“For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.” Thessalonians 2:13
God’s power to give is limitless. Every possible need, desire, or joy we can imagine, He can fulfill or provide. If this is so, then why do we not have everything? Why are we often left wanting, or in need of something more? God is not limited in His capacity to give, but we are often limited in our capacity or willingness to accept.
At times we imagine what life would be if it was exactly how we wanted it to be. We imagine, but we do not truly project ourselves into the equation. Instead, we often slough off the dream saying, “Oh well, life is what it is,” or “Why would God ever want to do these things for me? Look at me, wretched sinner that I am.” Here is usually where we turn and walk away from our life dreams. Here is where a lot of us give up and just plod along through whatever comes our way.
What if? What if, instead, we truly envisioned our life the way we wanted it? What if we really saw ourselves living that life? What if we actually believed God could and would do this for us?
For this to happen, we must meld together our belief that God truly loves us, no matter what, with our willingness to accept, gladly, whatever He brings our way. We must believe, accept, and then achieve.
Sound simple? If it were that simple, we would all be living the good life! What seems to quickly derail our efforts is the fact that we must often live through some difficult times, whether they be
hardships or sorrows. As hard as it is to learn how to truly accept these times, we must work toward gladly thanking God for them and for helping us to grow. If we do so, while ever envisioning the life we want, we will soon begin to realize our best life. We must also continue forward by asking God what He wants us to learn from our experiences. We then internally process the lesson, letting it become part of the new person we are becoming under His tutelage, under His loving wisdom and grace. We must believe, accept, and achieve in order to become who we are meant to be and live the life we are meant to live.
Believe in God’s grace, accept His will, and then achieve in His strength! Go forth everyone, and make it a blessed day by being a blessing to those around you. You might be surprised how quickly circumstances can change for the better and how dreams are fulfilled when you give them over to God.