“Yahweh saw that human wickedness was great on earth and that human hearts contrived nothing but wicked schemes all day long.” Genesis 6:5
In Genesis, chapter 6, we learn that God was very disillusioned with mankind. He regretted making us! He planned to rid the earth of all living creatures. The evils of those days cannot be any more evil than those of today! So what must God be thinking now?
We are here today because of one righteous man, Noah. Noah found favor with God. Noah walked in faith with God, and also raised his family to do so. Because God was pleased with Noah, He commanded him to build the Ark for his family and other living creatures. Noah faithfully carried out God’s wishes even at great hardship and cost to him and his family. Can’t you just imagine the ridicule that Noah’s family must have suffered from the community. That Ark wasn’t something that could be easily hidden or kept secret! People must have thought Noah was a lunatic, and probably kept a safe distance between him and them. Don’t you wonder what they thought when the flood came?
In today’s world it is somehow easy to see evil and do nothing about it, to see evil and think it doesn’t affect us. We have become a people of complacency. Little by little we are exposed to things which we know to be wrong. We slowly begin to accept them as a normal part of lives. If we aren’t doing it ourselves, it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t touch us personally. We become desensitized. Then, before we realize it, the boundaries have stretched. What once was too far out there has now become mainstream. And now seems impossible to corral, to reign in, to put a stop to.
We wonder what one person can do? The answer is Noah. We can be Noah. Be that righteous, faithful one who walks with God. Set example for others to follow. Because God was pleased with Noah, He used him to save mankind from extinction; one righteous man! As we find favor with God, He will strengthen us, He will embolden us to fight against the evils of today, whether they be on a large scale, such as abortion, world poverty, and tyranny, or on a smaller scale, such as cheating in our places of employment, prejudices within our communities, or lying within our own social circles. Maybe our field of operations is to be within our own family. Evil is lurking everywhere, but so are Noahs!
Each of us has an inner Noah that needs to be awakened, rekindled, or fired up. God has to be sickened by the human wickedness of today, and so should we. Build an Ark of righteousness around your family and friends, and set sail out into the world as an example for all.
Find your inner Noah, and find favor with God.