“[Of David] I thank you, Yahweh, with all my heart, for you have listened to the cry I uttered. In the presence of angels I sing to you, I bow down before your Holy Temple. I praise your name for your faithful love and your constancy; your promises surpass even your fame. You heard me on the day when I called, and gave new strength to my heart.” Psalm 138:1-3
I have a beautiful prayer book from my youth entitled, Blessed Be God, that is now quite weathered looking. It is a favorite of mine and used daily in my prayer routine. I especially like this exquisite prayer proclaiming the presence of God.
“O ALMIGHTY and eternal God, Whose majesty filleth heaven and earth, I firmly believe that Thou art here present; that Thine all-seeing eye is upon me; that Thou knowest all things, and art most intimately present in the very center of my soul. I desire to bow down all the powers of my soul to adore Thee; I desire to join my voice with all Thy blessed angels and saints, to praise Thee and glorify Thee now and forever.”
I am especially struck by two phrases in this prayer. The first being, “Thine all-seeing eye is upon me.” Knowing He is present is one thing, but knowing He is watching evokes a different feeling of His presence. It is a feeling of security. He knows, He sees …everything that I do and everything that is done to me. His eye never wavers.
The second phrase is, “I desire to bow down all the powers of my soul to adore Thee.” Being in His presence evokes feelings of humility and devout worship from deep within our soul. We must gain complete control of our very core in order to lose our self in total adoration. We must bow down before Him.
Then, like David in the Psalm at the top, He will hear us on the day we call giving us new strength of heart. And, like David we will thank Him with all our heart.
His presence is real. Be still and know…