I have posted previously about The Imitation of Christ, a devotional written in the 15th century whose authorship is attributed to Thomas a Kempis. Second only to the Bible as the most widely read book in the world, it is written in order to help the devout soul to attain holiness. Many life topics are addressed in a beautifully rich way. Today I will share the chapter on inward consolation… looking within and actually finding God there. Please read slowly… absorb its beauty.
The Third Book
On Inward Consolation
Chapter I
I will hearken what the Lord God shall say within me.(1) Blessed is the soul which heareth the Lord speaking within it, and receiveth the word of consolation from His mouth. Blessed are the ears which receive the echoes of the soft whisper of God, and turn not aside to the whisperings of this world. Blessed truly are the ears which listen not to the voice that soundeth without, but to that which teacheth truth inwardly. Blessed are the eyes which are closed to things without, but are fixed upon things within. Blessed are they who search inward things and study to prepare themselves more and more by daily exercises for the receiving of heavenly mysteries. Blessed are they who long to have leisure for God, and free themselves from every hindrance of the world. Think on these things, O my soul, and shut the doors of thy carnal desires, so mayest thou hear what the Lord God will say within thee.
2. These things saith thy Beloved, “I am thy salvation, I am thy peace and thy life. Keep thee unto Me, and thou shalt find peace.” Put away thee all transitory things, seek those things that are eternal. For what are all temporal things but deceits, and what shall all created things help thee if thou be forsaken by the Creator? Therefore put all things else away, and give thyself to the Creator, to be well pleasing and faithful to Him, that thou mayest be able to attain true blessedness.
(1) Psalm lxxxv. 8.