannot always live in sorrow and guilt, or even live constantly in celebration and glory.  There is also a time where we must learn and live.  We must find our way, but not alone.  We find our path with the most loving compassionate Shepherd to guide our Way.  He wants me to write His own prayer here:

     Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come; They Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily Bread.  Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And, lead us not into temptation, but, deliver us from all evil.

     Here, I just want to say WOW!  And pray,  My Jesus, never forsake me, as I so often forsake You.  Lead me on paths for your honor and glory that all souls who are in darkness may be brought into the light of your everlasting love and salvation.  Ever grant me discernment and wisdom in imparting your words to them.  Let them not see or hear me, but only You, through me.  Have mercy and grace on us all, through Your Most Sacred Heart, Jesus. Amen.

     And so ends the entry from June.  I invite you to seek out your faults; examine why you have them, and try to eradicate them.  Seek His help.  If need be, take them to Him and repent, asking for His forgiveness.  “Do not dwell in darkness when the Light of Life is right here.”

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“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.”  Psalm 23:4 

     A few days ago I used one of my own quotes as the status on my personal Facebook page.  It went as follows:  “Forgiveness means you walk away from the hurt and into the Light.  You leave it in God’s hands and ask Him to send a resolution.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean subjecting yourself to mistreatment or misery!  It just means you can let go and let God, and then be open to resolution when it presents itself!”

     Because of the number of comments it drew, I thought I would offer a little more in the way of explanation.  First, I truly understand how difficult forgiveness can be.  I know there is no such thing as forgive and forget when there is serious hurt or consequences surrounding that which needs to be forgiven.  Also, don’t think that I speak from atop a pillar, never having experienced hurt or deep disappointment in someone.  I have, just as I am sure everyone has.

     Second, I believe forgiveness must occur in order to make us whole again.  I do know, in order to do so, we have to get outside ourselves.  If we continue to focus on our inner hurt, if we continue to focus on what ifs and buts, we will always take one step toward the Light, and then, retreat right back into the dark.  We will continue to hide in the dark, waiting for the offender to make it right!  In order to get outside ourselves we must not let the hurt define who we are.  When we are defined by hurt all of our thoughts and actions are a result of it.  We are no longer in control!

     Third, we must come to terms with the knowledge that we do not control the other person.  They may or may not be hurt by the situation; they may or not ever come to apologize.  They may not even realize they have caused the hurt!  We cannot control them, but we can control ourselves.  This doesn’t mean we do not feel the pain, or the hurt doesn’t exist, but that we are going to be in control of it.

     Fourth, we cannot do it alone.  If the hurt is too deep, it may not be in our power to forgive, or even to control.  It is here we must go down on our knees and seek His help, His comfort, His wisdom, His power to resolve the situation.  In doing so, we step into the Light.  We allow Him to find the right solution for all.  We wait patiently in the Light instead of hiding in the dark.

     Last, we open ourselves to the resolution when it presents itself.  When we allow God to resolve the situation in His own time, His own Way, we must accept the answer.  It may come in the form of an apology, or something else may happen that overrides the situation, that is more important, more immediate.  It may even be that a peace comes over us about the whole thing; somehow we can now live with it; we can let it go.  Whatever the outcome, we have to be watchful, to not be so focused on our hurt, that we miss it!  If we miss it, we will return to the darkness. 

     Begin with the simple desire to forgive.  Place your hurt at the foot of the Cross and let His Light pull you through the darkness.  Then, walk into the Light sure in the knowledge that all is resolved, all is forgiven.

“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:7

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What Makes The World Go ‘Round?

“Then God said:  “Let there be lights to the dome of the sky, to separate day from nght.  Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years, and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth.  And so it happened:  God made the two great lights, the greater one to govern the day, and the lesser one to govern the night; and he made the stars.  God set them in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.  God saw how good it was.”  Genesis 1:14-18

     What makes the world go ’round?  Some would say it is love, others money.  Some would say it can be explained by science, others say it is totally a result of a freak accident.  Love and money may power people in worldly relationships and business affairs, but they hardly make the world go ’round.  Smart men may be able to figure out how the world goes ’round, even explain the physics and chemistry behind a ‘big bang’ theory that set it all in motion.  They may be able to prove many scientific theories, but the one thing they can never ‘disprove’ is John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word; the Word was in God’s presence, and the Word was God.  He was present to God in the beginning.  Through Him all things came into being, and apart from him nothing came to be.”

