“Then he began to curse, and he swore an oath, “I do not know the man!” At that moment the cock crowed. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.” Matthew 26:74-75
We all cave in to temptations at times. If we truly love Jesus, we recognize and feel remorse for our failings. If we truly love Jesus, we repent, confess our sins, and reform our ways, or at least have an earnest desire and make real attempts to do so.
For most of us the recognition of our sins is almost immediate, and at times, even while we are committing the actual sin. This instant of recognition is the cock crowing, just as it did when Peter denied Jesus for the 3rd time.
Our mind, our heart, and our soul, combine to form our conscience. Together they monitor our thoughts and actions, informing us when we are about to go astray. If this is not enough to stop us, they work together with our senses to make us physically feel the affects of our sin, such as sweating or a sick feeling in the pit of our stomach. If this is still not enough, they blatantly begin crowing like a rooster, trying to gain our full attention and force us to recognize our sin. This is when we usually begin arguing within ourselves, making excuses or condoning our behavior. Usually, by this time, we have already done the deed, committed the sin.
The good news here is literally The Good News. Jesus is already within us, just beyond our arguments, waiting patiently, yet eagerly, to show us His capacity for loving forgiveness and Divine Mercy. However, most of us must first hear the cock crow, maybe even for the 3rd time. And upon hearing it, like Peter, we must truly repent. We must weep in remorse, just as Peter did, but also as Peter, we must bring all to Jesus, seeking His forgiveness. It is then that we come away whole, freed from the cock crowing, freed from the stress of hiding our guilt, of living in sin. It is then we are free to begin anew with Jesus abiding in us, and us in Him.
Is there a cock waiting around nearby almost ready to crow at you? You don’t have to wait until he crows. Recognize what your conscience is saying and stop before that judgment call pierces your heart. Don’t wait to be crowed at three times, go and seek your Savior. Let the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus be your salvation this very day.