Stonger Than Evil

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

“Jesus rises from the grave. Life is stronger than death. Good is stronger than evil. Love is stronger than hate. Truth is stronger than lies.” … Excerpt from HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI at Saint Peter’s Basilica, Holy Saturday, 7 April 2012 (from the Vatican Website)

Can you just imagine the scene in hell at the time Jesus was being tortured and crucified?  There had never been celebrating such as this over the conquering and death of any other soul.  Satan himself was dancing and jumping for joy, his demonic smile bazenend across his face.  He had won!  Jesus was being killed, and at the hands of his own people!  Goodness was dead, evil had won!  So he thought.

I also like to imagine the scene in hell when Satan first realized that Jesus didn’t stay dead!  That demonic smile turned to a scowl.  The dancing and leaping turned into crying and cringing.  Jesus had risen… life was stronger than death; good stronger than evil; love stronger than hate, and truth stronger than lies.

Two thousand years and counting, it remains so.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Jesus is love, and He has risen.  Jesus lives… in each of us.

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