     On the feast of The Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus (the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles), Pope Benedict XVI stated, “The universe is not the result of chance, as some would want to make us believe.”  And, “In the beauty of the world, in its mystery, in its greatness and in its rationality … we can only let ourselves be guided toward God, creator of heaven and earth.”  If we believe God is the Supreme Being, that He is the Alpha and the Omega, that He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, then we believe that He set the universe in motion.

     There are passages in the Bible, shall we say, as old as the hills, that reference the placement of the stars and the naming of constellations.  In Job 9:9, “He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, The Pleiades and the constellations of the south.”  And, in Isaiah 40:26, “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?  He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name.  Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”  

     As people of faith we believe these things, scientifically proven or not, for in Hebrews 11:1-3, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for.  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”   It is an inner knowing that tugs at our inner being.  It is embedded in our soul.

     As people of faith we let nothing change our belief.  However, as people of faith, it is always welcome knowledge, when theory and science come together to prove exactly what we believe in faith.  When this happens we experience an inner surge, much like Elizabeth felt when she first saw Mary.  In Luke 1:42-45, we feel Elizabeth’s joy in recognizing Jesus in Mary, “The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy upon hearing Mary’s greeting, causing Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to cry out in a loud voice, “Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb“.  To experience this inner surge of joy in the knowledge of creation, one only has to watch the presentation on the Star of Bethlehem, by Rick Larson.  He brings faith, history, and science together seamlessly to prove the Star of Bethlehem was a real occurrence, and goes even further to prove that our God is the The God of The Universe.  Visit his website at and at .  Order the DVD; you will not be disappointed.

     When we ask what makes the world go ’round, we have an opportunity to experience our faith biblically, theoretically, scientifically, historically, and spiritually.  We have an opportunity to feel that inner surge of knowledge and joy in our inner most being, deep within our soul. We have an opportunity to bow in awe before Him, to be still, and to know that He is God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth. 


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Stepping Out In Faith

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

     When we step out, we leave our comfort zone; we head into the unknown.  When we have faith, we trust, we expect.  When we step out in faith, we venture forth with the expectation that all will end well.  This doesn’t mean that we will have completely smooth sailing along our journey, in fact, it may be quite bumpy!

     Publicly sharing my personal spiritual journal on Facebook was a major step out in faith for me.  At first, I fought the idea of it, but He continued prompting me to do it, to the point I could no longer ignore Him.  One of the entries recorded in my journal reads, “Don’t be average.  Take the talents I have given you and put them out there for all to see.  Then, STEP BACK, letting go, and watch as others come to ME.”  After I began the group page on Facebook, Journey Through The Stillness, He again let me know this was what He wanted.  I knew I was following His will.   

     Stepping out in faith does not mean that we do so unprepared, or haphazardly.  We take necessary precautions and plan using the wisdom, knowledge and resources at our disposal.  We do everything humanly possible to ensure our success, but how do we ensure God is with us, that we are fulfilling His plan for our life? 

     The best way to know if we are stepping out according to His will is to ask ourselves some simple questions.  Does it serve a higher purpose?  Does it take away from your main vocation?  For instance, if you are a wife and mother, or husband and father, does it prevent you from serving your family and providing for their needs?  Does it hinder or hurt someone?  Does it foster or promote goodwill to others?   Most important of all, did you ask God if He wants you to do it? And, when you did, did you wait for an answer?  His prompting may not always be with words.  It may simply be a thought, an idea, or an urge so strong it cannot be denied.  It will continually present itself.

     If you can answer basic questions like the above, and have asked God to send His Holy Spirit upon you to direct your path, then you are ready to venture forth; to step out in faith.  If God is leading you, open your heart and go forward, unafraid.  You may have some normal doubts, but if it is right, you will have an overall peaceful feeling about it. 

