All Things

140px-Christ_the_Alpha_and_Omega_001“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For in him all things were created:  things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”  Colossians 1:15-17

    In those times when you feel as if you will fall apart, remember… “in him all things hold together.”  Turn to Him, run to Him.  Fall at His feet.  He will pick you up, and if need be, put you back together again.

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By-Products Of Suffering

graveyard-set_2823473“More than that, we rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”  Romans 5:3-5

     Endurance, character, and hope are the by-products, the  fruits of sufferning granted by the grace of God through His most Holy Spirit.  Do all sufferers receive these graces?  Just as there are varying degrees of suffering, it is possible that there are varying degrees of the graces granted, but the real prize is for those whose suffering is born in humility, patience, and trust.  For those the graces are unlimited and never-ending.  They lead to Eternal Life.

     Simply put: (humility + patience + trust) + (endurance + character + hope) = holiness = path to sainthood!  The good news is that we are not alone.  The Holy Spirit is with us.

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Rejoice, Pray, and Thank

442px-Crucifixion_026“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18

     Give thanks in all circumstances.  This is a tall order for anyone.  Only through deep, faithful prayer can one even hope to rejoice and give thanks in all things.  Prayer changes everything.  Pray, pray, and pray some more, even when you don’t know how or what to pray.  Simply say His Name, “Jesus.”  He will hear; He will know.  He will guide you through even the most trying times.  He loves you.  He cries with and for you in the darkness, but also rejoices and sings with you when the Light shines again.  Yes, give Him thanks in all things.

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Reflected Glory



“All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory.”  2 Corinthians 3:18

     I never thought about the fact that there could be different degrees of glory.  Afterall, glory is glory, right?  Not according to this verse from 2 Corinthians.  We all reflect a certain amount of the Lord’s glory.  However, when the Lord’s Spirit within each of us is able to transform us even more so into His image and likeness, we reflect an even greater degree of the Lord’s glory.  This reflected glory, being the result of Spiritual transformation, attracts others.  It is through this reflected glory that others might come to know the Lord, or grow closer in their own relationship with Him. 

     See yourself as the Lord’s reflected glory today.  One can only imagine the even greater degree with which we will reflect His glory from heaven one day!

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Abundant Life

communion-3_2941677“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of neccessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”  2 Corinthians 9:6-8

     When I read this verse the words abundant life come to mind.  Yes, it refers to reasons for giving; that we should always give out of charity, out of love, rather than because we are supposed to, or have overage we can spare.  However, on a different note it could apply to how we live life in general, robustly or weakly.  Do we give ourselves over to life freely, or do we hold back in fear or self-doubt?  When we work against or thwart God’s will for us, we fight what is for our own good.  When we cheerfully cooperate with God’s plan, or the leadings of His Spirit within, we allow Him to manifest His grace in us and for us, for our good.  Giving our complete self over to God, withholding nothing from Him, ensures His promis of sufficiencly in all things, abundance of life.

    “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10

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Lord, You Are El Shaddai

St Peter's Basilica Statuary, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

St Peter’s Basilica Statuary, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Lord, You are El Shaddai

Forgive me, Lord, when I focus on lack of instead on supply.  Forgive me when I see only what isn’t there and not what is.  Forgive me when I focus on what I want and not what I need.

Thank you, Lord, for all your sufficient loving care and attention to every detail in my life.  Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness to me even when I whine, complain, and attempt to thwart your plans for me at every turn.

     “Lord, I Want To Know You,” by Kay Arthur, is a beautiful book written as a study on the Names of God.  El Shaddai is one of those names.  Most often translated as God Almighty, Kay Arthur, also explains how some scholars lean more toward a translation of All-Sufficient One.  I know God is powerful, but I love the added dimension of sufficient unto all my needs.  She beautifully explains how we can never know Him as all-sufficient apart from knowing Him as our Lord and Master.

     As servants of the Lord we can truly know His provision.  He provides for our every need that we may serve His.  There is nothing we shall want for He is our El Shaddai.

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Ask Though Unworthy

180px-Prodigal_Son_003 “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”   Philippians 2:2-4

      We know that we are to look out for others.  We know we should take care of the needs of others, and in doing so, we take care of Jesus, Himself.  It can become so ingrained in us, that we often sacrifice our own needs.  Note that the above verse tells us to take care of both.  Today I am sharing a previous entry from Journey Through The Stillness (My personal spiritual journal).  This entry shows how He wants us to ask for what we need, even when we feel unworthy… and how, in doing so, we become whole, we become One with Him.

April 10, 2011Entering into The Stillness there is a prayer request for myself that I still feel the need to bring to Him so that I can then empty myself, clear my thoughts and just be with Him.  “Jesus, My Lord, you know me, you know my heart; I ask if within your will, if possible for me, that You hear me, that You grant this personal request.  I lay it here at Your Sacred Feet and await Your loving answer.  Amen.”

