Blind Trust

The following is a repost from April, 2011…

“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”  Psalm 9:10

This post is from an entry in Journey Through The Stillness (My personal spiritual journal shared publicly on Facebook). It is another post where we see the Passion of Jesus through the eyes of His Beloved Mother, Mary.

May 11, 2010Rosary, before The Stillness    

     Today I am prompted to pray the Rosary while riding my elliptical, yet, before The Stillness, I was planning to ride the elliptical and read in a leisure book after The Stillness.  At first, I fought that prompt of the Rosary. (You’d think I’d know better by now!)  Giving in and beginning the Rosary, I realize right away that I will be praying the Sorrowful Mysteries (Tues), which go through Our Lord’s Passion.  However, I am praying it, once again, with Mary accompanying me.  I am reflecting on her pain and sorrow along with Our Lord’s.  We see all that happens, and as a Mom I am heartsick, for both of them.  I have many times imagined the weight of The Cross (my sins), but today I am running along the path with her, ahead of the crowd, in order to catch a glimpse.  Imagine breaking through into the street and looking for Him.  And then, looking straight on, you see Him, but not from the side.  He is bent over in half from the weight, and yet, His face is turned upward to God.  He is dragging Himself and The Cross longing for, seeking His Father’s comfort, His Father’s approval.  When all is done, and the Rosary is finished, I ask Mary, “How did you do it?  How did you not scream out in torment and collapse from the pain?  Just thinking of my own son in this way causes my breath to quicken and my heart to race!”  Mary answers, “Because I TRUST.  I trust in My Father’s great love for His Son, and for me.  It was Him, who gave me strength.” 

          The first thing I read after the Rosary was in “Love, Peace, and Joy”, pg 92, in the words of Jesus … “Behold, I come to do Thy Will, O God.” (Heb.  10:9) “I acknowledge Thee for my Creator and Sovereign Master, and my heart submits itself entirely to Thee.  Thou hast given me my body, and all that I possess.  I come to sacrifice my whole being unto Thee, in the acknowledgment of my entire dependence.”  And then, as to how a soul might imitate such complete surrender … “Can the Eucharistic soul do better than appropriate to herself these sentiments of the Heart of Jesus when He enters the sanctuary, in order to recognize with Him and by Him the sovereign domain of God, to submit to it with her whole heart and abandon herself to it without reserve? “  Mary said all of this in one word, “TRUST”.  This is hard to blindly do when you know in your heart that this pertains to someone you love; as I do.  And yet, I will submit my will, Lord.  Let it be according to your will.

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Salvation History, A Tale As Old As Time

“One man’s offence brought condemnation on all humanity; and one man’s good act has brought justification and life to all humanity.”  Romans 5:18 

     Salvation history is the entire history of mankind.  It weaves a tale of life and death.  In a Disneyesque way it is a tale as old as time.  Here is a short synopsis to hopefully gain your interest or at least your curiosity.

     In the Book of Genesis we see how God created man and gave him life by giving him His own breath.  He breathed His own spirit into him.  “Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being.”  (Genesis 2:7)

     Continuing in Genesis we see, from that same soil, God grew a beautiful garden into which He placed the man and the woman he had created.  Enticed to eat from the tree of wisdom the woman in turn gave the fruit to the man.  At once they were aware of their nakedness before God and each other.  And, because of this sin, we are all born into this life branded by death.  Each of our souls is marked with the Original Sin.

      In a Psalm we listen to David, “Remember, I was born guilty, a sinner from the moment of conception.”  (Psalm 51:5)  In his state of sin, David turns to the One who can heal him, the One who can save him.  “But you delight in sincerity of heart, and in secret you teach me wisdom…Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.”  (Psalm 51:6, 12)  Through David’s heartfelt prayer we also hear his hopeful trust in God. 