     Remember, the road may be bumpy.  But, if you are sincerely seeking His will, His plan for your life, even if you make a mistake, He will guide you to what He is truly asking of you.  The outcome will be even better than you expected!

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From stillness to Stillness

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

     In previous posts I have mentioned how I added stillness to my prayer routine at the beginning of 2010.  I have also mentioned that it transformed my life.  My prayer life was already full and rich.  Over the years I felt I had a close relationship with God.  I tried to follow what I thought was His will for my life, but because I was doing all the talking, I could never be sure.

     Sitting still was not in my repertoire; it was not something that would come easily for me.  I was a busy woman.  I had a life!  Too many others depended on me.  I didn’t I had time to be still.  After coming up with my 2010 personal mission statement, in which I vowed to add stillness to my prayer time, I had to at least give it a try.  If I wanted to know where God was leading me, I needed to listen to Him.  When I ask God to lead me to ‘what is mine to do’, I need to wait for an answer!

     At first, I had to really fight for it.  I had to will myself to sit there, mind racing, toes tapping, and nose twitching!  I realized this was not going to happen at all if I didn’t develop some sort or routine to prepare me to sit there.  I needed to calm myself in order to calm my mind.  So, I did what I do best, talked.  I asked God if He was there?  There is an old adage, don’t ask if you don’t want to know!

     Actually, first, I created a place in my room conducive to prayer and meditation.  I placed artwork and religious symbols there to help me focus.  I created the following routine to facilitate stillness.  I began by reading in my Bible, other inspirational materials, and daily devotionals.  Just prior to stillness I read specific prayers that helped me to center my thoughts on Him, and to consecrate myself to Him.  Only then did I ask, “Are you there, Lord?”  Ever since the very first time, the answer is always the same, “Yes, Martha, I am here.  Remember, I am always here, for I am in you and you are in Me.”  I reply, “Yes, Lord, I remember.  You are in me and I am in You.”  He says, “Well, then, Martha, be still.  Know that I and God.”  And, I answer, “Yes, Lord, I will be still, for you are my God…”  I bow my head and envision Jesus placing His hands in blessing upon my head.

     Right from the beginning I began to realize there was something different about this prayer time.  I felt He was leading me.  Right from the start I felt there were things that needed to be written down.  I began to keep a daily journal of what was happening during my time in stillness before Him.  At first, it was somewhat disjointed; just simple statements that I felt led to write down.  As I fully realized what was happening I began to keep a more detailed record, writing down exactly what was taking place and exactly what I felt He wanted said.  I was determined not to add anything of myself.  I emphasized words that He emphasized.  Often times it would come so fast that I would write in a frenzy afterwards, lest I forget!  Over time He led me to start writing while in the stillness.

     It was at this point “Journey Through The Stillness” was born.  It was at this point that stillness became Stillness.  I was truly in His presence.  I was both humble and awed.  I asked how He could deign to speak with me, and the answer was always the same, “I love you, you are my child.”  I soon learned that with this blessing came responsibility.  Prayer time would never be the same!  In The Stillness I discerned what was mine to do, and ever since, I have faithfully tried to carry out His will.  I have stepped out in faith, and I have been stretched in ways beyond anything I could imagine.  At His bidding, I share my very private, personal spiritual journal publicly on Facebook for all who care to follow along.  At His bidding, I have developed this website and daily blog, where He never ceases to amaze me, as He provides all that is necessary to accomplish His goals.  I am in awe of Him.

     Stillness has transformed me; it has transformed my life.  I, now, cannot imagine my prayer life without Stillness.  Make it a priority to add stillness to your prayer life, and then, make sure you wait for an answer.  My prayer is that it will go from stillness to Stillness for you also.  Seek his presence … He is already there, waiting for you.

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Time Management Fundamentals For Success

“In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God.”  John 1:1

     Words to a blogger, journalist, author, or poet are life itself.  Time to write those words is a gift; a most precious gift from God, the creator of both time and words.  It is, therefore, within reason to suggest that words and time cannot be separated, and the common denominator is God.  As one who is still finding my way along the word path, and through the time dimension, I find establishing goals to be fundamental to my success as a writer and blogger.

