Annunciation mosaic on the facade of the Duomo, The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy, 2012, taken by Martha M Wiggins
Abortion kills. It brutally takes the life of a human being, a baby in the womb, who flinches, squirms, and actually moves itself away from the scalpal in a useless attempt to escape from the pain being inflicted upon it.
That said, abortion kills more than the baby in the womb. It often kills the spirit of the mother, who acting under extreme duress and emotions, later regrets the decision to abort her baby. It often kills the relationship between the two people who may have chosen abortion as the way to protect and continue the relationship. It often haunts the men for the rest of their lives also.
One abortion often results in further abortions. Babies are aborted by mothers who might never have considered it as an option, but for seeing it so readily available and accepted by others.
Abortion also kills a moral, ethical society, which becomes accustomed to and even desensitized to the killing of innocent babies. Acceptance of abortion as the norm is one step closer to violating a whole host of moral and ethical issues such as gender choosing, genocide, and population control, just to mention a few.
The list could go on and on, but most importantly abortion kills relationships with Jesus. Women and men who have chosen abortion often find themselves living with the pain of guilt and remorse, yet feeling unworthy of the forgiveness so needed to move on in their lives. They live their lives in an empty, desolate shell.
While the act of abortion is a sin and an abomination, we must remember the mother and father involved are human beings, created by the same God who created each of us. People make mistakes; God does not. There are many out there suffering from the sin and guilt of an abortion who feel they have no where to turn. They greatly need to be told of a Jesus, who is lovingly and patiently waiting to hear their sorrow and remorse so He can forgive them. They need to know He forgives all who sincerely repent, and ask for forgiveness from Him. Then, they need to be told their aborted baby is sharing in the glory of heaven with Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. It is only through repentance and forgiveness they can one day be reunited in love with their child. If more of them truly understood this, they just might be able to turn their lives around in the hope of one day seeing their baby truly alive with the Creator of all life.
Let us all keep aborted babies lifted up in prayer. Pray also for those yet to be aborted, and pray for a change of heart on the part of the parents. Then pray for all those who have already experienced an abortion, recently or in the past, that they too may be made whole again in the forgiveness of Jesus. And then, love them as Jesus would.