Silence Is Golden

   486px-Jesus_On_A_Mountain_Alone_001  In regards to silence, Pope Benedict XVI, in his address to the general audience on March 7, 2012, said, it ‘has the capacity to open a space in our inner being, a space in which God can dwell, which can ensure that his word remains within us and that love for him is rooted in our minds and hearts and animates our lives.’

     The world is our greatest distraction from our greatest need.  While the world holds many opportunities to express our faith and live out our Christian values, it cannot supply the necessary fuel to accomplish these things.  Only God, Jesus (His Word made flesh), and His Holy Spirit have the power to fuel us.

Where exactly do we need go to refuel?  We need to go before God.  In silence we need to open the door to our inner being and let God dwell there within.  Take some time during this season of Lent to invite God in.  Go in silence with the door open.  You will be greatly rewarded.

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Do You Repeat Sins?

Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)

Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)

The following is from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal:

Apr 6, 2010Today as I go into The Stillness I am thinking about how I continue to repeat my sins over and over again.  Even though I am truly sorry, I must not be sorry enough.  Jesus says to me, “When you hear the inner voice, just stop.  If that voice is not enough then see Me on the Cross, and if that is STILL not enough to stop you, then remember that the pain of the Crucifixion was not my greatest pain … it was the weight of your sins when I had to carry the cross.  That is what caused, and causes Me to this day, the most suffering.  You KNOW Me and continue to sin.  How can I expect those who don’t know Me to come to Me, when those who do know Me cannot.  Pray for increased strength, Martha, and I will help you.  You are mine, and I am yours.”

     If you are like me you repeat your sins, the same sins over and over again.  We are weak against temptation.  Is it any wonder that Jesus questions how we can lead others to Him when we cannot even control ourselves?  We are imperfect and yet He longs to use us warts and all.  Sometimes it is our very imperfections that might attract someone to us, and ultimately to Him through us.  That is no excuse, though, to continue on in sin.  To lead the way to Him, we must set self aside.  We are each called to holiness, and must strive to be so.  We must learn from our sinful mistakes and work at correcting those characteristics in ourselves that cause us to sin.  Jesus asks us to pray for increased strength to overcome our sinfulness, and tells us He is ever available to help.  There is something truly comforting in knowing we are His and He is ours.

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My Lord And My God

526px-Good_Shepherd_001A Prayer for today:  My Lord and My God be thou with me.  Do not forsake me, or those I love.  Yet, you are my Lord and my God.  I will trust in You.  (Journey Through The Stillness, April 19, 2010)

Ever pray, yet trust in His will for you and for your loved ones.  You will not be forsaken.  He is ever at your side.

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Don’t Fight Satan Alone…

Jesus rebuking SatanToday’s post is a Stillness entry from May, 2010, a time prior to the start of Martha’s Oribtal Buzz…

May 19, 2010Today Jesus stands before me, his hands on my head.  We are like this for some time when I realize my thoughts are creeping in as distractions.  I say, “In your name and through your Sacred Heart within me, Jesus, I cast out the Devil now, and banish him from my thoughts.”  Jesus says, “Yes, Martha, fight for it!  Satan cannot come in as long as you are with Me.  My hands are on you; how dare he even try!”  I say, “Jesus, I want to be with You.  I want to feel my heart aching within and to be on fire for love of You.”  Then He says, “I can see when you are tired, Martha.  Just rest in Me here.  Be infused with the energy you need to continue on our journey.”  And so, my heart is aching, my mind is quiet, and my body is still.  I am with Him, just with Him.  He knows my every need and fills me with Himself.  Prayer:  My Lord, and My God, infuse me with the Life of your Son, the Love of His Mother, Mary, and the Peace of your Holy Spirit flowing within, that I might be used by each for the fight against your most powerful enemy, Satan, in order that he be cast down and made to release those souls that You, in your infinite Mercy and Love, desire to bring home to The Father, that they might gain the grace of your salvation and live in union with You in eternal life, ever offering in praise that Glory and Honor that cannot be denied You, for thou art The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Amen.

Call upon the Name, the Power, and the Grace of The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  You will not be forsaken and Satan will be defeated in your life.


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Dance, Then…

626px-Communion_of_Saints_002“Then David danced with all his might before the Lord.  He had on a holy linen vest.  David and all the Israelites shouted with joy and blew trumpets as they brought the Ark of the Lord to the city.”  2 Samuel 6:14-15

I love beautiful art; the sound of fingers sliding across guitar strings; lyrics that make my heart sing, smile, cry, etc. and old movies.  In my next life I want to dance!  In other words, I can be emotional, and I wear my heart on my sleeve.  Beautiful imagery, whether words, music, or art, can deeply touch me.

I mention these things because I am going to share about a book filled with just such beautiful, spiritual imagery.  The book is entitled, “The Divine Embrace”, by Ken Gire.  He is a favorite author of mine because over the years, several times, I have gone into a bookstore not knowing what I needed and the Lord unmistakably directed me to one of his books.

This particular book likens our spiritual journey to a dance, a dance with our Lord.  I fell in love with the analogy when I read the following excerpt.  “The Lord of the dance doesn’t want us worrying about our feet.  He doesn’t want us wondering about the steps ahead.  He merely wants us to feel the music, fall into his arms, and follow his lead.”  Take a moment to reflect, to imagine it; dancing with our Lord!

Continuing on, Gire says, “There are places he wants to take us on the dance floor, things he wants to show us, feelings he wants to share with us, words he wants to whisper in our ear.  This is what the divine embrace is –an invitation to a more intimate relationship with Christ, one exhilarating, ennobling, uncertain step at a time.  We have a choice, you and I.  And it’s a choice we make every day, throughout the day.  The choice is this:  We can dance.  Or we can sit it out.”

