“When he returned to Capernaum, some time later word went round that he was in the house; and so many people collected that there was no room left, even in front of the door. He was preaching the word to them when some people came bringing him a paralytic carried by four men,” Mark 2:1-3
As I visited another parrish once, the priest gave his homily on the above Gospel from Mark. He touched on the fact that the paralytic was brought to Jesus by four men. He made the statement that he wondered how many of us actually had four such friends?
He thought it probably safe to assume that those who brought the paralytic to Jesus for healing were either family or very close friends. Either way, they were people who loved him enough to go through the labor of carrying him on a stretcher to where Jesus was staying and preaching. They let nothing stop them from their goal for their loved one, even to the point of hauling him up on the roof and lowering him through the ceiling in order to get him before Jesus.
The friends demonstrated great faith, and perseverance. They demonstrated steadfast love and loyal friendship. I too wonder how many of us have even one such friend in our lives? If we do, we are truly blessed by them. More so, I wonder, are we that type of friend to others? Are we that friend who will bring our friends to Jesus, even a great cost to ourselves?
At times we must each take a look at our friendships. Do they lead us closer to Jesus, or farther away? Is any action required on our part to correct a situation or relationship? Then, we must take an even closer look at ourself. Which type of friend are we? Do we point the way to Jesus? If not, let us ask Jesus to show us how to be a friend who does, that we may be counted a blessing too.