Lord, You Are The Breath of Life


Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Peter Wenzel, taken by Martha Wiggins, Vatican Museum, 2012

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Peter Wenzel, taken by Martha Wiggins, Vatican Museum, 2012

Lord, You are The Breath of Life.

Forgive me, Lord, when each breath I take is seen merely as a needed physical function rather than the life-giving blessing it is.

Thank you, Lord, for the intricacies of my body and Your Life Breath within to sustain me.  May I be ever mindful of all that you are to me physically and spiritually.  May I ever live and breathe in and through You.

Take a breath, slowly.  Imagine the inner workings that make it possible.  Imagine a God, who in His infinite love and wisdom, created you.  Breathe out, slowly.  Imagine how every breath gives life to your body.  Imagine a God, who breathed the first Breath of Life into mankind, a God who is not only the creator of all life, but the keeper of all life.  Whether or not you take your next breath is truly in His Hands.

Breathe in and out again, slowly, thanking for Him for the wonder of it all, thanking Him for His Gift of Life to you!

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