Does Your Spirit Ever Leap For Joy?

“Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb.”Luke 1:42

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

In Luke, Chapter 1, verses 42-45, we hear Elizabeth’s words of greeting to Mary.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy upon hearing Mary’s greeting, causing Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to cry out in a loud voice, “Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb”.  This Biblical story is known as The Visitation and the baby in Elisabeth was John The Baptist who would later herald the way for our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

At the time of her arrival Mary had already been through a lot.  Not only was she exhausted from the long journey, but she had also been visited by an Angel, become pregnant, suffered through an inquisition by her own parents along with Joseph and his, and had become the brunt of much community gossip and speculation. After an eventual acceptance of her pregnancy, and Joseph’s agreement to fulfill the marriage contract (which took a visit from an Angel to convince and assure him), Mary was in great need of a respite from it all. It was agreed that she would go for an extended visit to her cousin.

How relieved and comforted she must have been upon her arrival to hear Elisabeth’s greeting, to find that Elizabeth knew the truth with no explanations necessary!  At last she could let her guard down and rest in comfort. At last she could reflect on all that had occurred and truly let her inner joy manifest itself aloud.

Has your Spirit ever leapt for Joy? Imagine if we could be as Elizabeth and truly recognize Jesus within others as we greet or meet them.  Imagine if we were filled with the Holy Spirit prompting us when we were in His presence in the body of someone else. Imagine how our hearts would leap for joy just to be near Him causing us to cry out blest is that person.  Imagine their response!  Well, maybe we shouldn’t cry out, but rather mention how it was a nice blessing to see them or to meet them. Imagine how they might feel as if someone finally saw them for who they truly were, a child of God, worthy of consideration, worthy of respect. Now imagine if it happened to you.

How differently we would all behave if this scenario played out again and again throughout the day. The truth is we are busy about our worldly business and don’t often recognize Him, not in others, not even in ourselves. How sad to miss out on such acceptance and joy.

At least for today, let’s try channeling both our inner Mary and Elisabeth. Try to recognize Jesus within yourself and through His Spirit look outward at all you meet to seek Him within them. Try to feel His Presence stir within you just as Elizabeth must have felt the baby within her womb. His Spirit is already among us, and if we we look we will surely see. Then our hearts and the hearts of all we interact with will be filled with joy. They might not recognize it immediately but it will the Joy of His Presence.

As we develop this ability to look for and see Him in others immediately upon interacting with them, even if we lack the courage to verbalize it, we will always treat others in a way that validates them, a way that makes them whole. Like Mary, they may have already been through quite a lot.  And like Elizabeth, we will greet them with kindness and respect. Our own Spirit might even leap for Joy! 

Ask God to send His Spirit upon you today that you may recognize Him in all, including yourself.  Can you just imagine if we all did so?

Have, no, make it a Blessed day everyone by going out to encounter Jesus! 🙏🏻❤️

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Forgive And Forget?

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.”  Psalm 23:4

More than once I have used the following quote, written by me, as the status on my personal Facebook page:

“Forgiveness means you walk away from the hurt and into the Light.  You leave it in God’s hands and ask Him to send a resolution.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean subjecting yourself to mistreatment or misery.  It just means you can let go and let God, and then be open to resolution when it presents itself.”

Because of the number of comments it always drew, and because so many of us find it difficult sometimes to forgive others or even ourselves, I wrote and posted the following in order to offer a little more in the way of explanation.  I think it is good to update and re-post it every so often to remind those of us who need it, and to help those who struggle with forgiveness.

First, I truly understand how difficult forgiveness can be.  I know there is no such thing as forgive and forget when there is serious hurt or serious consequences surrounding that which needs to be forgiven.  Also, don’t think that I speak from atop a pillar, never having experienced hurt or deep disappointment in someone.  I have, just as I am sure everyone has.

Second, I believe forgiveness must occur in order to make us whole again.  I do know, in order to do so, we have to get outside ourselves.  If we continue to focus on our inner hurt, if we continue to focus on what-ifs and buts, we will always take one step toward the Light, and then retreat right back into the dark.  We will continue to hide in the dark, waiting for the offender to make it right!  In order to get outside ourselves we must not let the hurt define who we are.  When we are defined by hurt all of our thoughts and actions are a result of it.  We are no longer in control, the hurt is!

