Statuary on the facade of the Duomo, The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy, 2012, taken by Martha M Wiggins
Lord, You are Home.
Forgive me, Lord, when I live more in this world than in my true home, Life Eternal. Forgive me when I forget I am your child, and my home is with You, my Father in Heaven.
Thank you, Lord, for continually knocking on my door and inviting me home. Let my heart hear and then open its door to receive You as my Savior, and Lord.
The world coninually beckons to us, but so does our Lord. He stands at the door and knocks. He invites us into His own home. Open the door to your heart today and let Him in. Accept His invitation to live in Life Eternal with Him. Live your life here on earth in belief and love of Him. In doing so, you will be transformed and so will those around you. You will be made ready for your next home in Eternity.