Stations of The Cross Continued, 11 & 12

“It was about nine in the morning when they crucified him.  The inscription proclaiming his offense read, “The King of the Jews.”  Mark 16:25-26 

This is the sixth installment of The Stations of The Cross from my personal prayer book, “Blessed Be God.”  Holy Week in Lent is the perfect time to meditate on The Passion of Jesus Christ by prayerfully reflecting on The Stations of The Cross, and especially to do so on Good Friday.  It is always helpful to have images of each Station to reflect on, but if none are available just picture each in your mind.  Then read the meditation, reflect, and pray.

     This post contains the Eleventh and Twelfth Stations.  Tomorrow I will post the final two, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth.

Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider that Jesus, after being thrown on the cross, extended His hands, and offered to His eternal Father the sacrifice of His life for our salvation.  These barbarians fasten Him with nails; and then, raising the cross, leave Him to die with anguish on this infamous gibbet.

     My Jesus, loaded with contempt, nail my heart to Thy feet, that it may ever remain there to love Thee, and never quit Thee again.  I love Thee more than myself; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

“When noon came, darkness fell on the whole countryside and lasted until midafternoon. At that time Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Mark 16:33-34

Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross.

Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider that thy Jesus, after three hours’ agony on the cross, consumed at length with anguish, abandoned Himself to the weight of His body, bows His head, and dies.

     O my dying Jesus, I kiss devoutly the cross on which Thou didst die for love of me.  I have merited by my sins to die a miserable death; but Thy death is my hope.  Ah, by the merits of Thy death, give me grace to die, embracing Thy feet and burning with love of Thee.  I commit my soul into Thy hands.  I love Thee with my whole heart; I repent of everhaving offended Thee.  Permit not that I ever offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

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Prayer: Offer for All Souls

Prayer:  My Lord, and my God.  Today I offer up to You all distractions, sufferings, consolations, and joy.  I offer up to you all that I think, do, and say; all that I am.  May all that I offer be pleasing to You and serve as a constant prayer on behalf of all souls, both living and dead; especially those souls in purgatory; those souls who will die this day, and those dying at this very moment; those most in need of thy mercy; and most especially those souls who are not seeking You, who do not hear You knock.  If this be pleasing, Lord, then I also offer up to You the souls I love the most; my husband, children, and myself.  All this I ask in your name, Lord, through your most Holy and Immaculate Mother, Mary; through your Divine Mercy; and through your Most Sacred Heart within.  Amen. (April 20, 2010 – Journey Through The Stillness, written by Martha Wiggins)

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Stations of The Cross Continued, 9 & 10

“Jesus was led away, and carrying the cross by  himself, went out to what is called the Place of the Skull.”  John 19:17

This is the fifth installment of The Stations of The Cross from my personal prayer book, “Blessed Be God.”  Lent is the perfect time to meditate on The Passion of Jesus Christ by prayerfully reflecting on The Stations of The Cross, and especially to do so on Fridays.  It is always helpful to have images of each Station to reflect on, but if none are available just picture each in your mind.  Then read the meditation, reflect, and pray.

     This post contains the Ninth and Tenth Stations.  I will continue to post two at a time over the course of Lent.  By the end of Holy Week, you will have all fourteen.

Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider the third fall of Jesus Christ.  His weakness was extreme, and the cruelty of His executioners excessive, who tried to hasten His steps when He had scarcely strength to move.

     Ah, my outraged Jesus, by the merits of the weakness Thou didst suffer in going to Calvary, give me strength sufficient to conquer all human respect and all my wicked passions, which have led me to despise Thy friendship.  I love Thee, Jesus, my love, with my whole heart; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

“Finally, when they had finished making a fool of him, they stripped him of the cloak, dressed him in his own clothes, and led him off to crucifixion.”  Matthew 27:31

Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider the violence with which the executioners stripped Jesus.  His inner garments adhered to His torn flesh and they dragged them off so roughly that the skin came with them.  Compassionate your Saviour thus cruelly treated, and say to Him:

     My innocent Jesus, by the merits of the torment that Thou hast felt, help me to strip myself of all affection to things of earth, in order that I may place all my love in Thee, Who art so worthy of my love.  I love Thee, O Jesus, with my whole heart; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

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Welcome Home Grandma

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”  Matthew 10:40

     Imagine a family, a happy loving family.  They have a beloved Grandma who lives very far away, whom they nerve get to see because of financial circumstances.  Grandma is coming to visit.  Imagine the family’s excitement as the time draws near.  They clean and prepare a special place in their house just for Grandma; a place where she can rest her weary traveler’s bones.  They prepare Grandma’s favorite foods and plan wonderful family activities.

