Lake Moraine and The Valley of The Ten Peaks, Banff National Park, Canada, 2010, taken by Martha Wiggins
Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.” Job 40:10
I took this beautiful picture of Lake Moraine and The Valley of Ten Peaks in one of my most favorite places on earth, Banff National Park, Canada. My husband and I, along with our grown children, have been there several summers hiking in the beautiful, pristine, mountain setting. I call it ‘Heaven on Earth.’ One summer we hiked one of the most breathtaking hikes I have ever been on. I actually felt as if we were ‘hiking in heaven.’ It touched me in such a way that I believe it is etched on my soul! If you have ever experienced anything similar, then you know exactly what I mean.
I tried to spend time in Stillness before Our Lord as often as possible while staying in Banff. From our hotel room I looked out on a spectacular view of Lake Louise, another beautiful spot. The following is an entry from The Stillness written while there one time.
July 24, 2010 – Today it is My Risen Lord, as I sit before the gorgeous view from the hotel room window. He is excited, almost bouncing with pleasure. He says, “Look, look at the grandeur of all My Father has placed before us. See His Glory, Martha? Be in it, be of it. Take it unto thyself and make it a part of you. It will be given back to others tenfold because it will radiate from you. This is how one should relish creation. Become a part of it. Become ONE with it, become ONE with Me.” He is smiling, ready to go!”
One of the things I state on the website is that I have a simple faith. The site is based on sharing my simple faith. While I am a wholeheartedly, and faithfully Catholic, I also believe there is much in common to be shared with all Christians. Love is the common thread, and Jesus is Love!
While still on our trip, I entered into The Stillness again on the 26th and here is what transpired. “As I place myself in His Presence He is glad to see me. He reminds me, ‘I know this is a busy and exciting time, but remember to look inward to Me often. Martha, you are surrounded by love; love of family, love of nature, and love of Me. In fact, as you realize, you don’t have to look only inward to see Me. Here, you have to just look outward. I am EVERYWHERE; it is easy. It is SIMPLE.”
In my simple faith, because I believe He will speak to me, and because I listen for Him to speak to me, He does. I am simple in the same way a child is simple, and always expecting to be awed by Him. When I see His Glory I long to be in it, and of it. I long to make it a part of me so that I can reflect and radiate it outwardly to all!
“The LORD our God has shown us his glory and his majesty, and we have heard his voice from the fire. Today we have seen that a person can live even if God speaks with them.” Deuteronomy 5:24