Third, we must come to terms with the knowledge that we do not control the other person.  They may or may not be hurt by the situation; they may or may not ever come to apologize.  They may not even realize they have caused the hurt!  We cannot control them, but we can control ourselves.  This doesn’t mean we do not feel the pain, or the hurt doesn’t exist, but that we are going to be in control of it.

Fourth, we cannot do it alone.  If the hurt is too deep, it may not be in our power to forgive, or even to control.  It is here we must go down on our knees and seek His help, His comfort, His wisdom, His power to resolve the situation.  In doing so, we step into the Light.  We allow Him to find the right solution for all.  We wait patiently in the Light instead of hiding in the dark.

Last, we open ourselves to the resolution when it presents itself.  When we allow God to resolve the situation in His own time, in His own Way, we must accept the answer.  It may come in the form of an apology, or something else may happen that overrides the situation, something that is more important, more immediate.  It may even be that a peace comes over us about the whole thing; somehow we can now live with it; we can let it go.  Whatever the outcome, we have to be watchful for it, to not be so focused on our own pain and hurt that we miss it!  If we do miss it, we will return to the darkness.

It can begin with the simple desire to forgive.  Place your hurt at the foot of the Cross and let His Light pull you through the darkness.  Then, walk into the Light sure in the knowledge that all is resolved, all is forgiven.

“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:7

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Whom Do You Love The Least?

“You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least.” – From Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You by Susan Tassone

The above quote in today’s reflection really hit home. As the reflection said “…it cuts to the heart”. It cut straight to mine.

My personal Prayer: Jesus help me. Help me to see You in every soul I interact with, every soul that enters my thoughts. Let me neither judge nor shun them from my heart. Help me to live in love and humility, to be Your Love in action as I go through each day You have so graciously granted me. And May You live and reign in my heart forever. Amen.

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Is It Too Late?

Lent is a very special time for introspection and analysis of our spiritual habits and relationships. It can be a most profound journey into the depths of our soul if we allow ourselves to be focused and determined. Getting started can often be the hardest step. Some may not even have taken any steps yet and here we are already approaching Holy Week. We can simply start by asking Jesus to show us where we need to make changes, or what in our character needs fine tuning. Then, if we sit in the silence and listen with an open mind (and soul), He will show us. It might not be what we expect or even want to hear, or it might be what we already knew we would hear. None of that really matters because, regardless, it will be exactly what we need to hear. Big or small, easy or hard, it will be exactly what He wants us to concentrate on, especially during Holy Week.
There are far too many areas I struggle with and need to continuously work on. At the very root of them all is self. So my own personal desire and goal for every Lenten season is to turn self out in order that I may offer myself completely to Jesus to be used wherever He desires. To help me work on this, I have created for myself the following list of temptations/sins and alternative reactions and/actions to help guide me in times of temptation. Because I fail so miserably, I need to check in on it every so often to reset my intentions. It might give you some ideas of what particular areas you might want /need focus on over the next week.
1. Pride in looks, clothing, actions, etc.? – Ask myself why and who it is I am trying to impress? Any other answer than Jesus is wrong.
2. Greed or materialism? – Aim for simplicity of life. Declutter; get rid of something I am hoarding. Review my alms giving and make sure it is not from excess but rather from the first fruits of my finances. Jesus must be at the top of my budget.
3. Gossip or speaking ill of others? – Build that other person up. My words must be as if Jesus is speaking about that person through my mouth.
4. Negativity? – Focus on the good all around me and in me. I must train my eyes to see the good. I must train my eyes to look for and see Jesus in everyone and everything, even myself.
5. Self-centeredness? – Put someone else first. I must give of myself to someone else. I must follow Jesus’ example of self-sacrifice.
6. Anxiety (Stress) or Perfectionism? – I must accept something as is. I must have faith that Jesus is in control. I must loosen my tight grip on every minute detail and offer it up to Jesus.
7. Judging others? – Bless them instead. I must lift others up to the Lord and ask His blessing on them in all things. I must pray to be humble like Jesus.
8. Too busy? – Sit at the foot of The Cross. I must spend time in stillness before God. I must stay with Him until I no longer feel the world in control, until I am absorbed in Jesus.
These are just some of the many ways I need to work at turning out self this Lent. Change is often difficult and growth can sometimes be painful, yet I know my efforts will be rewarded, for Jesus is ever at my side.
Ask Jesus to show you areas in your own life that need improvement and how you can do so successfully. Allow Him to be your loving guide this Lent on a more profound journey to the depths of your soul. Your efforts will certainly be greatly rewarded. He only asks for our effort, not perfection.
Blessings on your Faith and Lenten Journey everyone.

