I would like to let everyone know that I will be taking a little hiatus and there will be no posts for the next week. The next one will be on Monday, June 10th. Blessings to all!

I would like to let everyone know that I will be taking a little hiatus and there will be no posts for the next week. The next one will be on Monday, June 10th. Blessings to all!
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
God Calling, A.J. Russell, June 30 – “Always seek to understand others and you cannot fail to love them. See Me in the dull, the uninteresting, the sinful, the critical, the miserable.
When we see through our own eyes, through our human limitations, we see only in comparison to ourselves. Rightly or wrongly, we judge. There is an old saying, ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees.’
Most often our judging is not really to criticize another, but instead, to validate or vindicate ourselves. If we reason, or determine, that another is wrong, stupid, or idiotic, then we must be right, smart, and/or sane. Being right, or better, is usually more important to us than seeing clearly, or correctly.
When we sincerely seek to understand others, we must see through our soul, through our own image and likeness to Christ. Looking outward from our soul we bypass our ego, and see beyond ourselves to the other’s image and likeness to Christ. We are then able to see another’s concerns, or another’s struggles. We see why they act like they do, why they are who they are.
When we seek to understand, rather than judge, others we see them in comparison to ourselves in a way that allies them with us in the quest to be all that we can be in Christ; we become brothers and sisters in Christ. Because we are self-involved, or self-centered, though, it can be quite difficult. Yes, we give it good lip service (me included), and yet, in our heart we still judge. We may even love, yet we judge.
Look for and see your neighbor’s, your friend’s, and your own family member’s struggles with themselves and the world. But, don’t just look. Seek to understand, so that you can love instead of judge. When we love without judging, we are also loved more in return … and maybe not judged.
“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You save me from violence. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies.” II Samuel 22:2-4
Rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, refuge… Where do you run when you have no one to turn to? He is patiently waiting for you.
“When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them.” Job 29:24
Today’s post is the November 23, 2010, entry from Journey Through The Stillness (my personal spiritual journal): “I am the LIGHT of the world. You are one of my RAYS. In this way you can manifest my physical presence to those who can see only in the physical realm. You can bring my LIGHT to them.”
Quite stunning when one actually visualizes it. Those who know, love, and serve the Lord are each a physical manifestation of His presence here on earth. Through us, through His Light within us, others see Him.
We are each one of His rays. Let your (His) Light shine today!
Go forth, be a Ray of Light. Be the Jesus in you, so that others may see too!
“The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.” John 10:27
In a post, entitled “Which Sheep Are You?” (February 4, 2011), I talked about my figure of Jesus The Shepherd and the three sheep that I have come to know as The Lost But Found, The Lover of Life, and a third called The Defender. Today I am sharing another post about about these sheep from Journey Through The Stillness. (My personal spiritual journal.)
July 6, 2010 – As I enter The Stillness today, I am looking at my figure of Jesus, The Shepherd. I find myself asking Him, “Jesus, which one do you love more? Is it the sheep you hold so tenderly in your arms, who was lost and then found? Is it the sheep who sits quietly at your feet continually loving you and longing to be in your love? Or is it the sheep standing by your side ready, willing, and able to do battle for you, to defend you at all costs? Tell me, Lord, which do you love the most? Which should I strive to be?” In a most loving, tender voice, He says, “Martha, it is possible to be all three. At different times in your life you have been each, have you not?” … “Being lost can be for a moment, an hour, years, or a lifetime. It can be as small as a minor transgression, an emotional weakness, a failure to look, or to act, or it can be outright denial of Me. Being found, on the other hand, is as simple and quick as a glance in my direction, a look of longing, a look of need, a look of love. Remember, there is a time, a season, to everything. Simply put, your life is a journey to Me. Simply put, the meaning of life IS Me. Once you have Me, fight to keep Me; defend Me, then, bask in love of Me and from Me. To answer your question, Martha, I love each of my sheep equally, totally. Have I not given everything for each and every one of them? You already know this, Martha. But, you and all others want to hear, need to hear, that I love you NOW, that I love you exactly where you are in your journey now, exactly who you are now. If there is work that needs to be done in you, WE will do it together. Again, not one inch too much. Trust in Me.”
Without having been lost; without having been found; without having to defend my faith, I would never be able to completely fathom what it means to bask in His love!
“Then he began to curse, and he swore an oath, “I do not know the man!” At that moment the cock crowed. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.” Matthew 26:74-75
We all cave in to temptations at times. If we truly love Jesus, we recognize and feel remorse for our failings. If we truly love Jesus, we repent, confess our sins, and reform our ways, or at least have an earnest desire and make real attempts to do so.
For most of us the recognition of our sins is almost immediate, and at times, even while we are committing the actual sin. This instant of recognition is the cock crowing, just as it did when Peter denied Jesus for the 3rd time.
