“And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11
Today’s post is an entry from my Journey Through The Stillness (my personal spiritual journal). It is the first entry after a beautiful trip to Rome, Greece, and Turkey. The most important message I came away with? We are here now, in this moment in history. It is our time to live… moment by moment.
June 14, 2011 – I enter The Stillness not quite sure of what to expect after being away. I ask if He is there, prefacing it with, “Lord, I really need to know for sure. Are You there?” Once in The Stillness, Jesus tilts my face up to Him and says, “Child, child. I have given you many seeds of knowledge while you traveled. Though you were unaware, many will come to light as you go forward. The seeds are planted, the wisdom will come with time, and as needed. The first one you have already discerned is about the moments. Do not fret or worry about the rest. Live IN Me, in each moment, in Peace, Love, and Joy. Remember, the moments are Life. It is the sum of the moments that add up to Eternal Life. It is only necessary to live each moment one at a time, regardless of the moment before, regardless of the moment to come. The present moment is the One you have. I, and The Father, are present in each. So Live, So Love.”
(Personal thoughts- On my trip to Rome, Greece, and Turkey, my prayer life and routine were totally thrown off balance. While I was not aware of an imparting of any wisdom to me, I did have a continual inner hunger to see, to know, to understand many of the very moving, faith-filled, holy places I visited. I came away with a sense of connection in Spirit to all that has gone before me; a connection to the continuation of all that is God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. I await with excited anticipation the understanding that is to come. I await to serve Him as only He knows I can.)