“There in their presence he was transfigured: his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as dazzling as light.” Matthew 17:2
This Gospel from Matthew tells of the Transfiguration. Jesus takes three of his favorite disciples, Peter, James, and John, with Him up the mountain. There the three witness a very entrancing scene. They witness our Lord in all of His Glory and see both Moses, and Elijah with Him. If that isn’t enough they then see a cloud and hear the voice of God, confirming that Jesus is His Beloved Son.
As an artist, I find the imagery of the Transfiguration stunning. It is one of my favorites because I also happen to have been born on the feast day of the Transfiguration, August 6th. I don’t believe anyone’s imagination can do this scene justice. Jesus would have been aglow. He would have been so bright as to be blinding. He would have been shining like the sun!
The disciples were in complete awe of such a scene. They were possibly a bit dumbfounded, as the first thing out of their mouths has to do with entertaining, being good hosts! They want to set up tents! But then, the real purpose of this scene comes crashing down on them in the form of a cloud. I am sure it could not have been any ordinary cloud because the voice of God came from within it. It must have been electric to say the least!
And then we get a more realistic guttural reaction from the disciples. “When they heard this, the disciples fell on their faces, overcome with fear.” (Matthew 17:6) Instinctively, the voice of God strikes fear in their hearts. It is authoritative; it is commanding. He tells them to listen to His Beloved Son. At once, Jesus comes to them. He touches them and says, “Stand up, do not be afraid.” (Matthew 17:7) Then the gospel continues on, “And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but Jesus.” (Matthew 17:8) Jesus then takes them back down the mountain and tells them not to speak of what they have witnessed until after the Resurrection.
In being allowed to witness The Transfiguration, Peter, James, and John learn a very important message in a very simple way. And, in this simple lesson they have the key to Salvation. Fear and respect God, and listen to Jesus, His Beloved Son. I love simplicity!