Achilleion Palace, Corfu, Greece, 2012- former home of Empress Elizabeth of Austria (taken my Martha Wiggins)
“Because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and because you humbled yourself before Me, tore your clothes and wept before Me, I truly have heard you, declares the LORD.” 2 Chronicles 34:27
One of the hardest things to do is to put self aside, and yet we must if we give ourselves totally over to God. To receive His graces we must empty ourselves and patiently wait to be filled. When I enter into The Stillness before God, it is often hard to quiet my inner self, and also hard to let go of the world around me.
The following is from Journey Through Stillness, my personal spiritual journal.
“January 7, 2011 – Entering The Stillness seems to be getting back to previous times where I am more IN His presence. He is close again. Praise and thanks to you, Oh Lord. I am realizing again that entering with a remorseful, humble heart is an important key to doing so. I must put self aside; it is hard to do so.
Today, He says, “When you come before Me in remorse for your sins and failures which have offended Me; when you feel the pain you have caused Me; and then I see the love you have for all of my creatures; my Heart is softened. Where I would be angry, I cannot be. I love you more instead, my child.”
(Personal Thoughts – He sees my sins, my shortcomings, my failures. I must confess them and learn to set them aside. I must be remorseful, yet not guilty. I must not be sentenced to life, but instead, to LIFE. I must go forward and meet my personal struggles and challenges head on, with a firm purpose of amendment that I may be truly worthy in His sight.)”
It is worth our effort to still ourselves, to put self aside, so that we can be with Him. It is even more so when we do so with a remorseful and humble heart. It stills His heart where He would be angry, and instead He loves us more. Just imagine.