All Souls Prayer


Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Souls Prayer (By Martha McDuff Wiggins)

Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Redeemer and Lover of Souls,

have mercy on all who are to die this day,

especially those souls who

will die during this prayer.

Have mercy on all who

suffer in their agony in Purgatory,

especially those souls who

have offended You the greatest and

are in most need of your Divine Mercy.

I (we) lift up to You now the departed souls of


that if among the suffering, You will quickly

end their reparations and bring them into

the full communion of Everlasting Life with You.

I (we) ask this through the Immaculate Heart of

your own beloved mother, and our mother,

the Virgin Mary, and through all the angels

and saints, whose sole purpose it is to

ever point the way to You.

Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Redeemer and Lover of Souls,

all praise and glory are yours now and forever.   Amen


Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As is was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end.  Amen.

 Fatima Prayer:  O my Jesus; forgive us our sins.  Save us from the fires of hell.  And Lead all souls to heaven; especially those in most need of thy mercy.

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A Legacy Of Joy

St Peter's Basilica, 2011

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy, 2011

“Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”  Proverbs 15:30

Optimistic — anticipating the best possible outcome (Merriam-Webster)

     I have always been joyfully optimistic.  At times I have been accused of being optimistic to a fault, almost as if it is a disease.  I can honestly say it has never once made me reconsider my approach to life.  I have remained optimistic, and I intend to leave a legacy of joy!

     I could go into lots of reasons why being optimistic is a good thing.  The number one physical reason is the good health associated with a good outlook.  I will just leave it at that.

     Spiritually, however, being optimistic has an entirely different benefit.  Being optimistic in our faith brings a deep, inner joy.  Once experienced, true inner joy in God can never be taken form us unless we allow it to be.

     A true optimistic outlook knows that even in times of distress, failure, or anguish, the Good News is still real.  It is still our destiny through times of trouble.  It is still the end game.

     A true optimistic outlook views trials and troubles as learning experiences, as growth toward the ultimate goal.  It doesn’t lessen the pain and suffering, but it lessens the impact of that pain and suffering.  We do not allow the pain and suffering to become us, to define who we are.  We remain, beneath it all, a person of hope, a person of joy.

     Being spiritually optimistic allows us to set example of how to live and persevere in times of struggle.  In our optimistic outlook we are never defeated.  We set example because others are watching, wondering, and eventually wanting to know our secret.  They see our joy, and desire it for themselves.  We share the Good News through our thoughts, words, and deeds.  We pass on our enthusiasm, our optimism, and our faith to those we love, and to those we may not love so much.  We can’t help it, it is just who we are.

     The Good News is there for all of us.  Look for it and learn about it in God’s Word, The Holy Bible.  Look for it in others, and all around you.  Look for it within yourself, and then pass it on.  Share the Good News and leave a legacy of joy that will last for generation upon generation.

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All That Is You, Jesus

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

All That Is You, Jesus

You are loving, patient, and kind, my Jesus.  To You I come bearing the burden of my sins. 

You are forgiving, merciful, and self-sacrificing, my Jesus.  With You I leave the burden of my sins. 

You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, my Jesus.  In You I live and breathe. 

Look upon me, your lowly servant, my Jesus, and grant that I may ever be on fire with love of all that is You. 

 Amen.  (Written by Martha McDuff Wiggins during prayer time just before The Stillness.)

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First And Foremost

The Last Supper, part of a four tapestry series on the Passion, ca 1520-30, Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins

The Last Supper, part of a four tapestry series on the Passion, ca 1520-30, Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins

First and foremost, in all things, do no harm.

     The very first entry in my personal spiritual journal, Journey Through The Stillness, reads as follows:

January 4, 2010 – The Lord said, “First and foremost, in all things, do no harm.  Practice this.”

    At that time I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me along my spiritual journey, but felt urged to write it down.  Looking back on it, I now see that Jesus has led me step by step along my path.  Feeling the need to re-experience it, I have recently gone back to the very beginning and am reading it a little at a time, both to savor it and to gain anything new from it that He would lead me to.

     My first thoughts were about how disjointed the early posts seemed, but as I continued on I realized that there was a definite flow, a definite building and growth in each.  These entries were my stepping stones into greater faith and trust in Him.

     Looking at this first entry, I now see that He started very simply with me because I have such a simple faith.  It is much deeper than ever, but still very simple and child-like.  If you are looking for someplace to start then start simply.  Look at this first entry.  While it might not be so easy to do, it is very direct and simple.  Try asking yourself this simple question before you think, act, or speak, “Does this harm anyone, or anything, even myself?”  Start there and begin to transform yourself more and more into the image and likeness of Christ.  He did no harm.

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Lord, You Are The Sap In My Veins

Banff National Park, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2010

Banff National Park, taken by Martha Wiggins, 2010

Lord, You are the Sap in my veins.

Forgive me, Lord, when I allow my tiredness to influence my actions. Take my tiredness this day and turn it into energy to do, to be, and to live as You in this world.

