Do you desire to help God bring home lost souls? He desires that you do! Don’t be afraid to ask Him to infuse you and then use you to do so. And then, Satan beware!
Prayer: My Lord, and My God, infuse me with the Life of your Son, the Love of His Mother, Mary, and the Peace of your Holy Spirit flowing within, that I might be used by each for the fight against your most powerful enemy, Satan, in order that he be cast down and made to release those souls that You, in your infinite Mercy and Love, desire to bring home to The Father, that they might gain the grace of your salvation and live in union with You in eternal life, ever offering in praise that Glory and Honor that cannot be denied You, for thou art The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Amen. (March 19, 2010 – Journey Through The Stillness, written by Martha Wiggins)