“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:12-13
Today’s post deals with trials and sufferings, and how we must choose to embrace them. The following is an enty from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal.
March 24, 2011 – Jesus has to pull my thoughts back to Him several times, finally saying to me, “Martha, child, a change of focus is needed. Do not dwell on those things that are wrong, those things that cause you discomfort. Be glad! Rejoice in that you have something to offer up to Me on behalf of others. Be thankful that they are not life threatening and do not harm others. Bear them in My Grace, for suffering is indeed grace granted by Me to allow those who love Me to share in My pain, to alleviate some of the pain I suffered on their behalf and the behalf of all. Understand this and your focus will be on the grace you receive from suffering WITH Me rather than the discomfort incurred as a result. You are my daughter, Martha, and I love you enough to have you share in both My sorrow and My joy. Turn your own suffering into joy and you will be blessed tenfold. Love your suffering for the sake of Me. Love your suffering for the love of Me.
(Personal thoughts – I so needed to hear this today, as I have been fighting self-serving wallowing the past few days. I need to be jolted out of it, but oh, how He does it in such a gentle, loving way!)
Suffering with grace, even with joy, is quite a tall order for most of us. We like to bemoan our tribulations, grouse, and play the victim. We like the attention it brings, and feel important and/or loved when others listen and care. Maybe it is time for us to try to suffer a little more in silence and prayer. Maybe we can change our focus and suffer more in thanksgiving and the joy to be able to share in His pain. Maybe we can change our focus and offer up our sufferings on behalf of others. Can we truly love to suffer? All we can do is try, and seeing us do so, He is sure to take our efforts and make them complete, make them holy in His sight. Surely then, we will be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.