     In The Stillness, He says, “Martha, you very rarely ask Me for anything of a personal nature for your own self; your loved ones, yes, but yourself, no.  Do you not know that I want you to?  Do you think that I don’t love you just as much as all those you pray for?  Just as I want them to come to Me, so I want you.  You, child, are just as much a part of my flock.  Remember this that I tell you now; I cannot use you, if you do not use Me.  We must be as ONE.  When we are ONE, you are Whole.  When you are WHOLE, you are most effective in my work.  When you are WHOLE, you are a joy to behold.  Do not hold ANYTHING back from Me.  I love you; you are mine.”

(Personal thoughts – Sometimes I struggle with something and feel unworthy to ask for what I want to help me.  In my unworthy feelings I separate myself from Him, from the very love that can make all things right.  Sometimes I am an idiot!)

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The Light Of Forgiveness

Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Canada, 2010 taken by Martha Wiggins

Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Canada, 2010 taken by Martha Wiggins

“Then Peter went up to him and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me?  As often as seven times?’  Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.”  Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiveness can be one of the hardest things we ever have to do in our lives.  Today, I am going to repeat a post from earlier that resonated with many readers.  It is always good to renew our resolve, especially when it concerns forgiveness:

Forgiveness – Previously posted on January 12, 2011:

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.”  Psalm 23:4

A few days ago I used one of my own quotes as the status on my personal Facebook page.  It went as follows:  “Forgiveness means you walk away from the hurt and into the Light.  You leave it in God’s hands and ask Him to send a resolution.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean subjecting yourself to mistreatment or misery.  It just means you can let go and let God, and then be open to resolution when it presents itself.”

Because of the number of comments it drew, I thought I would offer a little more in the way of explanation.  First, I truly understand how difficult forgiveness can be.  I know there is no such thing as forgive and forget when there is serious hurt or consequences surrounding that which needs to be forgiven.  Also, don’t think that I speak from atop a pillar, never having experienced hurt or deep disappointment in someone.  I have, just as I am sure everyone has.

Second, I believe forgiveness must occur in order to make us whole again.  I do know that in order to do so, we have to get outside ourselves.  If we continue to focus on our inner hurt, if we continue to focus on what ifs and buts, we will always take one step toward the Light, and then, retreat right back into the darkness.  We will continue to hide in the dark, waiting for the offender to make it right!  In order to get outside ourselves we must not let the hurt define who we are.  When we are defined by hurt all of our thoughts and actions are a direct result of that very real pain.  We are no longer in control.  It is the hurt that rules our lives.

Third, we must come to terms with the knowledge that we do not control the other person.  They may or may not be hurt by the situation themselves, and they may or may not ever come to apologize.  They may not even realize they have caused the hurt!  We cannot control them, but we can control ourselves.  Accepting that we can not control the other person doesn’t mean we do not feel the pain, or that the hurt doesn’t exist.  It just means we are now going to be the one in control of it.

Fourth, we cannot do it alone.  If the hurt is too deep, it may not be in our power to forgive, or even to control.  It is here we must go down on our knees and seek His help, His comfort, His wisdom, His power, to resolve the situation.  In doing so, we step into the Light.  We allow God to find the right solution for all.  We wait patiently in the Light instead of hiding in the dark.

Last, we open ourselves to the resolution when it presents itself.  When we allow God to resolve the situation in His own time, His own Way, we must accept the answer.  It may come in the form of an apology, or something else may happen which overrides the situation, which is more important, more immediate.  It may even be that a feeling of peace comes over us about the whole thing; that somehow we can now live with it; we can let it go.  Whatever the outcome, we have to be watchful so as not be so focused on our hurt, that we miss it!  For if we miss His resolution, we will return to the darkness.

A perfect place to begin is with the simple desire to forgive.  Place your hurt at the foot of the Cross and let His Light pull you through the darkness.  Then, walk into the Light sure in the knowledge that all is resolved, all is forgiven.

“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:7

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Sunshine For Your Soul

Lake Peyto, Banff National Park, Canada, 2010, taken by Martha Wiggins

Lake Peyto, Banff National Park, Canada, 2010, taken by Martha Wiggins

“Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint; heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony.  My soul is in deep anguish.”  Psalm 6:2-3

God Calling, A.J. Russel: August 17 – Sunshine helps to make glad the heart of man.  It is the laughter of Nature.”  “My nurse for tired souls and weary bodies. Let her have her way with you.”

     God provides rejuvenation, healing, and growth through nature if we but take the time to allow it.  When we are weary, when are souls are tired, we can step out into the sunshine and let ourselves be surrounded by His Light.  We can breathe in His Divine Spirit and draw near to Him.  We can feel His presence surround us and wash over us in peaceful bliss.

     Nature is His gift to us Go ahead, let her have her way with you.

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Lord, You Are Gentleness & Compassion

526px-Good_Shepherd_001Lord, You are Gentleness and Compassion.

Forgive me, Lord, when I speak without thought, and do so harshly, when only gentleness is needed.

Thank you, Lord, for your handling of me, and all my faults, ever so gently as to keep me enfolded in your flock rather than chase me away in guilt and fear.

     We are often guilty of thoughtless speaking.  We often say that which we need not even say.  Our Lord, speaks in ways that humble us, yet fill us with love.  He often speaks with gentleness and compassion.  Let us each strive to do the same.

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