     At the beginning of 2010 I found myself longing to reinvent my daily routine, make better use of the time available to me, and better develop my God given talents.  I found inspiration accidentally in an article by Dave Ramsey, a Christian Financial Counselor I follow on Facebook.  As a New Year’s Resolution , he was recommending businesses and individuals create a mission statement as a way to establish goals and create a path to success.  He recommended posting it in a very visible place, such as the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or car clipboard, in order to keep it in the forefront of one’s mind.

     I was not suffering financially, however, I realized my husband and I, as owners of a small business, would have to cut down on our personal expenditures in this economy just as our business would.  The idea of a personal mission statement focusing on not just finances, but also on personal goals, struck me as a very effective, usable tool.  Little did I know, it would transform my life.   

     In creating my mission statement, I followed the simple rules set forth by Dave Ramsey on his website:  I brainstormed as suggested, kept my word count within the suggested parameters, and created a statement which truly reflected my goals, and one that was possible to live up to.  My personal mission statement for 2010 went as follows:  “To add stillness to my prayer time becoming more infused with God, that I may heed His voice to live according to His plan within my financial means; to share His love for all through my joyful spirit; and to use my creative talents to reflect His Glory.”

     As a result, I spend time every day in silence before Our Lord listening for His will in my life.  In following His will, I have created a personal spiritual journal, which I now share publicly on my Facebook Group page called “Journey Through The Stillness”, and also email regularly to others.  I am also managing my time more efficiently.  I have paid attention to and curtailed my spending where needed, and I have begun to use my creative talents in ways I never before imagined possible.  The latest way I use them to reflect His Glory is through my new website, Martha’s Orbit at, and my daily faith blog, Martha’s Orbital Buzz at  I have recently tweaked my mission statement for the year 2011 to reflect where I now begin.  I am a work in progress, but definitely progressing!

     Setting goals and time management are key components to success for any writer, and they transcend to any desired accomplishment.  When God is the common denominator, or the thread running throughout, success is undeniable.  Add stillness before Him to your routine to discern His will for your life.  Create a personal mission statement by analyzing your time management, personal, and financial goals.  Then, post it in a highly visible place and get started making it happen!  Hopefully, it will provide a path to both personal and financial success for you.

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The Name Of Jesus

“God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name above every other name, So that at Jesus’ name every knee must bend in the heavens, on the earth, and every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!”  Philippians 2:9-11

     If you have visited the ‘About’ page of this website, you have seen My Pet Peeve: I think it is terribly unfair that every time the name Martha is
used in old movies it is to portray an old maid, a fat housekeeper, a doddering old fool, or some other undesirable character!
  Growing up I always thought that Martha was an old lady’s name.  Martha Stewart wasn’t yet a household name, and Martha in the Bible was the one who was scolded by Jesus for being too busy to spend time just being with Him!  I didn’t really like my name.  The only saving grace for me was that my Mom told me, if she hadn’t named me Martha, I would have been named Matilda.  I did like Martha better than Matilda!

     Over my lifetime I have come to accept, maybe even to like, the name Martha.  I especially have learned to relate to Martha in the Bible.  I am just like her!  I am always, always busy.  It wasn’t until this past year I learned how to become still before God.  I always had a very active prayer life; one in which I did all the talking!  Stillness has added much to my prayer routine, and to my life.  It has brought me to the point of this blog!  I have also known others named Martha in my life that I liked very much, and helped to change my opinion.  I hope I have lived up to the name I have been given.  Biblical Martha learned, while earthly duties are important and must be accomplished, heavenly duties must take priority.  Earthly duties will end, heavenly duties are eternal! 

     What is in a name?  According to the above Bible verse, a whole lot!   Jesus holds the name above every other name!  Every knee shall bend at the sound of His name.  No other name on earth has had a more profound effect than the name of Jesus.  There is no other name we can call upon to free us from sin, to save us from hell, and to lead us to Life Eternal.  Bend your knee before Him.  Ask His forgiveness for your sins, and live a life worthy of His name, so you may share in the grace of everlasting life with Him. 

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