Jehu greeted him and said,”Are you in accord with me, as I am with you? ” “I am.” 2Kings 10:15
As mentioned in previous posts, I keep a personal spiritual journal. I spend time in Stillness before Our Lord and write down everything that is ‘said’ or occurs during that time. The journal is called “Journey Through The Stillness.” I am always amazed and awed. I must also point out here, when I reference the material in the journal, I never take credit or claim authorship of any words I feel have been imparted to me by Him. That said, I leave you in His hands and ask that He guide your thoughts and responses to what I share.
Early on in my spiritual journey, my writings were a little disjointed, as I was fighting with the idea that He would choose me to work through, unworthy sinner that I am. Let’s just say I was, and still am, in training. My writing may have seemed disjointed, but, to me, the messages to be written down have always been very clear and unmistakable.
I am always trying to figure out how to remain in His presence throughout the day, not just during The Stillness. He has often offered wonderful gems of advice for doing so. On January 15, 2010, He said, “Keep Me close by looking for and seeing me in others …LOOK for Me; SEE Me.” And, on January 18, 2010, He said, “Hear the birds? Pay attention. You miss so much when your don’t pay attention! I have many smiles for you.” That God sends me smiles is something I have believed for many years, and this confirmed it.
Jump forward to June 22, 2010, and He says, “… you have always had bits of conversation with Me during your day. You think of Me and it turns into a conversation. You see a bird, or an animal, or just see my beauty in nature and right away your thoughts turn to Me. As you say, I send you smiles. It is true; I look for and relish little things that bring you joy. Practice this also with other people, Martha. You smile a lot. When they smile back, learn to see this as Me smiling at you. It will help you to better see Me in others.”
By now, you may be thinking I am a bit crazy, and that is okay with me. I probably am! However, I have found His remaining words to be quite profound. He continues on, “When you see Me in others, you will love them even more than you already do. They will know then, that it is Me smiling through you.” He smiles and then ends with this, “Actually, Martha, it will be Me smiling at myself in them. Think on this.”
I have always said God has a sense of humor! Imagine it! When you and I smile at each other, it is really Jesus in me smiling at himself in you; and Jesus in you smiling at himself in me. If only all of us could learn to see each other in this way, our world would be a much better place for everyone! When you smile at someone tomorrow, I bet you can’t help but think of this. The key will be to conitnue on doing so. He is in you, and He is in me, so let Him shine forth… SMILE!
“I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” Mother Teresa