“But Jesus took hold of her hand and called to her, “My child, stand up!” Her spirit came back into her, and she stood up at once. Then Jesus ordered that she be given something to eat.” Luke 8:54-55
Doldrums, stagnant, desert; all familiar terms used to represent faith in a long distance relationship. As believers we know the Truth. He is ever there; it is us. We move. We may only move a tiny bit, a little to one side or the other, but it is just enough to bend or break the connection, and our spirit suffers as a result. We no longer “feel” our faith, or His presence.
In a favorite daily devotional of mine, “God Calling” by A.J. Russell, the December 28th entry reads, “I am here. Do not need feeling too much. … What does it matter what you feel? What matters is what I am, was, and ever shall be to you – A Risen Lord. … The feeling that I am with you may depend upon any passing mood of yours – upon a change of circumstances, upon a mere trifle. I am uninfluenced by circumstances. … My Promise given is kept. I am here, one with you in tender loving friendship.” How comforting it is to know that He is here even when we are not. We change; He does not. He is the same today as yesterday, and ever shall be!
I have come to learn that I do not like long distance relationships, especially when it involves my loved ones. I want them to always be close at hand; even more so with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have also discovered that I would rather be ‘asked’ to do that which I am uncomfortable doing than be alone in the dark with no direction. At least when I am doing His will, or trying to do His will, I know He is there with me.
If we are in a long distance relationship and don’t wish to be, then how do we get out of it? How do we return to, or begin, a closer relationship with Him? If He didn’t move, then it is us who must move again. It may not be easy. It may take some time, but the most important thing we can do is continue to ‘visit’. We must move toward Him by meeting Him halfway. Spend time in His presence even if He doesn’t speak, even if we don’t feel anything.
After all the excitement, fun, and glow of Christmas has passed by it is easy to let down our guard, to move a little to either side, to become off center. Spend the next few days making it a priority to move back to the true center. Persistence will be rewarded and you will find yourself in a united relationship. You will find yourself beginning the New Year in a newer, closer relationship with Our Lord.

My relationship is not long distance , but I continue trying to make it closer every day. My goal is to get so close as to be able to feel HIS presence continuosly, what an accomplishment if I succeed in this goal!!
Awesome, Daddy! I hope some of my content inspires you!