Not sure how many are still really here, but I will post here for Lent, also on Martha’s Orbit, and Catholic Orbit FB page.
I Invite you to come along in my 2020 Lenten Journey – accompanied with the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur
On A Personal Note:
-Over the years this book ha shown me the many and varied facets of God’s Love for me. It made Him more approachable in each and every part of my life. I have often found the need to run to Him for solace, courage, or peace, calling on one of these beautiful Biblical Hebrew names, and He would hear and provide in perfect ways for my life. Yes, there is only one true God, but there are so many facets to His Ever-Loving care for us. This book calls them individually by their name, giving me the exact Name, in affect, to run to for my need, desire, fear, or loss of the moment; the Name to call upon in desperation. It gave me the confidence that I, puny wretched little me, would be heard and answered! My two favorite Names are El Shaddai (The All-Sufficient One) and El Roi (The God Who Sees). El Roi was especially important to me when my three children were teenagers, and often away from me being influenced by others. He could see all that I couldn’t and protect them from what I couldn’t.
Study Note: I will be following the same pattern of the book. I will include the pertinent points set forth about each name, but framing them in my own thoughts and commentary. (Direct quotes will be noted.) In this way it will be a shorter and faster approach, making it suitable for a quick and easily accomplished daily Lentin meditation on the Names of Our Lord. I highly recommend this book and hope this brief encounter with its content will lead to a full and deeper study on your own.
Let’s begin!
Day One:
The Question presented- Where do you run; To Whom do you run when in trouble, when hurting, when ill, when desperate, when lost, or feel that you can no longer go on? Do you run to friends, mentors, secluded places, books for help? Do you turn to music, TV, computers, or some other form of distraction and hide?
Do you realize that God, your Creator, Protector, and Friend, waits for you to run to Him? Maybe you do know this on some mental level but cannot fathom He is waiting for you, the puny wretched sinner you are. Or maybe you know He does mean you, but are unsure of how to approach Him, how to just run to Him. So, you hang back in the shadows.
Here you will find the exact Names to run to, to call upon in desperation. Knowing exactly to Whom you run will make clear a straight path right into His loving and merciful arms. You will become focused on His Grace and Wisdom for your exact needs. You will feel and see His Hand at work in your life.
Does all this sound too good to be true? If so, I pray you will approach this content with an openness, if not a true desire just yet, and see if He can prove His desire for you and pull you right into His loving arms.🙏🏻💖
To begin, let’s us acknowledge, first and foremost, He is LORD! Our first Name to call upon… “The Name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). (Also a direct quote from the book)
The LORD created you. He loves you as no other being can. He knows you as no other being can. He is LORD over all life.
Mental Action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
Describe for yourself God.
What words would you use?
As you go through the day try to think of Him as LORD, your Lord.
Further action if so inclined:
Ask Him why He created you. Try to look beyond the not so good things you know about yourself, and see the good qualities your Lord endowed or graced you with. Try to come up with at least three and embrace at least one of them for the day. Recognize it as a blessing and try to nurture it within and without by utilizing the quality in some way. Feel good about it and thank your Lord for it! Feel His love for you in doing so. 💖😇
My personal description of God if asked?
God is my Creator. I am created by His Love, In His Love, and for His Love. I am His Love Personified. He is IN me and I am In Him.
I pray and try hard to live this, and I fail Him miserably daily. His Love, Grace, and Forgiving Mercies allow me to start anew over and over again, minute by minute, if need be.