     David’s trust in God is ultimately rewarded, for in Romans we read how the entire story of man comes to its climax.  “It was by one man’s offence that death came to reign over all, but how much greater the reign in life of those who receive the fullness of grace and the gift of saving justice, through the one man, Jesus Christ.”  (Romans 5:17)

     The tale of man, the tale of life and death, ultimately ends in Life.  We are born branded by death; then through baptism in Him and through His own death and resurrection, Jesus restores us to Life.  It is a tale as old as time.  If we believe, if we have faith in Jesus, if we live for Him and in Him, we know how it ends.  It ends in Life Eternal.

     During this Lenten season learn about your history, your salvation history.  Get to know Jesus through His Word.  Believe, repent, be transformed… be saved.  Live in Life Eternal.

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St. Michael The Archangel

 Since the devil seems to be harder at work than ever please join me in the following prayer…

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
… O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..
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Compare And Contrast


Food for thought.  Contrast and compare the good and the evil, the virtues and vices …words to live by!

Proverbs 11

    The Lord hates dishonest scales,
       but he is pleased with honest weights.

 2 Pride leads only to shame;
       it is wise to be humble.

 3 Good people will be guided by honesty;
       dishonesty will destroy those who are not trustworthy.

 4 Riches will not help when it’s time to die,
       but right living will save you from death.

 5 The goodness of the innocent makes life easier,
       but the wicked will be destroyed by their wickedness.

 6 Doing right brings freedom to honest people,
       but those who are not trustworthy will be caught by their own desires.

 7 When the wicked die, hope dies with them;
       their hope in riches will come to nothing.

 8 The good person is saved from trouble;
       it comes to the wicked instead.

 9 With words an evil person can destroy a neighbor,
       but a good person will escape by being resourceful.

 10 When good people succeed, the city is happy.
       When evil people die, there are shouts of joy.

 11 Good people bless and build up their city,
       but the wicked can destroy it with their words.

 12 People without good sense find fault with their neighbors,
       but those with understanding keep quiet.

 13 Gossips can’t keep secrets,
       but a trustworthy person can.

 14 Without leadership a nation falls,
       but lots of good advice will save it.

 15 Whoever guarantees to pay somebody else’s loan will suffer.
       It is safer to avoid such promises.

 16 A kind woman gets respect,
       but cruel men get only wealth.

 17 Kind people do themselves a favor,
       but cruel people bring trouble on themselves.

 18 An evil person really earns nothing,
       but a good person will surely be rewarded.

 19 Those who are truly good will live,
       but those who chase after evil will die.

 20 The Lord hates those with evil hearts
       but is pleased with those who are innocent.

 21 Evil people will certainly be punished,
       but those who do right will be set free.

 22 A beautiful woman without good sense
       is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.

 23 Those who do right only wish for good,
       but the wicked can expect to be defeated by God’s anger.

 24 Some people give much but get back even more.
       Others don’t give what they should and end up poor.
 25 Whoever gives to others will get richer;
       those who help others will themselves be helped.

 26 People curse those who keep all the grain,
       but they bless the one who is willing to sell it.

 27 Whoever looks for good will find kindness,
       but whoever looks for evil will find trouble.

 28 Those who trust in riches will be ruined,
       but a good person will be healthy like a green leaf.

 29 Whoever brings trouble to his family
       will be left with nothing but the wind.
       A fool will be a servant to the wise.

 30 A good person gives life to others;
       the wise person teaches others how to live.

 31 Good people will be rewarded on earth,
       and the wicked and the sinners will be punished.

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Jehu greeted him and said,”Are you in accord with me, as I am with you? ” “I am.”  2Kings 10:15 

      The following is from a  previous post written in early in 2011.  It always makes me smile!   

After reading this post you will either think the content, and/or me, crazy or thought provoking.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained!  Here goes!

     As mentioned in previous posts, I keep a personal spiritual journal.  I spend time in Stillness before Our Lord and write down everything that occurs during that time.  The journal is called “Journey Through The Stillness.”  I am always amazed, awed, and humbled by it.  That said, I leave you in His hands and ask Him to speak to heart.

