As this new year opens before me, I remind myself of what was, what is, and hope for what is to be.
I do not dwell on what was, except to reflect on what in myself is good and true and what in myself needs to be changed.
In what is, I remind myself that there are many blessings to be savored and to be thankful for right here and now. I will make a conscientious effort daily to look for and see more good in each present moment.
In what is to be, I will hold fast to the knowledge that I am a creation of God Almighty. I am alive only by His grace, and I am made to live in eternity with Him by that very same grace. Therefore, I will place my hope and trust only in God, The Father; Jesus, The Son; and The Holy Spirit to whom all glory belongs now and forever!
Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!