I say unto you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine righteous persons, who need no repentance. (Luke 15:7)
Such hope does this verse in Luke provide for a sinner! We all know those who seem to live perfect lives, for whom everything always goes right, or seem to never do any wrong. It may look that way, yet if we look closer, we may find all is not as it seems. There is not one of us without sin.
When Jesus spoke these words He was leading up to the parable of the prodigal son, who even though he had it made, so to speak, desired to leave and find greener pastures. After finding the grass on the other side of the fence not to be quite so green and life to be quite hard, he rued the day he left his sweet life and longed to return. Upon returning, he at once apologized to his father for his wandering and squandering ways. Accepting his son’s apology, the father threw a huge celebration to welcome him back into the family.
The same can be true for any of us sinners. If we recognize our own sinful behavior and return to Jesus we will be forgiven. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus will welcome us home, welcome us back into His family, our family, and all of heaven will rejoice!
Don’t let sinful behavior keep you from returning home. Jesus is waiting to welcome you, nay more than that, Jesus is searching for you, His lost sheep, His prodigal child. The party is planned, it only needs you, the guest of honor. Return, repent, rejoice!