“for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.” Romans 2:13
When we open ourselves to hear God speak, we open ourselves to His use. When we hear Him, we can no longer deny Him, or what is ours to do. However, it goes both ways. When we are open to Him, He is open to us. He keeps His promises.
Today I am sharing another entry from Journey Through The Stillness (My personal spiritual journal). When we are faithful, we no longer need to question why. We just continue on …
April 8, 2011 – My Heavily Robed Jesus lifts me gently standing before Him. Looking deeply into my eyes He says, “It is good that you keep these appointed times. Do not grow weary in doing so, child. Continue to come to Me. I will keep my promises. Your faith in Me is justified; my faith in you must be also. You need Me, and I also need you. I need you to be Me in the world and to help Me bring home the lost.”
(Personal thoughts – I am beyond wondering why me, or how could he ever use me. I am too busy just trying to keep up with Him! I do, at times, still question if I am doing all I am supposed to be doing and He usually lets me know!)