“but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” Psalm 66:19-20
In 2011 I wrote a post about the power of prayer in our personal lives, how prayer has the power to transform situations. Today, I would like to add another dimension to the power of prayer: the unknown, the unseen.
In that earlier post we read how we should turn to prayer when our personal lives are in of need of things such as healing, guidance, or enlightenment, etc. And how, because it concerns our own personal circumstances, we are able to see the results, to reap the benefits. But, what if God seems silent? What if our prayers are not for us, but for others, and we do not see results? What if the circumstances are so far reaching, as in world hunger or peace? We pray, yet we cannot know or see any difference attributable to our prayer. This kind of prayer requires trust. It requires a belief that it is heard, and answered. This kind of prayer requires blind faith. It is precisely the fact that we cannot see results that makes it all the more imperative to pray.
In the May 16th entry from God Calling, by A.J. Russell, we read: “Never weary in prayer. When one day man sees how marvellously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply, so deeply, regret that he prayed so little. Prayer changes all. Prayer re-creates. Prayer is irresistible. So pray, literally without ceasing. Pray until you almost cease to pray, because trust has become so rock-like, and then pray on because it has become so much a habit that you cannot resist it. And always pray until Prayer merges into Praise. That is the only note on which true prayer should end.”
Let us not be one who will deeply regret our lack of prayer. Pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more! You may never know the effects of your prayers while you are still on this earth, but, one day… you will, and not regret it.