Lord, You are Forgiveness.
Forgive me, Lord, when I fail to forgive others, as You do, even myself. Forgive me when I hold others to an higher standard than even I can live up to. Forgive me, Lord, when I am forgiven by You, yet do not extend the same to others.
Thank you, Lord, for washing away my own guilt and sin, and for offering Your Salvation to all mankind. Fill my heart with the same mercy and compassion as You, Lord, and help me to forgive as I am forgiven.
As we pray and meditate on the Stations of The Cross during Lent, let us each remember that we have been forgiven much. Then, let us extend that same mercy and forgiveness to all.
Many of the ‘sins’ we deem have been committed against us, are truly only ‘perceived’ by us. The offenders may not even be aware of the offense, or the pain and hurt they may have caused us. Release them into God’s Hands, for only He knows their true intent, their heart, their soul.
As for the real sins committed against us, God knows. El Roi, The God Who Sees, will remember and mete out justice accordingly. Again, release all of these into His Hands also.
Then, pray fiercely for forgiveness of your own sins, and the sins of all mankind against God. There is no more perfect way to do this than meditating and praying on the Passion of Our Lord through the Stations of the Cross.
Blessings to all of you on your Lenten journey of faith.
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