“Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people.” Psalm 85:8
During Christmastime we are often faced with family challenges, family conflicts. While most families have loving relationships with each other, all is not merry and bright at some family gatherings. To say the least, this can be quite upsetting for all concerned. Sometimes the best we can do is to manage the situation from our own perspective.
First, we must realize, and come to terms with, the fact that no one is in our control. We do not create, nor are we responsible for others’ thoughts, words, or actions. Again… we are not in control of others. Once we realize this, the pressure is off. It is not on us to see that everyone behaves, that everyone has a good time. We become free to add good vibes to the atmosphere. We create an aura around our own orbital path that radiates self worth, love, and joy.
Second, in order to create this aura we must go to the One who IS in control. Spending time in His presence we release the burden of control to Him and seek His help to do so. By centering our orbital path around God, The Father, we feel the weight lifted, we feel loved. We know that at the very moment our circumstances become embroiled, negative, or unloving, we can turn within to His love.
Advent is a time of preparation, a time of gift giving. Let us stock up in advance by spending time with Him on gifts of love within ourselves to share with those around us, even those we may find hard to love. If we feel His Love within, we will radiate His Love outwardly and bring peace to our surroundings.
This Christmas do not let others rob you of His gift of Love for you, and do not be afraid to share His gift through words of Peace, Love, and Joy. May all your Christmas celebrations be Merry and Bright!

Well written, and so true. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the nice comment, Martha, and for making it here on the site. I love to hear people’s thoughts on my content. Merry Christimas to you and yours!