(An excerpt from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal) {May 2, 2010 – “Love all you come into contact with. Make them feel your joy to just be in their presence. Continue to pray for all. Continue to pray for those you do not know, but see, and feel a need to say a prayer for. You have always done this, Martha. You just didn’t know that I was prompting you to pray; the homeless person on the corner, the disabled person you pass by, all those you see each time at Moffitt, and those you see that seem normal, and yet your heart tugs at you to say a prayer for them. Continue, Martha, for without your prayer lifting them up to Me for help, they may never find Me. You are writing this so that others will feel my tug at their hearts to do the same. Remember, I want EVERY soul and, Martha, remember, it is I who prepare the way you go.”}
Have you ever seen somebody you don’t even know, and yet, something about them tugs at you? You are not sure what or why, but you feel you should help them in some way. If action clearly presents itself, such as a need for money or a meal, you may easily handle it and then dismiss it from your mind. But often, there are those people that no action presents itself, and yet, you feel you need to do something. These are the times where a prayer on their behalf may do more good than any money or food. As in the Stillness entry above, Jesus prepares the way for us. He puts people in our path and nudges us. If we are paying attention, we notice others. We can see their need within our heart, or perceive that we should lift them up spiritually to God. This is something I have done as long as I can remember. I may never see or think of these people again, but in that moment I link their soul to God, through mine. I can then go on about my day knowing that they are in God’s loving, capable hands. All is well.
Look around you today. As you go by others, pay attention to your heart. Lift all He sends your way up to Him in prayer. Love them all right where they are, from right where you are. Trust the Lord to love them also.