Overweight Baggage?

“The king told the troops, ‘I myself will surely march out with you.”  2 Samuel 18:1

An excerpt from God Calling, A.J. Russell, (May 29th) – “Breathe in the rich blessings of each new day–forget all that lies behind you.”

     We all have a past.  Parts of it are remembered fondly, and parts of it may be remembered with regret.  The important thing to remember is that it is in the past.  The future is open, alive with possibilities.

     The God Calling excerpt continues:  “Man is so made that he can carry the weight of twenty-four hours–no more.  Directly he weighs down with the years behind, and the days ahead, his back breaks.  I have promised to help you with the burden of today only, the past I have taken from you and if you, foolish hearts, choose to gather again that burden and bear it, then indeed, you mock Me to expect Me to share it.  For weal or woe each day is ended.  What remains to be lived, the coming twenty-four hours, you must face as you awake.”

     It goes on to explain in this way:  “A man on a march on earth carries only what he needs for that march.  Would you pity him if you saw him bearing too the overwhelming weight of the worn-out shoes and uniforms of the past marches and years?  And yet, in the mental and spiritual life, man does these things.  Small wonder My poor world is heartsick and weary.  Not so must you act.”

     We carry our baggage as if we are afraid to lose something in it, when in reality, we should lose all of it.  Throw your baggage out the window!  Begin anew, lighter and refreshed for having done so.  Face the coming twenty-four hours by forgetting the previous day’s problems.  Don’t let your back break with their weight.  Face the coming twenty-four hours by breathing slowly in the rich blessings of the new day, and remembering from whom they come!

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Lord, You Are Trust

The Visitation by Jacopo Timtoretto

The Visitation by Jacopo Timtoretto

 “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6

Lord, You are Trust.

Forgive me, Lord, when I want to trust but let doubt creep in, or trust because there really is no other choice when the answer to my prayer is not how I envisioned it.  Fill me with hope in You … enough to trust without doubt.

Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer, even though the answer is hard to take.  Thank you for holding me and my loved ones in your everlasting arms.  Thy will be done.

     Sometimes we pray so hard about something, thinking we are leaving it in the Lord’s hands, when what we really want is a particular outcome.  Accepting his answers even when they are not what we expected, or wanted, takes a lot of trust.  It even takes courage to be able to move beyond what we expected to what is given.  He understands when we are disappointed.  He also expects us to bring it and lay it at His feet, trusting Him.

      Are you disappointed at the way something has turned out?  If so, share your disappointment with Him.  Tell Him exactly how it feels and ask Him to help you have the trust, and courage to move forward.  He will.

     You are not alone.  Many others suffer similar disappointments.  If you are able to pray for others who are disappointed, it will help you in dealing with your own.  God Bless.

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A New Dawn

mossel-bay_2512789  “The LORD came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran.  He came with myriads of holy ones from the south, from his mountain slopes.”  Deuteronomy 33:1-2

     Imagine the Light of Christ spreading as a new dawn over all the earth.  What a beautiful image!

      Below is an entry from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal shared publicly on facebook.  Our Risen Lord wants us all to be lit with His Glory.  He calls each of us to Him.

April 28, 2011 – My Risen Lord says, “See how brightly shining I am in My Glory.  You, and everyone, can shine too.  Choose to come out of the darkness into The Light.  Come toward Me, The Light, The One True Light.  Come and be lit up for all to SEE.  Those who SEE will be lit up also and it will spread as a new dawn over all the earth.  Look, SEE, Be lit, and Light!”

     The more we come to know the Lord, the more we grow like Him.  We begin to reflect Him.  One of the most effective tools of evangelizing is to reflect the Glory of the Lord to others.  They too begin to SEE and become lit themselves, spreading His light as a new dawn over all the earth!


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Lord, You Are Holy

 “And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way.  The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it.”  Isaiah 35:8

Lord, You are Holy.

Forgive me, Lord, each moment for the unholy thoughts I keep; each day for the unholy actions I perform; each year for the unholy life I lead.  In your mercy and forgiveness lead me to holiness that I may stand before You, sorrowful, repentant, and forgiven.

Thank you, Lord, for your devoted Saints and their inspiring examples of true holiness to guide me.

     We must face our unholiness in order to reach holiness.  We must know where we fail before we can succeed.  God will lead us to holiness by example.  He sends us His Son (The Living Word) to lead the way, and the Bible (His written Word) to explain the way, and then He gives us earthly people with heavenly attributes for us to imitate.

     Sometimes we would rather sin; it is easier.  It is easier, but costlier in the long run.  So we must each face our unholiness and strive to be holy minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day.  He calls us each to holiness.

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The World’s Puny Itch!

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Peter Wenzel, taken by Martha Wiggins, Vatican Museum, 2012

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Peter Wenzel, taken by Martha Wiggins, Vatican Museum, 2012

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”  Romans 8:18-19

     The world marches on to the beat of … the world.  The world knows nothing of your personal struggles, sorrows, and failures.  The world knows nothing of your accomplishments, joys, and battles won.  The world marches on with or without you.  To the world you are just a puny itch on its surface.  Yes, just a puny itch!

