“Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. How can we live?” Ezekiel 33:10
We often look at ourselves through eyes of self-doubt. Often we see our failures and our weaknesses more than we see our good and our strength. Through the same eyes of self-doubt we also see God. We wonder how He can possibly love us the way we are.
God looks upon you and sees His creation. He sees each of us through eyes of love. Even though we make mistakes and sometimes do evil, God does not impute evil to us. He sees us as intrinsically good. “As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” (Ezekiel 33:11)
When we live with self-doubt, questioning our worth, we waste our life. As in the first quote above from Ezekiel, we waste away under the weight of our sins. We become too weak to help ourselves out of the depths of our misery, and our sins. In His love and mercy for us God sends us help. He gives us His Word. He gives us the examples of His faithful. He gives us His Sacrificial Lamb. “But when they were oppressed they cried out to you. From heaven you heard them, and in your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies.” (Nehemiah 9:27)
Nehemiah continues on, “But as soon as they were at rest, they again did what was evil in your sight. Then you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies so that they ruled over them. And when they cried out to you again, you heard from heaven, and in your compassion you delivered them time after time.” (Nehemiah 9:28)
We all wallow in our miseries at times. God understands this. He also knows there are times when no matter how long, or how hard He stands at the door and knocks, we won’t let Him in. He has endowed each of us with free will to walk in His Ways or to walk in our own ways. When we choose to go our own way we are abandoned into the hands of our enemies, our sins. And then, our sins take control of our lives; they rule over us. They will continue to do so until we can look through different eyes at ourselves, until we see ourselves through His eyes of love. Then, when we cry out to Him again, in His compassion He will deliver us again.
Do not let yourselves be abandoned into the hands of your enemies, your sins. Seek Him out and ask Him to show you how He sees you. Then ask for His deliverance from your self-doubt and from your weaknesses. He will be there to rescue you.