     Now imagine the day of Grandma’s arrival is here.  Dad phones to say he has picked her up safely at the airport and they are now turning on the street to the house.  The kids begin squealing with delight at the thought Grandma is almost here.  And then, they hear the car pull up to the front of the house.  Mom and the kids fling the front door open wide and run out to greet Grandma.

     Now imagine those hugs, kisses, smiles and tears.  Imagine how Grandma feels at this warm and loving welcome; imagine her own excitement.  She must have been a little bit nervous  After all, it had been a long, long time.  The kids had grown so much since she was last here.  Even her grown son and daughter-in-law had aged.  And so had she!  How wonderful for Grandma that none of that mattered.  It only mattered that now she was here.  Everyone was filled to the brim with love and joy.  The celebration had begun.  What a beautiful image!

     Now imagine the scene is Heaven.  Just like Grandma you are coming for a visit.  Maybe you are kneeling in prayer for the first time in years.  Maybe you are returning to Church after a long absence.  Maybe you are dying and calling our for God’s forgiveness and mercy.

     Imagine the family in Heaven, all the angels, saints, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God Himself, all hearing that you are coming.  Like the earthly family, who has waited a long time to welcome their Grandma, they rejoice with hymns of thanksgiving and praise.  Jesus comes to assist you in your journey and show you the way, while in Heaven they prepare a special place for you to rest your weary traveler’s bones.  The closer you get, the more the excitement mounts, until the gates of Heaven burst open and they all rush out to greet you.  God Himself welcomes you home.  The celebration begins!

     Can you meet God part way?  Can you kneel in prayer, or go into The Church to seek Him?  He awaits your coming.  It doesn’t matter how long it has been.  If you do, He is sure to come to meet you.  He is sure to welcome you home.

     From God Calling, by A.J. Russell, April 12:  I am your Guide.  Strength and help will come to you; just trust Me wholly.  Fear not.  I am ever more ready to hear than you to ask.  Walk in My ways, and know that help will come.

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What Side Is Your Bread Buttered On?

 “My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away without a glimpse of joy.”  Job 9:25    

     Today’s post can be considered along with yesterday’s post entitled “Spiritual Ripples.”

     We are often so busy analyzing the what, when, where, how, and why of things, that we fail to even notice our blessings when they come.  We don’t take time to enjoy them and may even miss out on them completely.

     The following is an excerpt from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal Spiritual Journal shared on facebook.

April 6, 2011 – “A thankful heart is a joyful heart whose joy is free to fly.  Joy from a thankful heart knows no bounds.  It is unstoppable, freely flowing to all it comes in contact with.  Live in the joy, child.  Do not focus on the doubts, pain, and fears of what was, is, and could be.  Focus on what joy there is in the present moment.  Tell all to train themselves to look for the blessings right in front of them.  They are breathing; they are alive; they are themselves; they exist!  Start simply with that and be joyful.  The rest will fall into place.  Live outwardly from a thankful heart.”

     I often stop to take stock of all my blessings.  At times, in my daily prayer journal, (not the same as Journey Through The Stillness) I devote an entry to simply writing down all that I am thankful for.  Sometimes I find myself in awe of how much I really do have to write down.  I find it helps me to always remember what side my bread is buttered on!

“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”  Psalm 126:3

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Stations of The Cross Continued, 7 & 8

“Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).”  John 19:17 

This is the fourth installment of The Stations of The Cross from my personal prayer book, “Blessed Be God.”  Lent is the perfect time to meditate on The Passion of Jesus Christ by prayerfully reflecting on The Stations of The Cross, and especially to do so on Fridays.  It is always helpful to have images of each Station to reflect on, but if none are available just picture each in your mind.  Then read the meditation, reflect, and pray.