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Science + Miracle = Proof

“You are Creator, Lord; I am Your created.”

As I prayed this simple prayer entering into The Stillness this morning, my mind began to ponder just how profound a statement it truly is. He stopped me at that moment and beckoned me to write. I can honestly say I am not sure what I am about to write, but as an obedient daughter, I pay attention to His leadings. So here goes.

Can you truly say, do you honestly believe, that your very existence here on this earth is not because you were created? And if not created by God, the Supreme Being, then how were you created? Science is what non-believers, even questioning Christians, always try to provide as an explanation. Evolution from apes along with the Big Bang theory of collisions in the universe are the usual arguments brought to the table. It is true that these beliefs can be proven scientifically and give one pause to think and ponder. I dare say, however, that it is a very pregnant pause. For science and faith need not always be at odds.

In that pregnant pause, if we go back to the scientific beginning of collisions of matter in the universe we will still find the dangling gnawing question of where did that first matter come from? How did splitting atoms and division of cells create living breathing beings?

Scientists have studied and found many forms of life, down to the tiniest amoeba that divide and multiply cells seemingly on their own. They know that water is a key component and a required element to support, snd even begin life. They search far and wide across the universe for any signs of water in hopes of discovering life forms. But again, how did the first drop of water come into existence?

Did you know that your human body is made up mostly of water? About 60%!  “According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive.” Yet, water is only one component of the intricacy of the miracle that is the human body.

Atheists and non-believers think science has all the answers and will cling desperately to that in hopes of being right. But then there are the other dangling gnawing questions of why. Why does life exist? What purpose do the many and varied forms of life hold? Why is there a need for life at all? Oh, how hopeless must they be who have no answer to these questions other than science. They have no reason for being, no purpose for their life. They only exist because of science.

It is true that scientists can present us with scientifically created life, but let’s ask ourselves some of the following dangling gnawing questions.  How was the first breath ever taken? The first thought formed in a brain? The first sight seen by an eye? The first word spoken? How was the first feeling of love felt in a heart?

What science can connect those dots for you? For me there is no satisfactory answer to any of those questions other than that Science + Miracle = Proof. I believe we, His created, are the greatest miraculous proof of His very existence. And, while we are made up of a lot of water, the largest and most important component is love. We are made IN, BY, and FOR Love. It is God who breathes the breath of Life into all beings. It is God who made possible the miracles of thought, sight, speech, and love. Science might be able to reproduce or create certain forms of life, even clone existing forms, but they can’t create love.

It is God who retains ultimate creative control, creative license, if you will. And the answer to why is Love. His Love for us is the reason we exist, and our purpose in life is to love. Oh, how hopeful believers are who have answers to these important questions.

When I have questions I always try to remember this little formula: ‘Knowledge + Faith = Confidence’. We must seek answers for our questions from trusted authentic sources. We must then sift the information through the sieve of our faith. And then prayerfully we will gain confidence in the answers we find.

So, this is where He led me, what He led me to write. I had to interrupt the writing yesterday and return to it this morning. I honestly gave it no thought until I began again and it just continued to flow. My prayer is that He is speaking to the heart who needs to hear this, the heart He is seeking.

God Bless us one and all.

Genesis 1:1-5    “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.”