Our mind, our heart, and our soul, combine to form our conscience. Together they monitor our thoughts and actions, informing us when we are about to go astray. If this is not enough to stop us, they work together with our senses to make us physically feel the affects of our sin, such as sweating or a sick feeling in the pit of our stomach. If this is still not enough, they blatantly begin crowing like a rooster, trying to gain our full attention and force us to recognize our sin. This is when we usually begin arguing within ourselves, making excuses or condoning our behavior. Usually, by this time, we have already done the deed, committed the sin.
The good news here is literally The Good News. Jesus is already within us, just beyond our arguments, waiting patiently, yet eagerly, to show us His capacity for loving forgiveness and Divine Mercy. However, most of us must first hear the cock crow, maybe even for the 3rd time. And upon hearing it, like Peter, we must truly repent. We must weep in remorse, just as Peter did, but also as Peter, we must bring all to Jesus, seeking His forgiveness. It is then that we come away whole, freed from the cock crowing, freed from the stress of hiding our guilt, of living in sin. It is then we are free to begin anew with Jesus abiding in us, and us in Him.
Is there a cock waiting around nearby almost ready to crow at you? You don’t have to wait until he crows. Recognize what your conscience is saying and stop before that judgment call pierces your heart. Don’t wait to be crowed at three times, go and seek your Savior. Let the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus be your salvation this very day.
Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)
“Happy are you who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways! For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork; happy shall you be, and favored.” Psalm 128:1-2
Fear is a strong emotion. When we are truly fearful, we are not happy. And yet, the Psalm says those who fear the Lord are happy.
When we let fear guide our actions we generally act irrationally. It is the fear that controls us. Fear must be managed, and when managed, it is a helpful tool in our spiritual arsenal.
The Lord asks that we fear Him in a respectful way. Respectful fear stands in awe of Him, stands in awe of His majesty, His power, His authority. Respectful fear obeys knowing full well the outcome of not obeying. Respectful fear knows that it is in our best interest to obey Him.
The Psalm also says those who walk in the Lord’s ways, those who obey Him, will eat the fruits of their labor. They shall be happy and favored. There are benefits to be gained by living in respectful fear.
We do well to remember, however, that the door swings both ways. We reap the rewards of walking in His ways, and we live with the consequences of living in sin. It is a matter of fear, not irrational fear, but respectful fear.
Statue of Mary at Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken 2011
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy.
This simple prayer was given by Mary, The Virgin Mother, to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. She appeared to the three children on the 13th of six consecutive months, May through October. One of the important parts of her messages to them was to pray the Rosary, and especially to pray the Rosary for peace throughout the world.
In this day and age, Mary’s message is still very relavant. Our world is in utter turmoil. We wonder what we can do about it. We can pray. We can help bring about peace through our prayers, especially through the Rosary, and by adding Mary’s Fatima Prayer after each decade of the Rosary. Commit this simple prayer to memory and say it often, say it on its own.
“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16
This verse from Exodus reminds me of this excerpt from a devotional, Daily Word:
“God within me is my spiritual strength, the power behind the unfolding of my life, the force that lifts me up in spirit, mind and body. I am called to reach out beyond the parameters I have set for myself, aspiring to realize my divine potential. (Daily Word)
Both the verse and excerpt serve as reminders that I exist for and because of God. He is within me … mind, body, and spirit. He is the driving force of my existence. Pause for a moment and really take that to heart … He is the driving force of my existence.
I may decide that I am to be on a particular path, or to become a particular type of person in life, and without realizing it, I may have actually set limitations for myself. When I see myself only through my own eyes, I may not be able to see past these limitations. I may end up settling for less than is really possible.
I must look beyond what I see and seek what God sees. Through God’s eyes I will see greater possibilities. I will see my highest good, my divine potential. Through His spiritual strength within, and his driving power behind me, I will be able to achieve my divine potential. When I am all that I can be, His Name will be proclaimed to all around me, to all the earth!
“And if you address as Father him who judges without favouritism according to each individual’s deeds, live out the time of your exile here in reverent awe.” 1 Peter 1:17
In this verse from 1 Peter we are told to live out the time of our exile here in reverent awe. Sometimes it is easy to read quickly and miss a very important point. Most of us don’t think of our existence on earth as exile. We tend to live in the here and now, yet our time here is temporary, and where we spend eternity is at stake.
The rest of the verse tells us we have been ransomed, not with money, but with blood, the precious blood of a sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ. If we are truly ransomed we owe a great debt. While it is one we can never repay, we can at least lessen it in faithful, obedient service to God, our Creator, in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“For you know that the price of your ransom form the futile way of life handed down from your ancestors was paid, not in anything perishable like silver or gold, but in precious blood as of a blameless and spotless lamb, Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19