“Let me obey your demands perfectly so I will not be ashamed. I am weak from waiting for you to save me, but I hope in your word.” Psalm 119:80-81
Sometimes we can put pressure on ourselves to be perfect. We believe that God wants perfection and anything less than perfect is unacceptable. In striving for perfection we think there is only one way to achieve it. We think we have to pray a certain way, think a certain way, and act a certain way. We refuse to change anything for fear of being imperfect in His eyes. We put ourselves under such pressure that we can never live up to our own heavy demands. We end up giving up and feeling worse about ourselves.
God does want perfection from us, but He he knows our imperfections and loves us anyway. Each one of us are on a journey to God. Mistakes will be made, and hopefully learned from. We must give ourselves space to grow along our journey. When we do we begin to see that we are on a journey of faith moving ever closer to Him. As we grow and mature in our faith, our ways of praying, thinking, and acting mature also. We find that we must make changes in our methods of doing these things that reflect our growth.
When we fully understand our journey, we see that others are on a faith journey of their own and realize they may be at different stages than we are. We come to know that each person must pray, think, and act as led by God. When we accept this, we can then share our ways with others, knowing that God will have them use from us what is right for them. When we accept this, we can then pray for and celebrate growth in others.
One day our different journeys will all come together in Eternal Life. We will see each other and ourselves perfect in the eyes of God.