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Casting Stones


“And again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground.” John 8:8

This world is in a state of chaos and seemingly out of control; especially out of our individual control. However, God tell us that nothing is out of His control. NOTHING is out of His control. You ask then, what can you possibly do to have any affect? God would say to Pray and Love; to Pray with the same fervor Jesus had in the Garden at Gethsemane just before being arrested; to Love all through His same Heart which was pierced on the Cross and still forgave us our sinful wretchedness. A tall order for sure. After all, we are not Divine, but only human. Sadly, many  of us would have cast that first stone at the woman caught in adultery if Jesus had not stepped in and written our name in that sand. Still, we humans are capable of great feelings and emotions. We are capable of great Love. And, Jesus calls us to it, each and every one of us. It does not have to be difficult. It does not have to be in the form of grand public gestures. Great Love is often the simplest of loves. And, it can truly begin right where you are.

So, rather than ‘throwing’ stones, let us begin anew each day to make deliberate efforts to ‘cast’ stones: Stones of Love; Stones of Charity, Kindness, and Acceptance; Stones of Faith Sharing, Forgiveness, and Hope; Stones of Laughter and Joy. And let us never forget the all important Stones of Sincerity, such as simply Listening and Smiling, of looking someone directly in the eyes and Smiling at Jesus within them. Believe me, He will Smile right back at you whether that individual does or not.

So yes, you can begin small by casting stones in your own home, workplace, and grocery store. You may not always see the effects but the ripples from those stones can and will change the world… one Stone at a time.

By mmw ❤️🙏🏻


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A Nano Second Is All It Takes



Last year I felt I was asked by God to do, and share with all of you, an entire Lenten study on the Names of God. As hard as it was at times, I honored my promise and commitment to Him, and in doing so, found that I personally grew in my own knowledge and faith throughout.

Very early on in that study we learned that ‘Knowledge + Faith = Confidence’, in other words, to know His Name and to call upon Him in faithful trust is to be confident in His promises to us. By the time Easter was upon us we had learned many beautiful names of God to call upon in our times of need.

Two special ones for me were Jehovah-rapha, The God Who Heals, and Jehovah-jireh, The LORD Will Provide. Both names were greatly needed by many across our weary world in Pandemic 2020, and were very special for me as I ministered to my beloved Beagle who was dying of cancer.

Hopefully, as we ventured forward into an uncertain 2021, many of us have found that there is always a Name of God representing one of His many characteristics, one of His great attributes, to be called upon, to boast in, to have confidence in, no matter the circumstance in our day of need.

If none of those beautiful names comes to mind the Name Above All Names is all that is needed. Jesus.

We are born into a world that seemingly has much to offer to those willing to partake. It flaunts glitter and glam before our eyes often mesmerizing and at times hypnotizing us. We unwittingly become desensitized to it. It becomes an acceptable norm, whether it be standards of living, unhealthy eating, or sinful ways of life. We think (are told) there is no harm in live and let live. We say we hate the sin but love the sinner. We convince ourselves that God has allowed these things so even He is okay with them. We close our eyes and our minds and go about our own merry way.

In time we find we have entered a self-absorbent cocoon. From it we come and go not realizing we are headed for a fall. This fall will come when we least expect it. It will come in the form of a major life changing event or a small nag from within that refuses to stop. Either way there will be an undeniable shift in our thinking, in our viewpoints, in our hardened heart. Whether we realize it or not, it is our soul crying out from within begging us to stop the madness and look within for real meaning and joy.

While we may continue on living in a world of self-indulgence and self-centeredness, there is now an awakened soul within longing to rise above it all straight into the loving arms of its Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many, however, will “live and die without reflecting at all upon the state of things in which they find themselves”.  Being ruled mainly by physical pain and pleasure in a world that seems bright and sunny and made for enjoyment, they never seem to find real purpose or spiritual awareness in their lives. (Paraphrased From “The Tears Of Christ -Meditations for Lent” St John Henry Newman Edited by Christopher O. Blum)

And, until the soul learns to shut out the loud clamor of the world, to refrain from the temptations of the glitter and glamor, and to loosen Satan’s grip on its inclinations, its innate longing for all that is good and true will never be allowed to fully surface. For some this seems an insurmountable task and they choose to hide from the truth of their own being, the very reason why they exist in the first place. They choose to shut out that still small voice beckoning them to look within. Instead, they grab all the happiness the world has to offer, often both the good and the bad.