     Early on in my spiritual journey, my writings were a little disjointed, as I was fighting with the idea that He would choose me to work through, unworthy sinner that I am.  Let’s just say I was, and still am, in training!  My writing may have seemed disjointed, but, to me, the messages to be written down have always been very clear and unmistakable.

     I am always trying to figure out how to remain in His presence throughout the day, not just during The Stillness.  He has offered wonderful gems of advice for doing so.  On January 15, 2010,  He said, “Keep Me close by looking for and seeing me in others …LOOK for Me; SEE Me.”  And, on January 18, 2010, He said, “Hear the birds?  Pay attention.  You miss so much when your don’t pay attention!  I have many smiles for you.”  That God sends me smiles is something I have believed for many years, and this confirmed it. 

     Jump forward to June 22, 2010, and He says, “… you have always had bits of conversation with Me during your day.  You think of Me and it turns into a conversation.  You see a bird, or an animal, or just see my beauty in nature and right away your thoughts turn to Me.  As you say, I send you smiles.  It is true; I look for and relish little things that bring you joy.  Practice this also with other people, Martha.  You smile a lot.  When they smile back, learn to see this as Me smiling at you.  It will help you to better see Me in others.” 

      He continues on in words I personally find to be quite profound. “When you see Me in others, you will love them even more than you already do.  They will know then, that it is Me smiling through you.”  He smiles and then ends with this, “Actually, Martha, it will be Me smiling at myself in them.  Think on this.” 

     I have always said God has a sense of humor!  Imagine it!  When you and I smile at each other, it is really Jesus in me smiling at himself in you; and Jesus in you smiling at himself in me.  If only all of us could learn to see each other in this way, our world would be a much better place for everyone!  When you smile at someone tomorrow, I bet you can’t help but think of this.  The key will be, to conitnue on doing so.  He is in you, and He is in me; SMILE!

“I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.”  Mother Teresa

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A New Year’s Resolution, Or A Plan?

“You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will search for me.  And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!”  Jeremiah 29:12-13

     To seek Him; do we really know what it means to seek Him?  Webster’s Dictionary defines the word seek as “to look for; to try to get.”  Seems simple enough, and it is.  The key phrase to be noted in the verse above is ‘with all your heart’.

There are certain characteristics, or attributes, which are essential in order to search with all your heart. 

  • First, is to be open to –  This involves both the senses and the mind.  To be open to something, one must first believe it possible.  Believe.  Pray:  “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”  Mark 9:24
  • Second, is to be aware of –  This means to be alert, to be attentive; to pay attention to details.  How often do we miss something important because we weren’t paying close enough attention?  “From this time forward I make you hear new things, hidden things that you have not known.”  Isaiah 48:6,  and also, “Incline your ear, and come unto Me; hear and your soul shall live.”  Isaiah 55:3       
  • Third is to anticipate –  Anticipate means to expect, to regard as probable, to hope.  It also means to trust in the outcome, to have faith in.  We continue to seek because we expect good results.  Anticipate; await in trust.  “Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness.”  2 Corinthians 3:12 
  • Fourth is to greet –  When we greet, we go forward to welcome with a smile.  We relish the idea of what is to come.  We eagerly seek Him.  “Taste and see the goodness of The Lord.”  Psalm 34:8 
  • Last, is to question –  We ask when, where, what, why, and how?  We ask in order to discover, to understand, to know.  Knowledge is power.  “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you.”  James 1:5

     Each of the above attributes is an actual quality innate in all of us.  We must, however, cultivate and nourish them with use!  We must actually set out to seek Him with all our heart.  

     As the New Year approaches we don’t need a resolution; we need a plan.  Personally, I have found it helps to have a plan.  To do this, I create a personal mission statement for the year, and check in on it from time to time to see how I am doing; if I am accomplishing my goals.  The first mission statement I created was for 2010: “To add stillness to my prayer time becoming more infused with God, that I may heed His voice to live according to His plan within my financial means; to share His love for all through my joyful spirit; and to use my creative talents to reflect His Glory.” 

