In regards to silence, Pope Benedict XVI, in his address to the general audience on March 7, 2012, said, it ‘has the capacity to open a space in our inner being, a space in which God can dwell, which can ensure that his word remains within us and that love for him is rooted in our minds and hearts and animates our lives.’
The world is our greatest distraction from our greatest need. While the world holds many opportunities to express our faith and live out our Christian values, it cannot supply the necessary fuel to accomplish these things. Only God, Jesus (His Word made flesh), and His Holy Spirit have the power to fuel us.
Where exactly do we need go to refuel? We need to go before God. In silence we need to open the door to our inner being and let God dwell there within. Take some time during this season of Lent to invite God in. Go in silence with the door open. You will be greatly rewarded.