Statue of Mary at Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken 2011
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful…” Psalm 139: 13-14
As most parents do at their childrens sporting events, I would often find myself cheering them on, and sometimes rather loudly. It was my goal to always be encouraging, boost their self-confidence, and never embarrass them. I am not sure I always succeeded at the last one, in fact, I am sure at times I did not! One thing I found myself yelling out over and over again, especially as my boys would come up to bat, was, “Just be Keith!” or “Just be Craig!” Sometimes other spectators woud look at me as if I was an idiot, probably wondering what on earth did I mean by that!
The answer is simple enough. I believed, if I encouraged them to just be themselves, it would relieve them of some pressure to perform. I hoped to let them know I thought just being themselves was good enough, even more so, being themselves was the best they could be!
When we try our best to be our best, we are our best, because that is exactly who God made us to be. He wants us to be who we are. He loves who we are; maybe not everything we do, but He does love who we are. His hope for our lives is that we become all that we can. He forms us in our Mother’s womb and lauches us into our orbital path where we live and grow in His image and likeness until He calls us back to Him. We are His image and likeness, and yet unique at the same time. When we discover our talents and use them according to His will we fulfill His plan for our lives. And, we discover our talents when we listen to His voice within guiding us to our best selves.
So, the next time you are feeling pressure to get the job done, or pressure to look, feel, or behave a certain way, pause to remember God made you just the way you are. Just be you … it is the best you can be!

I want to believe that you are what you are because the way Momma and I did a good job bringing you up but that makes me feel like I’m bragging so I’ll give all the credit to Mamma who certainly deserves it. Any way I’m very thankful proud for what you are doing. God Bless you! Love you, Daddy
Thanks, Daddy. Thanks so much for your love and support. God couldn’t have blessed me with a better father! He made me through you! I love you.