     There is One, however, who sees and knows every breath you take in and let out, who hears your sighs, and feels your pain.  There is One who knows when you smile and why; One who knows when you are fulfilled and complete.  One who is waiting to be revealed in and through you.

     The One who knows these things knows all.  How does He know, and why does He care?  It can be no other way, for He is God, The Father, The Creator of all that exists.

     When you create something, you care about your creation.  You do not like to see your creation trashed or disrespected by others.  Whether it be artwork, a pot roast, a business plan or proposal, or a sandcastle, you do what you can to protect it, to defend it.  And, if it is your child, you do so with your own life if necessary.

     See the One who created you in the same way He sees you.  You exist because of and for Him.  He is the all-powerful creator of the universe.  He is FOR you.  Seek to know Him.  Seek to know what makes Him smile, what saddens Him, and what burdens Him, just as He does you.

     Live in and through Him.  To the world you are just that puny itch on its surface.  To the One who created all, you are life, you are the world.  Oh, if only everyone would march to the beat of The Creator and not that of the world.

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Let Your Risen Lord Down Off The Cross

“He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.”  Matthew 28:6


Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Resurrection Tapestry, Vatican Museum, taken by Martha Wiggins 2012

Today’s post is from Journey Through The Stillness, April 18, 2010:

I see my Risen Lord before me. Jesus says, “Here is where you should dwell. It is in The Risen Lord that a soul finds Love, Light, Solace, and Joy. It is here a soul is COMPLETE. When you seek forgiveness you must then let Me down OFF the Cross. Yes, the Cross will have to be revisited. It is human nature to sin. But, the forgiveness is ALWAYS there for the soul who seeks it. The contrite and humbled sinner who asks forgiveness is then lifted to live once again in the Glory of The Risen Lord. The sinner who does not ask, dwells lost in guilt and despair wondering why, and wondering how to stop the pain. Tell them, Martha. Tell them to come to Me, the ONE who loves them no matter what; the ONE who loves them at all cost by giving my life up for them; the ONE who is always patiently waiting, hoping that they will seek Me. Tell them I am EAGER to forgive them and EAGER to welcome them into life with the Risen Lord, and that it can begin right here on earth. Martha, write as I tell you, then share it with all. Be humble, be brave; I am with you.”

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How stillness became Stillness…

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011

Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011. Saint Catherine of Siena is buried beneath the altar, and to the left is a statue carved by Michelangelo -Christ Bearing The Cross.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

      Those of you who have followed my writings for some time know how I added stillness to my prayer routine at the beginning of 2010, and how it transformed my life.  My prayer life was already full and rich, and over the years, I had come to feel that I had a close relationship with God.  I always tried to follow what I thought was His will for my life, but because I was doing all the talking, I could never be sure.

     Sitting still was not in my repertoire; it was not something that would come easily for me.  I was a busy woman.  I had a life!  Too many others depended on me.  I didn’t think I had time to be still.  After coming up with my 2010 personal mission statement, in which I vowed to add stillness to my prayer time, I had to at least give it a try.  If I wanted to know where God was leading me, I needed to listen to Him.  When I asked God to lead me to ‘what is mine to do’, I needed to wait for an answer!

     At first, I had to really fight for it.  I had to will myself to sit there, mind racing, toes tapping, and nose twitching!  I realized this was not going to happen at all if I didn’t develop some sort or routine to prepare me to sit there.  I needed to calm myself in order to calm my mind.  So, I did what I do best, I talked.  I asked God if He was there?  There is an old adage, don’t ask if you don’t want to know!

     Actually, first, I created a place in my room conducive to prayer and meditation.  I placed artwork and religious symbols there to help me focus.  I created the following routine to facilitate stillness.  I began by reading in my Bible, other inspirational materials, and daily devotionals.  Just prior to stillness I read specific prayers that helped me to center my thoughts on Him, and to consecrate myself to Him.  Only then did I ask, “Are you there, Lord?”  Ever since the very first time, the answer is always the same, “Yes, Martha, I am here.  Remember, I am always here, for I am in you and you are in Me.”  I reply, “Yes, Lord, I remember.  You are in me and I am in You.”  He says, “Well, then, Martha, be still.  Know that I and God.”  And, I answer, “Yes, Lord, I will be still, for you are my God…”  I bow my head and envision Jesus placing His hands in blessing upon my head.

     From the beginning I was aware there was something very different about this prayer time.  I felt He was leading me.  Right from the start I felt there were things that needed to be written down.  I began to keep a daily journal of what was happening during my time in stillness before Him.  At first, it was somewhat disjointed; just simple statements that I felt led to write down.  As I fully realized what was happening I began to keep a more detailed record, writing down exactly what was taking place and exactly what I felt He wanted said.  I was determined not to add anything of myself.  I emphasized only the words that He emphasized.  Often times it would come so fast that I would write in a frenzy afterwards, lest I forget!  Over time He led me to start writing while in the stillness.