Thank you, Lord, for Your life-blood flowing within me.  I need only look within to find You.  Lord, You are the Sap in my veins.

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Soul Weary?

Taken in Vatican Museum, 2012, by Martha Wiggins

Taken in Vatican Museum, 2012, by Martha Wiggins

“He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world did not know who He was.  To his own He came, yet his own did not accept Him.  Any who did accept Him he empowered to become children of God.”  John 1:10-12

     Sometimes we become soul weary.  Sometimes we have just had enough!  We are finished; we cannot take anymore.  We just want to be left alone by the world, our job, our enemies, our spouse, maybe even our well-meaning friends.  When we finally run everyone off, when we are finally alone, we find it is not what we want at all.  We really just want someone to understand us.  We want someone to know what we are going through.  We want someone to be there with and for us.  Where do we go at times like these?  To whom do we run?

     The answer may seem obvious.  You already know I am going to say we should take it to God, and I am.  However, I am also going to lure you there!  What is in it for you?  Why should you take your tiredness, your disgust, your hurt, your doubt, your desire to give up, and lay it at the foot of The Cross?  Yes, He saved you from sin, but why would He care about you outside of sin?

     The one answer I love the most, is the fact that He is your Father.  Forget for a moment that He created you, in His image and likeness by the way.  Forget that He saved you from your sins, and is waiting to welcome you into Everlasting Life.  Forget, for a moment, that He is a part of you, that He is in you.  Focus only on the fact that He is your Father.

     A good Father cares deeply about His child.  He wants to see His child happy and fulfilled.  He wants His child to feel His love.  A good Father will nurture His child with kindness and protect His child at all costs, even lay down His Life.  A good Father can only do these things when He knows His child intimately, and when He knows His child’s needs.  A good Father knows every child is unique, and every child’s needs are singular to that child.  A good Father is the one person to whom a child can come and feel unconditionally loved; the one place a child can lay down and rest; can let down his or her guard, and trust.

     It is to Our Father in Heaven we need to run, to be restored, to find rest for our soul.  We need to lay everything at the foot of The Cross.  We need to spend time in His presence, so He can know our individual needs and nurture us with His love and protection.  In my “Journey Through The Stillness”, July 19, 2010, He points out to me, “Lean on Me, Martha.  I am your strength.  Strength does not come from you.  You cannot make or will yourself strong.  It comes from this time apart with Me.  Everything that you are comes from being apart with Me.  I grant you the strength you need.  I infuse you with Me, and you become strong; physically, mentally, spiritually.  I am Almighty, All-Powerful.”

    When your soul is weary, and much in need of rest, run to Him, not from Him.  Lie down at His feet.  He is your Father, and He is a good Father.  Trust in Him to make you strong again.  Trust in Him to make you whole again.

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Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Taken in Vatican Musem, Rome, 2012, by Martha Wiggins

Taken in Vatican Musem, Rome, 2012, by Martha Wiggins

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

     When we step out, we leave our comfort zone; we head into the unknown.  When we have faith, we trust, we expect.  When we step out in faith, we venture forth with the expectation that all will end well.  This doesn’t mean that we will have completely smooth sailing along our journey, in fact, it may be quite bumpy!

     Publicly sharing my personal spiritual journal on Facebook was a major step out in faith for me.  At first, I fought the idea of it, but He continued prompting me to do it, to the point I could no longer ignore Him.  One of the entries recorded in my journal reads, “Don’t be average.  Take the talents I have given you and put them out there for all to see.  Then, STEP BACK, letting go, and watch as others come to ME.”  After I began the group page on Facebook, Journey Through The Stillness, He again let me know this was what He wanted.  I knew I was following His will.   

     Stepping out in faith does not mean that we do so unprepared, or haphazardly.  We take necessary precautions and plan using the wisdom, knowledge and resources at our disposal.  We do everything humanly possible to ensure our success, but how do we ensure God is with us, that we are fulfilling His plan for our life? 

     The best way to know if we are stepping out according to God’s will is to ask ourselves some simple questions.  Does it serve a higher purpose?  Does it take away from your main vocation?  For instance, if you are a wife and mother, or husband and father, does it prevent you from serving your family and providing for their needs?  Does it hinder or hurt someone?  Does it foster or promote goodwill to others?   Most important of all, did you ask God if He wants you to do it? And, when you did, did you wait for an answer?  His prompting may not always be with words.  It may simply be a thought, an idea, or an urge so strong it cannot be denied.  It will continually present itself.

     If you can answer basic questions like the above, and have asked God to send His Holy Spirit upon you to direct your path, then you are ready to venture forth; to step out in faith.  If God is leading you, open your heart and go forward, unafraid.  You may have some normal doubts, but if it is right, you will have an overall peaceful feeling about it. 

     Remember, the road may be bumpy.  But, if you are sincerely seeking His will, His plan for your life, even if you make a mistake, He will guide you to what He is truly asking of you.  The outcome will be even better than you expected!

