“He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world did not know who He was. To his own He came, yet his own did not accept Him. Any who did accept Him he empowered to become children of God.” John 1:10-12
Sometimes we become soul weary. Sometimes we have just had enough! We are finished; we cannot take anymore. We just want to be left alone by the world, our job, our enemies, our spouse, and even our well-meaning friends. When we finally run everyone off, when we are finally alone, we find it is not what we want at all. We really just want someone to understand us. We want someone to know what we are going through. We want someone to be there with and for us. Where do we go at times like these? To whom do we run?
The answer may seem obvious. You already know I am going to say we should take it to God, and I am. However, I am also going to lure you there! What is in for you? Why should you take your tiredness, your disgust, your hurt, your doubt, your desire to give up, and lay it at the foot of The Cross? Yes, He saved you from sin, but why would He care about you outside of sin?
The one answer I love the most, is the fact that He is your Father. Forget, for a moment, that He created you, in His image and likeness by the way. Forget that He saved you from your sins, and is waiting to welcome you into Everlasting Life. Forget, for a moment, that He is a part of you, that He is in you. Focus only on the fact that He is your Father.
A good Father cares deeply about His child. He wants to see His child happy and fulfilled. He wants His child to feel His love. A good Father will nurture His child with kindness, and protect His child at all costs, even lay down His Life. A good Father can do these things only when He knows His child intimately, and only when He knows His child’s needs. A good Father knows every child is unique, and every child’s needs are singular to that child. A good Father is the one person to whom a child can come to feel unconditionally loved; the one place a child can lay down and rest; can let down its guard, and trust.
So, it is to Our Father in Heaven we need to run to be restored, to find rest for our soul. We need to lay everything at the foot of The Cross. We need to spend time in His presence, so He can know our individual needs and nurture us with His love and protection. In my “Journey Through The Stillness”, July 19, 2010, I hear Him say, “Lean on Me, Martha. I am your strength. Strength does not come from you. You cannot make or will yourself strong. It comes from this time apart with Me. Everything that you are comes from being apart with Me. I grant you the strength you need. I infuse you with Me, and you become strong; physically, mentally, spiritually. I am Almighty, All-Powerful.”
When your soul is weary, and much in need of rest, run to Him, not from Him. You cannot make yourself strong. Lay down at His feet. He is your Father, and He is a good Father. Trust in Him to make you strong again. Trust in Him to make you whole again.