     It was at this point “Journey Through The Stillness” was born.  It was at this point that stillness became Stillness.  I was truly in His presence.  I was both humbled and awed.  I asked how He could deign to speak with me, and the answer was always the same, “I love you, you are my child.”  I soon learned that with this blessing came responsibility.  Prayer time would never be the same!  In The Stillness I discerned what was mine to do, and ever since, I have faithfully tried to carry out His will.  I have stepped out in faith, and I have been stretched in ways beyond anything I could imagine.  At His bidding, I share my very private, personal spiritual journal publicly on Facebook for all who care to follow along.  At His bidding, I have developed this website and daily blog, where He never ceases to amaze me, as He provides all that is necessary to accomplish His goals.  I am in awe of Him.

     Stillness has transformed me; it has transformed my life.  I, now, cannot imagine my prayer life without Stillness.  I pray that each of you will also make it a priority to add stillness to your prayer life, and then, make sure you wait for Him to answer.  My prayer is that it will go from stillness to Stillness for you also.  Don’t hesitate to seek his presence … He is already there, waiting for you in The Stillness.

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His Body, His Blood

Crucifix in Sistine Chapel, taken by Martha McDuff Wiggins, 2012

Crucifix in Sistine Chapel, taken by Martha McDuff Wiggins, 2012

Have a blessed Good Friday everyone.  Today I share from my personal spiritual journal, entitled “Journey Through The Stillness”.  Through His Body and Blood we are saved…

November 17, 2010 – My Crucified Lord is here. As one time before He places His wounded hands in a chain lock with mine. He sees that I am shaken by this and begins to kneel before me. Seeing that this bothers me intensely He stands and brings me to standing also, hands still locked together. He says, “This is the bond you must protect. NEVER let it be taken from you. I have shed my BLOOD for you; I have given up my BODY. This is the bond that is LIFE giving. The world knows Me not as I truly AM. My Body and Blood is the GATEWAY for ALL. The world knows Me not. You are my messenger, child. Go, and tell ALL, that they must eat of the Fruit of The Vine. They must BELIEVE I AM the Fruit.” (Personal thoughts – I can honestly say that when I enter into The Stillness I never know what is coming. When I type it to post publicly I relive each moment. It is then that I too see a pattern evolving, or a theme, or a particular message to be delivered. Today is obviously the crescendo of the previous few messages, and also the crux of the entire Stillness. The message is strong and clear – Through His Body and Blood we are delivered. Through the Eucharist we are made whole in the physical union with Christ, Our LORD and SAVIOR.)

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Blood, Sweat and Tears

 “Then He began to be filled with fear and distress.  He said to them, “My heart is filled with sorrow to the point of death.  Remain here and stay awake.”  Mark 14:34

     Jesus knew.  He knew exactly every single, horrendous, torturous pain that would befall Him.  And still, He willingly chose to go through with His Father’s plan.  He deliberately chose to deliver Himself up for torture and death on my behalf, on your behalf, on behalf of us all.  Unfathomable, yet true.

     Have you ever really fully contemplated the first Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, The Agony In The Garden?  We often view artwork of this scene, or picture it in our mind:  Jesus fervently praying while kneeling at a big rock, sweat rolling down His face; His disciples off in the distance sleeping.  These images move us to a certain level of empathy and sadness, maybe even guilt, but these feelings are probably the extent of most or our thoughts concerning it.  We might even fervently pray, “Lord, don’t let me be like the disciples and fall asleep on my watch.”

     If we are willing to dig a bit deeper into our emotions, we might be able to really put ourselves in the mind and heart of Jesus.  Imagine the feverish pitch of His anxiety.  It is the night before the Crucifixion and He knows what is coming.  His anxiety was so great that He experienced hematidrosis, a phenomenon where sweat pours out as blood.  It is a very rare phenomenon that can occur while suffering extreme emotional stress such as watching your spouse and children be killed, or facing one’s own imminent death.

     The very thought of sweating blood, or of such extreme anxiety, is enough to make most of us cringe in fear, and yet, it happened to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He allowed it, He embraced it on our behalf.  His desire to save us and bring us into Eternal Life with Him and His Father was greater than any anxiety, any pain and suffering that would befall Him.  His Love for us was greater than any sin we would ever commit, any separation from Him, or any rejection of Him.

     It is good for us to pause a little longer than usual in order to fully contemplate His great Love for us and all that He went through on our behalf so that we might share in Eternal Life with Him.  It is good to pause and thank Him for our salvation.graveyard-set_2823473

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Lord, You Are The Grace of Hope

St Peter's Basilica, 2011

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy, 2011

Lord, You are the Grace of Hope.

Forgive me, Lord, when Your love seems not enough to carry me through; when I cannot take that next step out of fear, indecision, or timidness.

Thank you, Lord, for the Grace of Hope; the knowing faith that even unseen, unheard, unfelt, or even ignored, You are ever there at my side.

     Know that He is ever there.  You do not have to experience Him in the physical realm to know that He is there for He provides you with the Grace of Hope, with Faith.

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