He goes on to talk about stepping on Jesus’ toes, or bumping into others on the floor, or making fools of ourselves.  He discusses how we let our fears keep us off the dance floor and end up missing the dance.  He then says, “There are two things I have learned from the divine embrace.  That perfect love really does cast out fear.  And that I would rather dance poorly with Jesus than sit perfectly with anyone else.”  As I read this, all I could say was, “Oh my.”

If you have followed along in my spiritual journey, you have seen me step out of my comfort zone many times.  I have done so when I have been asked to dance!  Each time I can honestly say I have ended up in His divine embrace.  The first and hardest dance was when I was asked to share my private, personal spiritual journal on facebook and then to begin writing this spiritual meditation website.  I see the names of those who have joined in order to follow along, but with the exception of those who leave comments or click like, I do not know who or how many literally view my journal on a regular basis.  It is not mine to know; God knows.  It is not about me, but about Him.  I can also say, no matter what pain, what cost; no matter what He has called me to do, I wouldn’t have missed the dance.  And yes, I have stepped on His toes many times.

I would like to share one more excerpt from Gire’s beautiful book:  “… along the way we are given glimpses of the one we now love only from afar.  Something happens to us in those moments.  A shift in focus. … When we see Jesus, however briefly, however indistinctly, our hearts begin to ache.  In that moment and because of that moment, we love him more, at least we long to.  It is in those moments that we discover where the Lord of the Dance has been leading us all along –into a deeper love for him. … Jesus leads us in a dance that moves around his Father’s heart, in ever tighter circles, until at last we are so close to the love that is at the center of the universe that we feel it, every throbbing beat of it.  And when that happens, the beating of his heart and the beating of ours become one.”

Hence, my “Journey Through The Stillness” and Martha’s Orbital Buzz Website, and my facebook page entitled Catholic Orbit.  And, I am still dancing in His divine embrace…

“Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he.”
(Hymn: Lord Of The Dance)

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Lord, You Are Comforter

431px-Memling,_The_Virgin_Showing_the_Man_of_Sorrows,_melbourneLord, You are Comforter.

Forgive me, Lord, when I treat others through my narrow vision.  Forgive me when I lack empathy, compassion, and mercy.  Forgive me, Lord, when I fail to give the comfort that I am capable of, and expected of me by You to give.

Thank you, Lord, for knowing my limitations and shortcomings.  Thank you, Lord, for loving me just the same.

     Ask the Lord to show you today where you are failing as comforter.  Ask Him to show you how to be more like Him. You will be amazed at what you are actually capable of through Him.

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The Power Of Prayer

Storm Clouds, Banff National Park, Canada,2010, taken by Martha Wiggins

Storm Clouds, Banff National Park, Canada,2010, taken by Martha Wiggins

“Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters;  They have seen the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.  For He spoke and raised up a stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea.  They rose up to the heavens, they went down to the depths;  Their soul melted away in their misery.  They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, and were at their wits’ end.  Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distresses.  He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed.  Then they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to their desired haven.  Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men!”   Psalm 107:23-31

     Their soul melted away in their misery.  They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, and were at their wits’ end.  Then they cried to the Lord…”  As an artist the imagery of words often affects me in the same way an image on canvas might.  I can think of no more descriptive way to describe someone in deep remorse, anguish, or grief, than to say ‘their soul melted away’.

We often turn to God in prayers of desperation in our hour of need, in that hour when we count all as lost.  Even those who may not truly believe in the power of prayer still cry out to the Lord just in case or because there is no one else to cry out to.  God hears even those prayers.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon known to man.  It is man’s direct communication line to God.  It is through the prayers of mankind that many miracles occur.  Miracles are the rays of grace that answers to prayer travel on.

If your soul is melting away in misery, cry out to the Lord in your time of need.  Through the power of prayer your storms will be calmed, and through miraculous rays of grace you will be guided to your haven.  Then in joy, let us give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness and His many wonders.

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Lord, You Are Supply

140px-Holy_Spirit_005Lord, You are Supply.

Forgive me, Lord, when I doubt, fear, or stray.  Forgive me when I feel as if I need more, that You are not enough.  Forgive me when I give up.

I don’t mind that I must work to achieve Your will, Lord, but only through Your supply do I know I am capable.  Thank you, Lord, for Your constant supply, for Your support in all things, in all ways.  All praise and glory are Yours.

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Trust In The Lord

409px-Jesus_Rescuing_a_Lamb_Caught_in_Thorns “But the man who trusts in the Lord will be blessed.  The Lord will show that He can be trusted.  He will be strong like a tree planted near water that sends its roots by the stream.”   (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

When my children were young I gave them each a Bible verse.  This verse belongs to my youngest who is now a grown man … all six feet, six inches of him, and that’s barefooted!  Enough said.

When things don’t go exactly as we planned, or when a dream of ours is dashed, do we flounder and wallow?  Not if our trust is in the Lord!  When we show faith in Him we are rewarded.  Even children can learn to trust in His outcomes.  Just like us, they may need to be shown how the Lord worked their disappointment for their good until they begin to recognize His hand at work.  As adults, we too must continue to look for His Hand at work in our own lives.  He will prove He can be trusted and we will become strong like a tree planted near the stream.  We might not grow as tall as my youngest son, but our roots will grow deep into the soil and our foundation will be strong like a mighty oak.

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Come Into My Heart

Sacred_Heart_of_Jesus_by_BatoniVisit me with your Grace, my Jesus.  Come spiritually into my heart.  Purify it. Sanctify it.  Render it like unto your own.  (Taken from a prayer for Spiritual Communion)

These beautiful words are part of a prayer used when making a Spritual Communion, but they can be prayed any time throughout your day.  Invite Jesus into your heart as often as you think of Him.  Let your day and yourself be transformed by Him.

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