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Can You Really Live In Constant Prayer?

Midieval Art in Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins

Midieval Art in Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins

“Teach me the way I should go,  for to you I lift up my soul.”  Psalm 143:8

     Living in constant prayer may just sound like a figure of speech, an unattainable goal, a myth, or even a luxury.  But, is it?  The truth is that spending time in daily prayer and stillness before Our Lord is a must for survival in this world.  Prayer is our link to that other world God has so lovingly prepared for us.  Heaven patiently awaits each and every one of  us.  We live and wait in our orbital path until the day He calls us to Him.  God is at the center of our orbit; He is our goal. 

     Spending time in prayer with Him is like taking a mini vacation, a short trip to visit where we will someday retire.  Spending time in stillness before Him, we listen to His wishes for our journey, we discover our itinerary and learn what He needs us to do before we can actually retire.  Reading in and studying in His word is like reading the road map for our trip; it tells how to get there.  Just like on a real trip, we must stop periodically to consult the road map.  We must make sure we are on the right road. 

    Most of us don’t have the luxury of spending great amounts of time on our knees in prayer.  We have jobs and family responsibilities that pull us out into this world even though we might wish to remain in the ‘other’ world.  While we may not be to able to remain kneeling in prayer, we can live in prayer.  When we offer up all that we are, think, do and say to Our Lord, our thoughts and actions become linked to Him in a way that is very pleasing to Him.  We remain in constant prayer. 

     Most of us envision Saints as holy people who lived in prayer.  Yes, they did, but the key word is live.  They went about their daily tasks and lives as they offered all up to God, remaining constantly in His Sight, and thereby His Grace.  

     Being holy is something each one of us is called to, and is something each one of us is capable of being in our own everyday, normal life routines.  None of us start out as Saints.  We must train our minds to live and work in constant prayer.   It is good to say a prayer at the very start of each day offering up all of the day’s prayers, works, joys, sacrifices and sufferings.  I also include, “Lord, I offer up to you all that I am, and all that I am not, for I know your Holy Spirit will see where I am lacking and make it complete in your Sight.”  Throughout the day, especially when feeling stressed or inadequate, we can call to mind our offering.  We recommit knowing  He will always take our efforts and bless them, making us holy in His Sight.  May God bless each and every one of us as we strive to be holy through our effort to live in constant prayer.

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Shake Off The Dust

Ephesus, Turkey taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Ephesus, Turkey taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

“And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.  And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.”  Matthew 10:13-14

     When Jesus first commissioned His twelve disciples He sent them to preach to the lost children of Israel.  He had raised His only begotten Son up from among His chosen people.  Therefore, it was only right that they should be allowed to hear the Word before all others.  Then after His Resurrection He sent His disciples out to the gentiles, to all the peoples of the world.

     If Jesus hadn’t sent them out to world many of us today might never have heard the Good News.  Even though they were among God’s chosen people, the disciples found that much of their preaching fell on deaf ears, on hardened hearts.  They must have been greatly disappointed and discouraged when they had to shake off the dust and move on to the next town. They had to leave them in God’s Hands.

      Is there someone you have been trying to bring to the Truth?  We too may experience these same feelings of discouragement when we find that we cannot lead someone close to us to the Truth of Jesus Christ.  As hard as it is to leave it in God’s Hands, we too must shake off the dust.  Only God and His Word can soften a heart.

      Just like His disciples we have all been commissioned to spread the Good News about the forgiveness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Some will hear it and be welcomed by Him with open arms.  Others will reject it.  Those who reject Him must be left in God’s Hands.  Even though we shake off the dust, we must continue to live our lives as an example, as a witness of His undying love and mercy.  Then, the greatest thing we can do for them is continue to pray for God’s Word to work in their hearts and bring them to His salvation.  And, as the above verse from Matthew says, let your peace return to you.  You have been a good and faithful disciple.

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Finding Jesus In The Temple

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011. Saint Catherine of Siena is buried beneath the altar, and to the left is a statue carved by Michelangelo -Christ Bearing The Cross.

“When they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions.  And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers.”  Luke 2:45-47

     As a mother or a father, we can all imagine the frightening experience Mary and Joseph went through when they realized their son was lost.  They thought he had been with them all along as part of their group.  Returning to Jerusalem they found him in the temple, His Father’s House.  He was amazed that they would not think to look for Him there.

     We often find ourselves lost too.  Maybe we have drifted slowly away, or maybe we are living in sin, but we are separated from Jesus.  How do we find Him again?  We look in the temple.  We look inside.

    Each of us are a temple.  Our bodily temple houses our soul, where the Lord abides within us.  Turn within and seek Him with your whole heart.  When you want salvation as much as a drowning man wants air, you will find Him.  He is always there.  While you may have separated from Him, He has never left you.

     Are you lost?  Remember there is more than one kind of temple.  Yes, you can find Jesus in a church temple, and yes, you can find Him in a bodily temple, but you must seek Him.

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