     This post contains the Seventh and Eight Stations.  I will continue to post two at a time over the course of Lent.  By Holy Week, you will have all fourteen.

Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider the second fall of Jesus under the cross –a fall which renews the pain of all the wounds of the head and members of our afflicted Lord. 

     My most gentle Jesus, how many times Thou hast pardoned me and how many times have I fallen again, and begun again to offend Thee!  Oh, by the merits of this new fall, give me the necessary helps to persevere in Thy grace until death.  Grant that in all temptations which assail me I may always commend myself to Thee.  I love Thee, Jesus, my love, with my whole heart; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.


“Jesus turned and said to them, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.”  Luke 23:28

Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider that those women wept with compassion at seeing Jesus in so pitiable a state, streaming with blood, as He walked along.  But Jesus said to them, “Weep not for Me but for your children.” 

     My Jesus, laden with sorrows, I weep for the offenses that I have committed against Thee, because of the pains which they have deserved, and still more because of the displeasure which they have caused Thee, Who hast loved me so much.  It is Thy love, more than the fear of hell, which causes me to weep for my sins.  My Jesus, I love Thee more than myself; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

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Spiritual Growth

 “So Pharaoh asked them, ‘Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?”  Genesis 41:38 

     It is not what you do in life, but rather, who you are that matters.  We have all heard this throughout our lives.  While in our hearts we know this to be true, we also know that what we do matters too.

     We are each made in the image and likeness of God our Creator.  Throughout our life we grow.  We grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.  With possible exceptions for our weight, and education, we have little or no control over our physical and mental growth.  We grow from a child into an adult; it occurs naturally and without effort on our part.

     Spiritual growth, however, does not occur naturally.  While within most of us there is a yearning or longing for something greater than ourselves, we must actually search it out in order to grow.  The ultimate goal of spiritual growth is to grow in God’s image and likeness.  It is to become our best possible self, and in doing so, achieve salvation with Life Eternal. 

     Lent is a perfect time to nurture our spirit within in order to grow in His image and likeness.  To do so, one only has to study His words.  Take time daily to study His words in the Bible, taking them to heart, letting them transform you, and then living according to their message.

     I particularly love this paragraph in God Calling, a Devotional Diary, by A.J. Russell.  “Changed by My Spirit, shedding one garment of Spirit for a better.  In time throwing that aside for a yet finer one, and so on from character to character, gradually transformed into My likeness.” 

     What we do does matter.  Let His Spirit enter you and be transformed.

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Affirmation Grace

“and my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’ and my foes will rejoice when I fall.  But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”  Psalm 13:4-5

Definition of affirmation from Journey Through The Stillness: “Affirmations are to make one pause and think; to pull one from the clutches of temptation; to bring one into the grace of the moment; to help one to be conscious of failings and to grow in desire to do good.”  (May 8, 2010)

      Today I am sharing the entire entry associated with the affirmation.  It is from the very first week of beginning my Journey Through The Stillness.

Jan 8, 2010 – In The Stillness the Lord said, “Your Mercy and Grace shall be my salvation.  Pray this throughout your day.”  I shall write it on a sticky note and place it in the car to help me remember throughout the day. Thank you for the grace of these messages, Lord, even if I am only imagining them.

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Stations of The Cross Continued, 5 & 6

“A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.”  Mark 15:21

This is the third installment of The Stations of The Cross from my personal prayer book, “Blessed Be God.”  Lent is the perfect time to meditate on The Passion of Jesus Christ by prayerfully reflecting on The Stations of The Cross, and especially to do so on Fridays.  It is always helpful to have images of each Station to reflect on, but if none are available just picture each in your mind.  Then read the meditation, reflect, and pray.

     This post contains the Fifth and Sixth Stations.  I will continue to post two at a time over the course of Lent.  By Holy Week, you will have all fourteen.

Fifth Station: The Cyrenian Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider that the Jews seeing that at each step Jesus, from weakness, was on the point of expiring, and fearing that He would die on the way when they wished Him to die the ignominious death of the cross, constrained Simon the Cyrenian to carry the cross, behind Our Lord.

