“I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10
In Divine Mercy In My Soul, The Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalska, the Saint writes: “My soul was engulfed by the great love of God, and I understood that we should take great heed of our interior inspirations and follow them faithfully, and that faithfulness to one grace draws down others.”
One of the beautiful benefits of spending time in Stillness before Our Lord is the feeling of being engulfed in the Love of the One who created us. Another benefit of being still before Our Lord is that we are spiritually moved; He speaks to our soul. These interior inspirations are leadings that guide us to what is ours to do, guide us to our best selves. And a bonus benefit is that, as sure as night follows day, if we follow these interior inspirations given to us by Him, by His Holy Spirit, we are sure to be blessed. And, when we continue to follow these inspirations faithfully, blessing upon blessing will rain down on us.
If you are not spending time in silence with Our Lord, start by just sitting quietly with Him for a few minutes each day, in addition to your regular prayers. Watch and see, how over time, these minutes become just as important to you as actually praying. Be sure to also watch for the blessings that rain down as a result!