Gilded Columns in the Courtyard at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy. Taken by Martha McDuff Wiggins, 2012
“He stationed the gatekeepers of the house of the LORD, so that no one would enter who was in any way unclean.” 2 Chronicles 23:19
Our soul is the house of the Lord within us. We are the gatekeepers of our soul. It is our responsibility to see that nothing unclean enters.
The world is filled with uncleanliness that can hold us captive, often with our permission or even our complete surrender. Vices abound and many partake in them. Sometimes we become entangled in a web of uncleanliness without realizing it, because it happens slowly, little by little. We become desensitized accepting as normalcy that which previously we would have found ugly, distasteful, or sinful.
When we are caught up in the world and all that pertains to it, we often loose our ability of discernment between right and wrong, between what is good for us and what is not, between what is nurturing to our soul and what injures our soul.
If we are truly wise, we will occasionally examine what occupies the majority of our time and of our thoughts. We will examine who we spend the brunt of our time with and what activities we participate in with them. We will also listen to our words carefully to understand if we speak honorably and respectfully. If we are truly wise we will make the necessary changes to protect our soul.
Is there some uncleanliness you have let enter your soul lately? Remember, as the gatekeeper, you have control over all that enters.