     My most sweet Jesus, I will not refuse the cross as the Cyrenian did; I accept it, I embrace it.  I accept in particular the death that Thou hast desinted for me with all the pains which may accompany it; I unite it to Thy death, I offer it to Thee.  Thou hast died for love of me, I will die for love of Thee, and to please Thee.  Help me by Thy grace.  I love Thee, Jesus, my love; I repent of having offended Thee.  Never permit me to offend Thee again.  Grant that I may love Thee always, and then do with me what Thou wilt.


“A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him.”  Luke 23:27

Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus.

 Pray:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

     Consider that the holy woman named Veronica, seeing Jesus so afflicted, and His face bathed in sweat and blood, presented Him with a towel with which He wiped His adorable face, leaving on it the impression of His holy countenance.

     My most beloved Jesus, Thy face was beautiful before, but in this journey it has lost all its beauty, and wounds and blood have disfigured it.  Alas! my soul also was once beautiful, when it received Thy grace in baptism; but I have disfigured it since by my sins.  Thou alone, my Redeemer, canst restore it to its former beauty.  Do this by Thy Passion, and then do with me what Thou wilt.

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Affirmation For The Journey

 “Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  Mark 14:38 

     Some of us use positive statements, sometimes called affirmations, to help bolster our attitudes.  When our mind is filled with positive messages it is easier to disregard the negative messages that we are often bombarded with.  When put to good use, positive affirmations can alter lives for the better. 

     On May 8, 2010, in my time of Stillness before Our Lord, I was compelled to write the following definition of affirmations, and then share publicly on Facebook some of the affirmations from my personal journal.   The entry from Journey Through The Stillness reads: “Affirmations are to make one pause and think; to pull one from the clutches of temptation; to bring one into the grace of the moment; to help one to be conscious of failings and to grow in desire to do good.” 

     When taken separately, each part of the definition truly puts the use of affirmations into perfect perspective. 

To pause and think – During the course of our day there are many times when we should pause and think before we speak or act.  A good example of an affirmation to use is this one from Journey Through The Stillness: When you judge others, I must judge you. (3/1/11)  Write it on a sticky note and put it on the dash of your car, on your computer or in a drawer you open frequently at work, or mentally paste it in your mind.  Read it, think of it, before you speak or act; pause and think.

To pull one from the clutches of temptation – I know there are multiple occasions every single day where I need to be pulled from the clutches of temptation.  Having an affirmation ready in my mind to repeat over and over to myself can stop me in my tracks and save me from the evil of the sin I am about to commit.  This one from Journey Through The Stillness can bring me quickly back to reality: They have pierced my hands and my feet; they have numbered all my bones. (3/5/11)  When I say this stirring line from A Prayer Before A Crucifix, and have the image of Jesus on The Cross in my mind, I find myself humbled and no longer desiring to succumb to the temptation.  I do not want to add even one more of my sins to the weight of His cross, to His pain and suffering.

To bring one into the grace of the moment – Sometimes we feel more like complaining than rejoicing.  In our complaining we may miss out on the truly good parts of the situation, we may miss out on the grace of the moment.  I love this affirmation, again from Journey Through The Stillness: Hear Me.  I love you exactly as you are. (1/22/11)  When a situation turns sour, or we find ourselves doubting, it is good to know He loves exactly as we are, and in reality, His is the only opinion that counts!

To help one to be conscious of failing and to grow in desire to do good –This final affirmation is a matter of self evaluation, of becoming aware of the times we fall short and strengthening our resolve to do better.  As we go forward we ask Him to come with us, we ask His guidance:  Heart of Jesus, lead me in what is mine to do. (3/23/11)  Knowing He is there to guide us to what is our true calling can make all the difference in the world.

     I am going to be posting affirmations regularly.  Each time I will share the above paragraph with the definition from Journey Through The Stillness.  Then I will post the affirmation, referencing in parentheses the actual Stillness entry date, and, at times, a short commentary.  I hope you enjoy them and put them to good use in your own spiritual growth and llife.

Go Forth and Shine! (2/1/11)

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