However, there are some who do hear that small longing voice, and heed its call diving in to find the knowledge and Truth their soul has been longing for, thirsting for. To the casual observer they seem to live an ordinary life, still coming and going from their self-absorbent cocoon, when all the while they are changing internally and living in secret communion with the Spirit of the Lord within them. Gradually they become more self-assured rather than self-absorbed. The inner glow begins to radiate outward as they become a person of Joy. Others begin to notice, to ask, to seek the the secret to their newfound Peace and Joy in this crazy snd battered world.

The Good News is that we don’t really have to go through the shock of a major life changing event to turn inward and seek the soul’s secrets to a fulfilled and happy life here on earth. He is always there within you, always calling out and seeking you from within your soul. If you could but stop even for a nano second and incline your ear inward. Whisper His Name, Jesus. You will hear Him then speak your name. The rest will happen, He promises, in His timing. Whisper His Name right now. JESUS.

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There is no Name but JESUS. No other name or being has the power to restore you, or has what you need, no matter the circumstances or the consequences. JESUS is for you, on your side, no matter your shortcomings and failures, no matter your guilt. All you need to say, or breathe, is His Name, JESUS. It is sufficient. It manifests all of His Power.

I write this morning, paused in my prayers, because I feel His strong will in me to do so. I’ve learned never to ignore that leading.

While looking through and praying some of my favorites, I came upon one I had saved from social media. It is a simple way of prayer, of ‘one-liners’ that can become a simple way to have His Most Holy Name become an important part of our everyday routine. It started out by simply saying or thinking ‘JESUS I love you’ as our mind awakens each morning. And then, ‘JESUS come with me’, as we leave our house. The little prayers went on with other simple ways of including him, such as ‘JESUS hug me’, when we are feeling hurt, anxious, or depressed.

I love the simplicity of these little prayers and the ease with which anyone can incorporate them into their life and daily routine no matter how jammed packed or lonely it may be. As I read through it, I was telling myself I would like to be better at saying or breathing His Name way more often than I already do throughout my day. If for no other reason than to refocus or recenter myself in Him as I transition activities.
These little prayers go well beyond a morning prayer offering up everything in our day to to Him. While that is an important step and prayer for each day, these little ‘one-liners’ become a very real extension of that morning offering with repeated simple invitations to Him to be present in our daily activities in a way that is more of a companionship. They become a way of never stepping out of our comfort zone without a dear one holding our hand and saying let’s do this! WE can do this!

These ‘one-liners’ also become a way of never crying or suffering alone, because the moment you utter or just breathe His Name and say ‘Comfort me’ or ‘Hug me’ you will have done all you can do in that moment to activate His presence in your situation. He is truly always present, and with you, but by calling upon Him to meet your need you are turning on your mind to Him; not the reverse as He is already there. You are now inviting, but also letting Him, allowing Him to access to your situation. You are now present yourself, instead of flailing or wallowing uncontrollably. You have held your hand out and He has taken it. He will calm you. He will fight your battles with you.

I know I am taking just a simple routine prayer and expanding on it. As I said, I feel He is prompting me to do so. One reason is when I read about that way of praying this morning my first thought was it left out ‘thank you’. Thankfulness is the key to true joy and peace in our personal lives. He tells us we are to be thankful even on the gray days of our lives, even through illness, even through sufferings and loss. It’s often a tall order, sometimes seemingly beyond our human capabilities. The name JESUS, though, is the name above all others, and a thankful heart will always open the door to His Heart in a special way over many other virtues. His forgiveness and mercy are ever there when we are earnestly repentant, but when we, a creation of His Hands, thank Him in times of great personal testing, He increases our Faith, our Strength, our Hope.

