“What a wretched man I am! Who can free me from this body under the power of death?” Romans 7:24
My first response when He asks me to do something is to ask, “Why me, Lord.” I ask out of a sense of unworthiness, wretchedness. He knows me better than I know myself and uses me anyway!
He doesn’t ask anything of us that He doesn’t already know we can do, that He doesn’t already know the outcome. Sometimes we work so hard at not being prideful, that we overdo the humility! There is a balance here to be struck. We need be humble that He has called upon us, and at the same time confident we can accomplish what He asks of us.
In excessive humility we never accomplish anything. We think we are too unworthy to even attempt what is being asked of us. We think someone else could do a better job! However, He didn’t choose someone else, He chose us!
When we are over confident the opposite occurs, and still nothing is accomplished. We think we can do it all, and either get in over our head and find out we can’t, or run everyone else off because we think we are the only one who can!
God asks us to ask His forgiveness, and then to come out of our wretchedness. He does not want us to live in guilt, but instead, to live in forgiveness, wholeness. He asks us to be open to His will for us. He knows our limitations. He sees our faults, and still He chooses to use us for His Glory.
When He asks us to do something, instead of asking, “Why me, Lord?”, we need to ask, “Where do I start?” We need to say, “Here I am, Lord.” We need to leave our wretchedness behind and let His Spirit fill us with enough confidence to get the job done!
In His infinite wisdom, God gave each of us a free will. We can choose to wallow in our wretchedness, or we can choose to live in Spirit, in wholeness.