     I can’t begin to describe all the changes and accomplishments that came about as a result.  I have grown and been stretched by Him in wonderful, exciting, and a little bit scary, ways.  My public, personal spiritual journal entitled “Journey Through The Stillness” and shared on facebook, and my website and blog at  were just two of the major happenings.  I then tweaked my mission statement for 2011:  “To continue time in prayer and stillness before God, discerning what is mine to do, that I may live within His plan for my life spiritually, physically, and financially; to discover and develop fully my creative talents, that I may share His love joyfully and reflect His Glory to all.”

     And now for 2012:  “To redouble my efforts to keep Stillness before God at the forefront of my spiritual relationship with Him, that I may gain the necessary knowledge and discernment to go forth in what is mine to do, using each of my talent gifts to joyfully reflect His Glory that all might come to know Him.” 

   Do you have a plan?  Do you seek Him with all your heart?  When you do, you will find Him. 

    If you are interested in creating a mission statement for yourself, here is the link that got me started:

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In A Long Distance Relationship?

“But Jesus took hold of her hand and called to her, “My child, stand up!”  Her spirit came back into her, and she stood up at once.  Then Jesus ordered that she be given something to eat.”  Luke 8:54-55

     As the glow of Christmas begins to fade, so may our resolve to hold on to it. 

     Doldrums, stagnant, desert; all familiar terms used to represent faith in a long distance relationship.  As believers we know the Truth.  He is ever there; it is us.  We move.  We may only move a tiny bit, a little to one side or the other, but it is just enough to bend or break the connection, and our spirit suffers as a result.  We no longer “feel” our faith, or His presence.

     In a favorite daily devotional of mine, “God Calling” by A.J. Russell, the December 28th entry reads, “I am here.  Do not need feeling too much. … What does it matter what you feel?  What matters is what I am, was, and ever shall be to you – A Risen Lord. … The feeling that I am with you may depend upon any passing mood of yours – upon a change of circumstances, upon a mere trifle.  I am uninfluenced by circumstances. … My Promise given is kept.  I am here, one with you in tender loving friendship.”  How comforting it is to know that He is here even when we are not.  We change; He does not.  He is the same today as yesterday, and ever shall be!

     I have come to learn that I do not like long distance relationships, especially when it involves my loved ones.  I want them to always be close at hand; even more so with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I have also discovered that I would rather be ‘asked’ to do that which I am uncomfortable doing than be alone in the dark with no direction.  At least when I am doing His will, or trying to do His will, I know He is there with me.

     If we are in a long distance relationship and don’t wish to be, then how do we get out of it?  How do we return to, or begin, a closer relationship with Him?  If He didn’t move, then it is us who must move again.  It may not be easy.  It may take some time, but the most important thing we can do is continue to ‘visit’.  We must move toward Him by meeting Him halfway.  Spend time in His presence even if He doesn’t speak, even if we don’t feel anything.

     After all the excitement, fun, and glow of Christmas has passed by it is easy to let down our guard, to move a little to either side, to become off center.  Spend the next few days making it a priority to move back to the true center.  Persistence will be rewarded and you will find yourself in a united relationship.   You will find yourself beginning the New Year in a newer, closer relationship with Our Lord.

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The Christmas Message

  “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”   Psalm 133:1

     I am hoping everyone had a joyful and blessed Christmas.  As I write this particular post my Christmas awaits me, a beautiful gift as yet unwrapped.  Along with my husband and son, we are awaiting the arrival of my son and his fiance, and then my daughter, her husband, and our first grandchild.  For me, this is Christmas, this is my gift.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love, both given and received. 

     The gift giving celebration of Christmas morning is only a small part of our time spent together.  While that will be fun and filled with love, the meals and conversations we share will be even more rewarding.  We will attend Christmas Eve Mass as a family, my 93 year old Dad included, where we will relive the Christmas Story; where we will  pray together for one another and for all on earth.  Afterwards, we will share a very special meal together.  Christmas Day our gathering with family and friends will bring even more love and a warm glow into our home.  This is Christmas for me.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love shared.