To add even more oomph to these little prayers, I would like to go a step further in using the name of JESUS paired with some of His Hebrew Names referring to His powerful character attributes. (Some of you may have followed along (2020) in my Lenten Study on the Hebrew Names of Jesus.) I would like to show you a way to implement (if you choose to do so) this simple way of praying in a much more in depth way. Here I will take each example given in that prayer article and give you some tools (by using some of the names from the study) to make it even more meaningful for you and greatly pleasing to our LORD.
What if you arise each morning saying, breathing, or thinking, “JESUS, Elohim, thank you for my being. I love you.”
Elohim means three in one, The Triune Godhead who created all in existence. You have just honored Him in a profound yet simple way. What better way to start off your day centering yourself and linking up with the One who created you. And, how much simpler can it get for our busy lives.
Now, imagine leaving your house each morning and saying ‘JESUS, Jehovah-nissi, come with me and thank you for setting your Banner before me’.
Jehovah-nissi, The Lord Is My Banner, is your shield, the colors under which you fight in battle. With this simple prayer as you are leaving your ‘fortress’ each day, you are calling Him to be your Flag-bearer, to raise His flag high that you might keep it ever in sight and follow only Him throughout your day. You may never see the darts He deflects from your path as your Standard-bearer, but you have already thanked Him for doing so.

When you fail Him in sin, and we all do, pray, ‘JESUS, El Elyon, Forgive me and thank you for protecting me from Satan.’
El Elyon, is The God Most High, who didn’t allow Satan full reign over Job, who turned evil into good after Joseph was sold into slavery. His plans for you will not be thwarted by your puny self. Call upon Him in repentance and thankfulness with love in your heart.

And when you cry, when you are hurting, anxious, depressed, or sleepless in the night, how do you call upon him? There are multiple Names you could choose to call upon Him. One example might be, ‘JESUS, Jehovah-Rapha, hug me with your healing touch and thank you caring about me.’
Jehovah-rapha is the God Who Heals, no matter what needs healing. He will bind your wounds.

Depending on circumstances you might also pray, ‘JESUS, El Roi, thank you for seeing with your righteous eyes what I cannot. Justice is Yours.’
El Roi is the God Who Sees, even when we cannot. He sees all the injustices and all the abuses committed against innocents. He sees your family members when away from you. He knows all, and says firmly that righteous Justice will be His in the end.

At the end of your day as you lay your head on your pillow, will your thoughts to turn to Him and pray, ‘JESUS, Jehovah-raah, cover me with your mantle while I sleep and thank you for being my Good Shepherd.’
Jehovah-raah, is The LORD My Shepherd who leads the Way. He will not forsake you.

And one last one here from me. Jehovah-shammah, The LORD Is There, is a beautiful name to remember anytime you feel unsure of your next step or where your path is leading. He is already there! Pray ‘JESUS, Jehovah-shammah, I will go where you lead me. Thank you for lighting my way.’

I hope this helps some who may be struggling with calling upon the various names of JESUS in a way that relates to everyday life. Or, that it adds another dimension, maybe a new invigorating addition, to those who already have the blessing of a rich prayer life .
I realize it takes work on our part to remain in faithful prayer and linked to our Lord and Savior throughout the daily grind. I also realize the rewards for such efforts are tremendous!

God Bless us one and all as we each strive to live in His Will for our lives. Thank you for reading and praying with me.

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Journey Into Lent

800px-Sun_and_Clouds_001  Lent is a very special time for introspection and analysis of our spiritual habits and relationships. It can be a most profound journey into the depths of our soul if we allow ourselves to be focused and determined.  Getting started can often be the hardest step, yet we can simply start by asking Jesus to show us where we need to make changes, or what in our character needs fine tuning. Then, if we sit in the silence and listen with an open mind (and soul), He will show us. It might not be what we expect or even want to hear, or I t might be what we already knew we would hear. None of that really matters because, regardless, it will be exactly what we need to hear. Big or small, easy or hard, it will be what He wants us to concentrate on throughout our Lenten Journey.
There are far too many areas I struggle with and must work on. At the very root of them all is self. So my own personal desire and goal for Lent is to turn self out in order that I may offer myself completely to Jesus to be used wherever He desires.  To help me work on this, I have created for myself the following list of temptations/sins and alternative reactions and/actions to help guide me in times of temptation.

