Annunciation mosaic on the facade of the Duomo, The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy, 2012, taken by Martha M Wiggins
“The Word became human and lived among us. We saw His glory – the glory that belongs to the only Son of the Father – and he was full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
When we look in a mirror we see an image of ourselves. We see ‘what’ we look like, but not ‘who’ we are. When others see us, they see what we look like, but they can also see who we are. If they stop, look. and listen, they can read it in our eyes and in our body language. They can hear it in our words and see it in our actions.
When Jesus walked the earth, many did not stop, look, and listen. Maybe they did not like what they heard; maybe it was a call to action or change that was just too hard for them. They tuned Him out. They walked the earth at the same time as Him and never knew the Truth, the Joy to be had.
His call is still heard today, over two thousand years later, and many still ignore it. However, all is not lost, for in His enormous love for us He gives us another chance to stop, look, and listen. Actually, the opportunity is ever present every minute of every day, and even more so during Advent and Christmas. At this time He puts His story, Himself, right in front of us. He makes it very hard for us to ignore Him.
Make it a priority to stop, look, and listen this Advent. Spend time in His Word; spend time in His presence. Prepare your heart and then look in the mirror. You will like what you see. So will others; so will He.