     The presents are not all wrapped yet, and there is still much food preparation to be done.  I know my daughter will help me.  We enjoy each other and we make a good team!  I also know my daughter-in-law to be will pitch in and help in all the preparations and festivities.  We are blessed to have her join our family.  My sons will banter with each other and with their Dad.  They will one up each other as much as possible!  They will fuss when I ask them to help, but will do so.  They will tease me relentlessly and I will laughingly protest!  I will feel extra tugs at my heart watching my husband enjoy our children.  This is Christmas for me.  It is a simple gift, a gift of love cherished. 

     I believe this IS the message of Christmas.  It is a message of love, love freely given and received.   I also believe He has called upon me to put His message forth in a simple way.  Because I have a simple Faith I share a simple Faith.  It is so simple that all can understand it and relate it to their own lives.  It is so simple it is hard to ignore, hard to miss the message.  Sometimes we make it all more complicated than it is.

     The true message of Christmas is simple.  It is the message of Love: to be Loved and share Love.  My Christmas awaits me.  It will be filled with simple Love,  it will be filled with His Love.  May we all carry this message forward as we enter into the New Year!

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Make It Personal

“I tell you that her many sins are forgiven, so she showed great love.  But the person who is forgiven only a little will love only a little.”  Luke 7:47

     In Luke 7:36-50 we are told the story of a woman, the story of a wretched, sinful woman.  Included in the story is a high and mighty, better than thou, Pharisee, Simon.  While Simon might not have been a horrible sinner, from his elevated position in society he looked down on those who were known as sinful.  We see in the story that he would never consider allowing a sinner such as the woman into his home, especially not as his guest!

     Ah, but somehow, in her determination to be near Jesus, she gets in.  At first she stands behind Him, waiting.  She has with her an expensive alabaster jar of perfume, the type she probably used in her ‘profession’.  She is crying.  She is waiting.  When she sees her opportunity she goes down before Him, her tears of remorse falling onto His feet.  With loving tenderness she wipes them with her hair and then rubs the expensive perfume onto His feet. 

     Simon is insulted at her audacity, Jesus is not.  Simon has given Jesus a feast.  The woman has nothing to give but remorseful tears and perfume; perfume which costs her dearly both financially and physically; perfume which endangers her very soul.

     Jesus does not belittle Simon for his way of hospitality, nor does He condemn Simon for his attitude.  Instead, He teaches Simon and all present.  He teaches about forgiveness and love.  He makes it personal without naming names, knowing Simon will get the point.

     Let us make it personal also.  Let us look into our own hearts this Advent and Christmas to see where our own attitudes need correcting.  Especially let us not judge or look down on someone for how much or what they give.  It may be all they have to give; it may be the one gift He wants.  Instead, let us give to each other the gifts of forgiveness and love, that we may be worthy to receive those same gifts from Him.

     Read the entire Bible story in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 7, Verses 36-50.  Who or what in the story speaks to your heart?  May God bless all of you this Christmas with His gifts of forgivenss and love!

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Making A List And Checking It Twice

“All things should be done decently and in order.”  1 Corinthians 14:40

     What to do; what to do … so many lists and not enough time!  Does it seem as if your lists keep growing and the time keeps shrinking?  How do you decide what to do and what to let go of?

     We know about Santa’s making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and who is nice.  What if we make our list and use a different criteria when checking it twice?  What if we look at the items to be accomplished within the time we have at hand and discard those which serve no “higher purpose”?  What does that which we are about to buy accomplish?  Does the gift to be purchased bring someone true love and lasing joy, or is it just a trinket given in some sense of obligation.  Will the recipient feel our real love?  Does that which we are about to ‘do’ foster the true meaning and Spirit of Christmas in the hearts of others; or, is it just something to make us look good in the eyes of others?

     This Advent, when we evaluate our Christmas lists using these simple questions, we will find it much easier to weed out items on the lists.  When we evaluate the gifts we buy and the things we do with serving a higher purpose in mind, we will suddenly find there is more time to accomplish all that is needed, all that is good.  So, go ahead, make a list and check it twice!

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