1.  Pride in looks, clothing, actions, etc.? –  Ask myself why and who it is I am trying to impress?  Any other answer than Jesus is wrong.

2.  Greed or materialism? – Aim for simplicity of life.  Declutter; get rid of something I am hoarding.  Review my alms giving and make sure it is not from excess but rather from the first fruits of my finances.  Jesus must be at the top of my budget.

3.  Gossip or speaking ill of others? – Build that other person up.  My words must be as if Jesus is speaking about that person through my mouth.

4.  Negativity? – Focus on the good all around me and in me.  I must train my eyes to see the good.  I must train my eyes to look for and see Jesus in everyone and everything, even myself.

5.  Self-centeredness? – Put someone else first.  I must give of myself to someone else.  I must follow Jesus’ example of self-sacrifice.

6.  Anxiety (Stress) or Perfectionism? – I must accept something as is.  I must have faith that Jesus is in control.  I must loosen my tight grip on every minute detail and offer it up to Jesus.

7.  Judging others? – Bless them instead.  I must lift others up to the Lord and ask His blessing on them in all things.  I must pray to be humble like Jesus.

8.  Too busy? – Sit at the foot of The Cross.  I must spend time in stillness before God.  I must stay with Him until I no longer feel the world in control, until I am absorbed in Jesus.

These are just some of the many ways I need to work at turning out self this Lent. Change is often difficult and growth can sometimes be painful, yet I know my efforts will be rewarded, for Jesus is ever at my side.
Ask Jesus to show you areas in your own life that need improvement and how you can do so successfully.  Allow Him to be your loving guide this Lent on a more profound journey to the depths of your soul.  Your efforts will certainly be greatly rewarded. He only asks for our effort, not perfection.

Blessings on your Lenten Journey everyone. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Oh The Joy To Be Found!

409px-Jesus_Rescuing_a_Lamb_Caught_in_ThornsThe following is from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal:

December 16, 2010 I am looking at my figurine of Jesus The Shepherd with the three sheep, the three sheep I know and love so well.  I am pulled by the “Lost but Found” and saying to Jesus, “Do not let me be lost, Lord.”  I hear Him say, “Remember, Martha, when found your joy is perfected.”  I ask Him to help me in putting Him out there on the website, to not let my pride interfere.  I ask for His help in removing self totally and letting it all be only about Him, that others may see and come to Him through it.  He knows this is hard for me.  He knows I enjoy the writing.  I ask for His strength so that I am not ‘lost’ in myself.  I pray, as always, that I never be separated from Him. 

If you have ever been lost, truly lost spiritually, then you completely understand the statement, “When found, your joy is perfected.”  Webster’s Dictionary defines the word lost as ruined, missing or mislaid, wasted.  I would define lost as being separated from, or cut off from something.  I would define spiritually lost as being separated or cut off from that which is most meaningful or needed to sustain life.  Being spiritually lost means being unable to connect with God.

This materialistic world provides us with a multitude of ways to be lost:  money, success, sex, and drugs to name a few.  Being lost in the world is usually overt.  We may think we are keeping our bad habits, our sinfulness, under wraps but the fact is that there are others who see, who know exactly what we are up to.  We are fooling ourselves if we think otherwise.

Besides the worldly ways, there are also other ways to be truly lost and they all involve the “self”.  We can become so focused on certain aspects of our self-perception that it becomes our reality, our goal, our way of life.  We become lost in it.  It might be our looks, vanity.  It might be our reputation in what others think about us, pride.  Worse yet, we might suffer from vain glory, which is boastful pride.  When we become lost in self, self becomes the most important aspect of our lives.  In our out of focus view of life, we are so focused on our self that we become boorishly selfish and self-centered.  We are blinded by our own light and lose sight of what is truly important: love of God, a humble but healthy love of self, and a respectful caring love of others.

During this season of Lent, I pray that I will be able to set self aside and truly become the person that God wants me to be.  I pray you will also.  Blessings to each of you along your personal faith journey, and remember, “When found, your joy is perfected.”

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