“But the man who trusts in the Lord will be blessed. The Lord will show that He can be trusted. He will be strong like a tree planted near water that sends its roots by the stream.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
When my children were young I gave them each a Bible verse. This verse belongs to my youngest who is now a grown man … all six feet, six inches of him, and that’s barefooted! Enough said.
When things don’t go exactly as we planned, or when a dream of ours is dashed, do we flounder and wallow? Not if our trust is in the Lord! When we show faith in Him we are rewarded. Even children can learn to trust in His outcomes. Just like us, they may need to be shown how the Lord worked their disappointment for their good until they begin to recognize His hand at work. As adults, we too must continue to look for His Hand at work in our own lives. He will prove He can be trusted and we will become strong like a tree planted near the stream. We might not grow as tall as my youngest son, but our roots will grow deep into the soil and our foundation will be strong like a mighty oak.